Closed Captioned for Roller Coaster Videos?

Since I'm deaf and stuff, I wonder if any of you guys know any roller coaster videos that is closed captioned. I'm asking you guys this because maybe some of you guys are probably deaf too.

SFNE's Superman's the best!

Well the ones on discovery channel are obviously LOL. Other then that I don't know of any but perhaps if you got ahold of the company they have a transcript or something its worth a shot.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

XFan: Hold on. When i go home tonight I'll boot up my "World's/America's Greatest Rollercoaster Thrills" videos and see what's the dilly.
jeremy aka GrandMaster Sex-aie
I don't believe the video Hostyl's talking about is closed captioned.

America's Greatest Roller Coaster Thrills in 3-D is not captioned in the DVD form. And, Discovery Channel doesn't seem to caption their shows either. This is a crying shame considering that the cost to caption an hour of programming is only about $300 which is pretty small even for low budget productions such as these.

By the way I have a really cute 16 year old daughter who is a deaf memeber of ACE. ;)

Seriously the Discovery Channels shows aren't CC? That doesn't seem right. If you ask me it should be law to make all television programs CC. I have experience with the deaf and mentally handicapped people, my Parents run an adult foster care home and the state of things in this country for the disabled is truly appalling.

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

Sorry Charlie, as stated above, they indeed are NOT cc'ed

"Nobody writes about the planes that land." Steve Salerno Washington Times 7-10-01

Unfortunately, prime time television on the major broadcast networks is the only television that is legally required to be closed captioned. Fortunately, in recent years more and more television is being captioned even though it isn't required by law. Captioned local news is particularly marvelous for the deaf.

No videos are required to be captioned by law. For years, Barney was captioned on PBS, but for some reason the videos were not captioned. The producers captioned the videos only when the New York Times video critic threatened to give them a negative review on their next video if it was not captioned. The last I knew, the classic Patty Duke/Anne Bancroft version of The Miracle Worker was still not available captioned.

If you think conditions for the handicapped are bad now, you should have been around 30 years ago. PL 94-142 (now called Idea) and the Americans with Disabilities Act have made vast improvements. Before these laws, schools weren't required to provide any special educaiton services, and employers were not required to make any accomadations.

Xfan, if you don't mind me asking, are you signing or oral as your primary mode of communication?

*** This post was edited by Jim Fisher on 3/5/2002. ***

I never learn how to speak, I just know signing. And I agree that there should be a law that all videos must be CC, including Roller Coaster OFC.
And sorry if this is off topic, but is there anyone who is deaf member in coasterbuzz?

SFNE's Superman's the best!


Hey, I am deaf. I am an ACE member not a CoasterBuzz Club member, I will probably join CoasterBuzz Club later in the future, just not right now.


Derek McBride
PKI Dude

XFan, I am not deaf but I know there are newer tvs out there that go closed captioned when the mute button is pressed. I know this because my parents just got a new tv in their room. When they muted it, we could read what was being said on the tv. We put in a video tape and it did the same thing. The only problem is the tv is a "little" expensive, but they do work for any video tape.

Gravity is your friend!

I am not deaf, but I use the captions all the time. When someone calls on the phone, I use the captions so I can watch at the same time. When I watch movies, I use the captions so I can catch all the dialogue.

Many times the captions are pathetic.... they have spelling errors, or they just "paraphrase" the dialogue rather than keeping the screenwriting intact. That needs to be worked on.

He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.

I'm deaf as well.

VERY few coaster shows have been captioned... indeed, it's a shame.

However, most of what I'm watching is roller coaster action. BUT, there were some documentation that I WANTED to hear [via my eyes] about, like that show about how GCI/Morgan designed and built their coasters.

Oh well, us deaf people has adapted to our environment in the past; in fact, I can adapt pretty damn well, and this doesn't matter *THAT* much to me.

However, if anyone's suing Discovery, etc. for not captioning them, throw me in the case.

Edit to respond to XFan: In fact, the LAW requires PUBLIC television media to be CLOSED CAPTIONED--no matter what. I've suffered at school with CHEESY educational videos that aren't captioned and I miss a lot of information due to fast talking people and many interpreters can not catch up without paraphrasing, which does not conceive all the information that is necessary. And count me in for being one guy of few deaf people on CoasterBuzz!

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
Will Johansson, Webmaster of Xtreme Paramount Parks

*** This post was edited by The Jet Coaster on 3/6/2002. ***

Wow I never knew that there will be a couple of deaf kids here at Coasterbuzz. Thank you for supporting me. My Mom is the teacher of the deaf, she understand how upset am I when the coasters shows aren't CC. She once sent an email to discovery channel, and they respond by showing which shows will be CC, NO ROLLER COASTERS...
In fact I'm beginning to think that we should sue..

SFNE's Superman's the best!

There's the best document on TV requirements and closed captioning.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Brandon: Thanks for the link to the new captioning rules.

While these new rules greatly expand the requirement for captioning on broadcast and cable tlelevision, they unfortunately still exempt video tapes and DVDs from any requirement to be captioned. This is probably a result of the powerful lobby and large camapign contributions of the motion picture industry which is adamantly opposed to any federal regulations. (I have some sympathy for that.) The cost of captioning as I have mentioned before is negligable except for a few tiny producers. The attitude of some Hollywood producers seems to be that they just dont' care about the deaf, and captioning is so small a detail that they don't want to be bothered.

It's interesting that the new regulations don't actually apply directly to producers or networks. They instead place the requirements on the local stations and cable companies. I guess we can tell who makes the big campaign contributions.

Even as it is constructed, this law should eventually force the Discovery Channel, etc. to caption their shows. I hope that they continue the captioning when they sell the shows as videos. I always find it amazing when broadcast shows are captioned, but the captions are eliminated when the same show is sold on video tape.

I just checked a TLC coaster program (owned by Discovery Communications) and there's no CC either. I would recommend sending an email or letter to corporate headquarters. Maybe if enough people complain, they'll take it into consideration for future programming. Interestingly enough, a program on big trucks right now on TLC has CC.

GWG, sorry, but unless the program was close-captioned to begin with, there is no close-captioning.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.

*** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 3/6/2002. ***

Excerpt from Brandon's link:

As of January 1, 2006, 100% of the distributor's new, nonexempt programs must be provided with captions.

Booh yah! Finally! But gee whiz, that's a long time from now. A little less than four years. But then again, I didn't expect the Winter Olympics to come so soon after the 1998 Nagano Games!

*** This post was edited by The Jet Coaster on 3/7/2002. ***

Jim Fisher said:
"By the way I have a really cute 16 year old daughter who is a deaf memeber of ACE."

Really, I'm 17 myself and is she having same problems like me with CC on roller coaster shows? Also is she a member of coasterbuzz? i would like to meet her. Also thank you for the info you gave us deaf people about the CC on roller coaster shows! and also is that ur daughter on your personal photo?

SFNE's Superman's the best! check out my new photo in my info page.

Can I ask how you became deaf.

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