Closing Dragster for season "last resort"

Posted | Contributed by Gemini

If Top Thrill Dragster isn't repaired by mid-July, Cedar Point will officially close the coaster for the season and reopen it next year, according to Cedar Fair, LP CEO Dick Kinzel, the Sandusky Register is reporting. The problems revolve around contaminants in the hydraulic fluid.

Park spokeswoman Janice Witherow stressed closing the ride is "one of many scenarios and the park isn't focusing on that."

Read more from Virtual Midway.

Link: Cedar Point Virtual Midway

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Going to Cedar Point every year has been a very religious thing to me and still is. I'm not gonna post any crap about the problems though. I just want to say that Cedar Point has done some pretty amazing things in the past and I bet that they will continue to amaze me this year by being able to re-open the dragster. To anyone who thinks that they won't, shame on you. I think Cedar Point will continue to amaze this year. I have strong faith that Cedar Point will have Top Thrill Dragster open by the holiday weekend.*** This post was edited by johnny b. 6/28/2003 10:13:52 PM ***
Even though there is still so much other stuff to do there, in a way, TTD being down ruins it for me and I don't even want to ride it this year. I was so looking forward to going to CP and riding Raptor, MF, Magnum, etc. without having to wait 1-2 hours for each ride, because TTD would have drawn people to it and kept other lines around the park down. I hate spending half of my time in the park waiting in line for everything. Sorry that I have to feel this way but I do.
This is why Deja Vu doesn't exist to me.

On another note, anyone see any Italian guys running around the Point lately?


jkpark's avatar
I'm sure glad I got a ride when I did.


I'm still on the road on my trip that included Cedar Point. I don't know much about TTD's hydraulic system and I'm not really a hydraulic expert though I have worked with them some. Here's what I can say:

A hydraulic system like this is really complex. Each motor typically involves several cylindete that can be damaged. And of course, the same is true for the pumps. Chemical contamination of a system is usually worse than mechanical since it's harder to completely purge. Plus the damage from the chemical contamination adds plenty of mechanical contamination. Purging a complex system is a difficult job.

This type of problem is usually a function of installation problems rather than design or fabrication problems. A field hydraulic installation like this requires extremely careful cleaning and testing prior to the final hookup. Everything has to be clean and dry. (Yes, dry even if you are using water based hydraulic fluid. Let a little rust form before you have the corrosion inhibitors in and you are in trouble.)*** This post was edited by Jim Fisher 6/29/2003 10:41:19 PM ***

Ride of Steel's avatar
I still think its because that guy pissed on the machine....

I go to the point each year to have their new coaster break down, thats my life.

My first reaction is/was.. "ha ha ha aha!!!!!! thats what you get, you had it coming".... and I guess I still feel that way.. those concrete making, SUV driving stuck up yuppies.. but as far as the coaster and Intamin, hats off!! They have done a kick booty job, you have to expect major delays with this technology.

Maybe this will act as a note to many CORPORATE TYPE parks that breaking records and ripping peeps faces off isn't everything. It's cool, but not worth over an hour standing on hot concrete in the blistering sun... and all those cell phones... my lexus is calling, gotta go.

Jeff's avatar
What does any of that have to do with amusement rides? Or for that matter, the business of an amusement park. You do realize parks aren't charities, right?

You sound like someone who is bitter they don't have nice things, and doesn't care to do anything about it.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

I guess I am a little bitter with Cedar Point, it used to be so much fun, one of the best. Over the years, IMO, it has changed for the worse. They keep selling out to the record breaking gimmiks, first mean streak, mellenium... streak had/has so many probs, think they would re-think record breakers. And CP does really have alot of attitude and arrogance. A few years ago, someone asked if they would turn one of the Gemini's backwards, a-la every other racer in the country, and CP said "well... were not into GIMMICKS, you'll never see that at our park." enough said there.

I do have alot of good things to say as well. Operations wise, CP is one of the best. It's a tough job, and they do it well. Esp when compared to most of the other big parks. Most of their rides have high capacity, and they do their best to fulfill that. I cringed when they lobotomized the Blue Streak, I worked on that ride in 92-93, the very last 2 years it was original. All the massive slabs of concrete, the robot like silver cattle rails on every ride, the brainwashing and record breaking, just isn't that fun to me anymore.

I know CP tries hard, and they DO make a lot of people happy. Guess I shouldn't say bad things if I don't have anything good to say... it just sucks though, I lived and worked at the park for 3 years, and I have no desire to go there now. Just miss it, bitter is right. Luckily, I have Holiday World and Indiana Beach, which are worlds more fun.

Jeff's avatar
Again, I don't see how you "sell out" when you're a business. The point is to sell sell sell, not build mediocre attractions so people can go to the competition instead.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

Does anyone know who manufactured the hydraulic system.

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