Cloning question

rollergator's avatar
astrosgp, we may not have to wait FOREVER for an Intamin coaster...Acro was really fun, still prefer PKI's version just a little, with the added height (not to mention the Eiffel Tower view).  Can't help wondering if Jeff would've included the Premier launched spaghetti-bowl coasters in the list BEFORE the removal of the OTSRs...j/k! 
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
I could care less if theres a clone of Raptor. I'm actually kind of happy for our friends in the far east for being able to have the privelage of experiencing the layout. :)
May 5th 2002-running of the bulls to catch the CP webcam spider and put him in a jar!
Cloning Raptor? Wait! I thought we were limiting the 'acceptable' cloning to *good* rides.. hehehehehehe
RaptorHater :)
--(note: the above is merely a 'running gag'. Please dont take it too might get your feelings hurt)
Actually the thing that I *still* don't understand is why the eastern park went ahead and cloned Raptor when it's a long drawn out layout specifically tailored to the space the CF had made by taking out the old log flume and other assorted stuff.

The layout is good but you'd think the park would have been better served getting a tighter design. Ah well, guess it doesn't really matter much anyhow :-)

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nasai's avatar
Colin, I will say this much...I have ridden both Raptor and it's clone, Orochi.  Yes, it is true that Raptor might have been built for the space it inhabits, but have you seen what Orochi travels over?  It is awesome.  The coaster is built over a tree lined swimming area, and picnic area.  Imagine flying over a whole bunch of cherry trees in full blossom, on a nice spring day, with the warm wind tearing through your hair.  Imagine taking a lunch next to the wading pools and hear the kids laugh with the screams of coaster riders directly over your head.  Wonderful.  It also makes for easy photo opportunities. 

Plus, people always say clones stink because they are the same ride in different parks, or parts of the world.  I don't think clones are necessarily the same at all, except for the apparent physical similarities.  Anyone can tell you that Psyclone is not the CI Cyclone, right?  I prefer Orochi over Raptor, but that is my personal taste.  I think it is wonderful that Japan has some clones (like the states), and some amazingly original coasters (good and bad).   Suzuka Curcuit has the best SLC I have ever ridden.  Not rough, just a little "push and pull," as they say.

I think of clones like this...  If you cloned yourself, it still wouldn't be you.  It would be him.  That's what I feel towards cloned rides.
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Basically, when SFoT debuted Titan, they just got a piece of a good deal that proved extremely popular down in Southern California the previous year. ;)
rollergator's avatar
amen nasai...for me, even the same ride at different times of day gives a different experience.  Think about riding your favorite woodie first ride of the morning, then compare it to the last ride, in the dark, with lights on around the park...midnight rides on The Beast, after park closing (during CoasterCamp), were a totally unque experience!
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
nasai's avatar
Rollergator...I can only dream about Beast at night.  I had a pretty rough and tumble experience on Beast, so I have mixed feelings about it.  Guess I need to give it another shot.  I agree with you about the changes in a ride due to weather, or just a time of day.  Obviously this is true, as we all know, but it does make certain clones less rideable, and others more.  I would love to see the world inhabited with original rides, don't get me wrong!  BUT, I personally like going to a new park, and seeing a tried and true ride there.  It keeps designers on their toes, and it makes the GP happy.  Ain't that enough?
This is sooooooooooooo cool

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