Classic TV ads

From '91 of the Demon at Wonderland Sydney (Vekoma Boomerang) upon it's debut. Shows a group of people walking in a dark, spooky cemetery & the gates slam shut. The camera then zooms on the ride sign with spooky SFX.

A demonic ride-op watches the unsuspecting 'victims' board the train & blows kisses at them as it pulls out. At the top, he slams his fist on the button & the train thunders through the inversions & comes to a stop on the other hill. You hear evil laughter from a speaker & the riders look on horror as they roll backwards.

The train comes to a stop & you see someone pull his hands off the OTSRs which has 'grooves' on it from gripping it tightly. A pretty girl waiting for her turn asks the same person "how was it?" The guy turns his head, he is now a demon & as his eyes glow red, replies "I vink I've been to hell and back." The girl screams & the demonic op cackles as the screen reverts to an overall shot as it ends with park info etc.

I like the MF ads, the one where there are stylish 'M's everywhere & of the guy hitching a ride.
I STILL remember the tv comeicals for drachenfire and to think they didn;t evne hype apollo!
All at once the ghosts come back reeling you in now.
What about the Pepsi commercial where the guy brought a Pepsi on Alpie? He had to turn the drink as they went through loops, and inline twists. He spilled it when the girl asked him what time is was....Ahh thats why I drink Pepsi;)
Ricochet: Bouncing to you in 2002, Only at King's Dominion!
My favorite CP commercial is the girl (or boy) on the sled in the snow.  The talkover basically says "Time is running out."  Get to the Point.
"My My look whos riding Magnum!"
The kid in the sled is a close second.
Mr 2000
01 Magnum Count: 782
Total Magnum Count:2047
"I hate it when they don't race Mean Streak"

*** This post was edited by Dan on 9/10/2001. ***

the ad for Riddlers Revenge with the guy running with his arms in the air to the olympic song, then all of a sudden, he leans over and pukes in a trash can, revealing the Riddlers Revenge logo behind him...classic =)
"Ahh Beer. My one weakness. My Achilles heel, if you will" - Homer Simpson
"Whoooa, that's hot. There isn't a man alive who wouldn't get turned on by that. Well, goodbye!" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by UpsideBlue on 9/10/2001. ***

I remember one for Six Flags Great America that was on all the time last summer. It was really annoying, but funny. This guy would stand on top of a coaster, (I think I remember it being Raging Bull)and play a banjo. Then he would sing "Six Flags Great America, Where Fun Runs Wild!" My favorite is the Pepsi commercial. Where can you go wrong? Pepsi, coasters, hot girls...
Bull rides: 103
Batman rides: 61
SFGA2001: LOL!! he stood in front of Demons corckscrw, and he looked pretty dumb all the while...My favorite is the Raging Bull debut season ads, i wish i had that on tape. And my favorite radio ad was also from Raging Bull's debut season, which they played on Q101.

Iron Wolf: Can you stand it?

all i get is stupid, family fun, holiday world comercials
Montu, God Of Coasters

Raging Bull, Don't Fight It, Ride It

The best amusment park commerical that I have seen would have to be the SFMM ones with a barbie and ken doll.  I can't remember the details, but man oh man were they funny!
where can i see some of these
Montu, God Of Coasters

Raging Bull, Don't Fight It, Ride It

It's weird...... the Pepsi commerical with the guy riding Alpengeist is pretty old and has never been shown where I live. But, a few days ago, for the first time ever.... I saw that commerical on tv. I recognized it because somone had posted a topic about it a long time ago. It is a really cool commerical.
Is there a place were we can load these classic commercial?
Formerly Xtremerider86

I still remember the commercials from when The Big Bad Wolf opened at BGW!!It was set in the woods and all you see flying through the woods was a pair of red eyes! I was only like in 5th grade at the time- those commercials freaked me out:)! When we would drive I would always look in the woods as we would drive by thinking about seeing those red eyes coming for me!! :)

Please Remember 3!!
Remember the legend 1951-2001!!

i would love to see the old Busch Gardens comercials
Montu, God Of Coasters

Raging Bull, Don't Fight It, Ride It

Sorry for doing such a recent commercial, but my absolute favortie roller coaster commercial can be summed up in one word: AFLAC!



worst one: 2000 Adventuredome: "Do the Dome" - very very bad.
I remember "No Six Flags Park is more that one day's drive away"
Got a problem with RWB/MS? you've got a problem with me!
I pray that I will never see a Six Flags Conneaut Lake

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