Christian theme park wants tax-exempt status

Posted | Contributed by Joe Carroll

The Holy Land Experience theme park is suing the county and state after it was denied tax-exempt status. The park argues that it is an educational and religious facility, but the appraiser says that it is not a church, museum or school, but rather a business.

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Jeff's avatar
If they're basically putting on shows and charging for it, that's a business, give me a break. When they have their "scriptorium," I can see that being a true museum, but not this.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

*moan*  This is still the most bird brained concept i have heard of in my life.
Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
staticman00's avatar
Why does this sound so familiar?  Something about a Maude Flanders statue, and everyone getting high....  Oh wait a minute...
Man, that chick would be hot if she were single...
I dunno about ya'll but I never thought the concept of church as being a fun theme park...

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Who could forget that Simpsons episode? :)

Yea, it definitly is a business, no arguement over that..
- Your #1 Darien Lake 2002 Construction Source!

Whats with these people they take in money but they dont want to pay out, must be nice not to pay property tax. Anyone want to pay mine for this year ($6,700) anyone lol. Here is alink for a complete story of this.

Army Rangers lead the way

Perfect idea for a ride at a religious park:

Rollercoaster with many inversions, but no restraints.  The Lord will save us...

Mind you, I'm religious.  But anybody who thinks it will be fun to go to the theme park dictated by the super-religious is nuts.

"Zion's Hope, a nonprofit, nondenominational Christian ministry"

If it's nonprofit, then it better fits the description of a charity than a business. Maybe they're arguing that the taxes should be going toward a better cause? That's just my take.
*** This post was edited by scanz on 11/25/2001. ***

Oh this is hilarious!  It really angers me though cus this is why so many churches have a really bad reputation by association.  Hey Big Chiefs....why don't you try this?  Zeus...I mean, he's a god, right?  OH! BGT!  Montu is an African god!  You shouldn't have to pay taxes either!  Isn't this place getting an Intamin Holy Roller? ;)
Ride the New England Bush!
Shouldn't this topic be closed?

Seems to me is is just screaming confrontation among users.  Religion is not something I personally care to discuss in a coaster forum... positively or negatively.

Jeff, the park news merits a listing, but to open the forum (let alone start the thread) to such a subject is a bad move IMO.


Oh please. I'm a Christinian, but this is sooooo much a buisness. I agree with the statement about the parks! I mean... Apollo, and Montu were once religeous figures, so lets make them tax-exempt. No way!
eh it's a business.
All at once the ghosts come back reeling you in now.
It's hard to say without all the facts. But I will say this (and for the record I am a commited Christian). It seems as if they are charging for admission, rather than relying primarily on donations. To me this means they are a business and should be taxed.

There are Christian Book Stores, I believe those are taxed. Just because you use the term Christian or religion doesn't automatically make you tax exempt.

But like I said, I don't have all the facts.

Jeff's avatar
Shaggy: This is a bona fide news item on the amusement industry and it's a perfectly valid topic for discussion. If you disagree, fine, you're not obligated to participate.

I personally agree with some of the comments about this kind of thing giving organized religion in general a bad name. Having Pat Robertson on your side certainly doesn't do anything for credibility either.

Religion is a very personal thing to me, and I've seen countless times where people have done very ugly things that I don't agree with in the name of the same beliefs I hold. In college I saw so much of it I was ready to turn aetheist and forget about all of it. Fortunately a friend of mine helped me see that religion isn't about some moron on TV telling me I'm saved and, oh by the way, mail your checks to this address.

Be cautious of anyone who tries to "sell" you on religion... something might not be right.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Religion should stay out of politics and business or be taxed.

That's all I'm going to let myself say about that.

This reminds me of an old Steve Martin routine... I forget the "character's" name, but he is a TV evangelist type... Martin (in his best sterotypical faith healer evangelist voice) says "I got in trouble for building a baptismal pool in my home... so what if it had jacuzzi jets."

Call it what you like, but this "park" is a business.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..." *** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 11/26/2001. ***

I don't really even see why a religious organization should ever be tax exempt at all! Taxes support the community and the welfare of all.....isn't that what religious organizations CLAIM they want to do anyway???

This park would clearly be a money making venture so taxation seems in line with the laws of the land.

Shining Path, Taliban, Christian Right......all the same to me.


It sounds like they're hurting for business. If they were making enough money then they wouldn't be getting in a big huff over this.

And Shaggy, if you don't like the topic, NO ONE is making you read it or comment on it. This is a very legitimate topic, and judging by the amount of response, kinda popular too.

Once again we see that money truely fuel religion. Makes you stop and think.

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