circus circus roof caves in

i just heard the tail end of a storie on the news that the roof at the circus circus caseno,just caved in.....does anybody know more about this?
hmmmm thats not good to hear considering I'm gonna stay their part of my trip in 2 or 3 weeks :-/

Alan Jacyszyn
SFDLnet opening March 15th on Coasterbuzz!
better call ahead.
And bring protective gear.

"Circus Show1 has crashed!"
"This casino is a hard-hat area..."


lol....ive never benn to circus circus.what kind of rides do they have in there?
Where did you hear this?
I work at circus circus in the theme park and i know they are doing repair work in the skyrise casino, haven't heard about any other incidents, but ill check it out when i go to work today.

On a better note Chaos is done and the county will come by again today to give final certification for the ride. The plan is to have it open for vegas' spring break which is the second week in april, but ive heard umors of it soft opening as early as next week.
As for the rides at the Adventuredome...

~Canyon Blaster - 94ft tall arrow corkscrew coaster - 55mph 2 vertical loops, 2 corkscrews - 3.5 g's
~Rim Runner - Arrow 60ft tall shoot the chutes with 45' camelback drop - okay ride, but dont open mouth on drop or give into the temptation to drink the water, if you only knew...
~Lazer Blast - laser tag arena - only worth it if there are less than 7 people in any of the three lines or else your wait will be really long!
~Inverter - Chance ride that isnt as fun as it seems, a little painful on the thighs
~Chaos - opening first week of april or so - also by chance
~Sand Pirate - Zamperla swinging ship
~Imax Cineplex - not as good as other imax rides in town, but still fun. playing reboot and funhouse express (pick funhouse, its older but funner) expect a long wait if the line is in the little courtyard area, but usually its worth it to see them once. AND DONT TOUCH THOSE SEATBELTS!

~all other rides are not really worth mention but include a Wisdom mini-Himalaya called Road Runners, BC Bus (a zamperla crazy bus), canyon cars (soli bumper cars), drifters (60ft tall zamperla balloon wheel), carousel, and kiddie coaster and airplane ride.
This is a BS story......
Anyone find any realistic verification? I haven't... In the grips of a loooong winter, rumors abound!

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
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im just telling you about a storie i heard on the news the other day.i didn't hear the entire storie,but I did hear about a section of roof collapsing.
ITS TRUE! I just saw it for myself last night. I've been walking by it everyday and never noticed it, but its a spot right next to the promenade in the skyrise casino. Apparently its the area that keeps leeking whenever it rains! They just let it sit there and i guess waited until now to fix it.
I happen to live in vegas and yes it is true. It was on our news.
there you go agent johnson...put that in your pipe and smoke

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