Clubs and Web sites offer parks unique marketing opportunities

Posted | Contributed by Gemini

As a business whose core mission is to make people happy, it is no surprise that the amusement industry has its share of groupies. While park-specific groups have seen growth in recent years, the Internet is where the impact of the amusement industry’s growing fan base is profoundly felt.

Read more from IAAPA's Funworld.

Link: PointBuzz

Link: Theme Parks : United Kingdom

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Excellent quote, Walt. :)

Every kid (and some adults) with forum software, a camera and webspace should have to read this:

According to Innes, the site worked to gain the park’s trust; now Cedar Point provides information to Pointbuzz’s moderators. Walt Schmidt, one of the site’s founders, considers himself a Cedar Point enthusiast, rather than a coaster or an amusement park enthusiast. He agrees that building trust is vital: “You have to learn to play by the rules set by the park and to respect any boundaries they set. Access given is a privilege.”

*** This post was edited by Lord Gonchar 8/7/2005 1:31:42 PM ***

I just don't understand why a person would spend countless hours on a "park fan website"? Don't these people have a lfe?

Kevin Reid

“You have to learn to play by the rules set by the park and to respect any boundaries they set. Access given is a privilege.”

Translation: If you want to get in good with the parks, be prepared to kiss their posterior ;).

Jeff's avatar
It's not even that, it's more along the lines of "don't be a moron." That's like my phrase of the year. :)
rollergator's avatar
Tekno...I've been contacted by a few parks in relation to ideas, compliments AND critiques/criticisms I've's NOT necessarily about "kissing fannies". Granted, more of the parks would probably ENJOY some of that, but some of the notes/e-mails I've gotten from parks were more directly related to some of my complaints and *CONSTRUCTIVE* criticisms...

"Moronic" posting and spreading false rumors and such IS a good way to make sure parks AVOID your input....if that's what you're after... ;)

P.S. Kevin,. you know I have no life... :)

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