Chat With Ole Lange Saturday

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 8th, Ole Lange will be a guest in the ThrillSpot chat room from 3-5 PM eastern. You will be able to ask him questions that may or may not relate to the game. All he asks is no tech support questions or asking for help with the editor. There are 2 ways to connect to the chat:

1. (recommended) Using an IRC client such as mIRC ( Connect to server Irc.Magicstar.Net and join #thrillspot

2. Connect immediately using the applet at

Hope to see you there! :)

Think about this for a minute: how much would you enjoy the chat if only 1 question asked during the entire 2 hours actually interested you or pertained to you.  Tech support and specific problems should be dealt with person to person.  Its the same as how here, if you have a problem with a mod, you should email them instead of making a topic.

Top Gun: The Jet Coaster Flights in 2001: 85
Coaster Tracks Ridden: 57

That's your own fault.  I might want to climb a mountain, but I'd have have to buy hundreds of dollars worth of equipment.  So I'm not going to.  I also might want a third arm.  I'm not going to get one because, not only would the operation cost in the range of the hundred thousands, I'd have to place my life in the hands of some lunatic doctor hoping to get his name into the recod books.

You wanted to play it.  You thought it would be fun.  You, in your own opinoin, thought wrong.  You can't blame Ole for that.

Anyways, if you honestly paid $400 for an upgrade, you probably benefitted more from doing so than simply being able to play No Limits...

Did you know that 1 in every 5 American teenagers believes that the US declared its independence from FRANCE???

DawgByte II's avatar
Anybody have any transcripts on the chat that went on today with Ole Lange?

Unfortunately, I missed it... but if somebody was in there between that time, did they manage to save the chat as a TXT file? If so, where can I get it...

...or at the VERY least, what was talked about? Anything interesting?

...Wondering what the 2002 season holds for all parks...

The chat just ended about 10 minutes ago. There was a very large turnout and things went very smoothly. Ole answered a TON of questions. The log will be posted at soon.

EDIT: Log is NOW up. Everything was edited out but the questions. 44 questions were answered total:

Theres a FAQ for ya :P

Top Gun: The Jet Coaster Flights in 2001: 85
Coaster Tracks Ridden: 57

*** This post was edited by StarCoasters on 12/8/2001. ***

its funny listening to all the people that complain about Ole and the tech support for the game. I personally have had no problem's w/No Limits. Its a great program. Ole is only one person, and im sure he's doing what he can to address people's tech. support questions. He's currently writing a patch to fix some of the problem's in the game so give the guy a break.

Whenever you buy a program there's always bound to be some bugs especially in the first release of the product. Look at all Microsoft products! I dont think ive yet to see a Microsoft product that doesnt have any bugs, and i dont think i ever will. But then again thats because Microsoft doesnt write there code properly...(ie: they throw pointers around to space's of memory where nothing is located, etc.)

i program myself in C/C++, Visual Basic, and other various languages and writing a program as good as No Limits takes alot of time and effort, so just back off and give Ole sometime to work on it.

Ole, if your reading this id just like say that you've done an incredible job on No Limits! keep up the good work. 

I haven't played NL yet (thanx to my computer) but from what i've seen Ole has done a great job. And that he made this on his spare time, he works 40 hours/week. It was a fun event, i hope you'll get other kinda famous peoples in there... :)
I have to admit the editor had me perplexed for a while but now I have it down perfect and love this game. I've created some great inverted coasters with it and hope to start working on some other coaster types. Thanks Ole, you are the man when it comes to realistic coaster simulations.

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