Chance Zipper

....have installed Chance Zipper'z as rides? I personally love them and would not mind one being installed at my local theme park( WOF). And, they could theme it, and make it nicer than the fair ones. It could also run a little longer in both directions to make the ride longer!

I really think it would be awesome, since the ride is amazingly air-filled and intense! Does anyone else agree with me?

Mamoosh's avatar
Lesourdesville Lake [aka Americana] installed a Zipper this year.

"Three simple words: I am gay." - Homer Simpson, giving advice on how to dump a girl.

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh on 8/28/2002. ***

Yea your right LeSourdsville Lake does have one, it wasn't that great for me being my gf couldn't provide enough slam to get us going, LeSourdsvilles goes both ways also.

(Former Signature replaced due to bad joke with accident) The Beast at night-Two peas in a pod? Next article against Markey!

what is it?

-and Mamoosh, what's with ur signature?

Cedar Point: America's Rockin' Roller Coast!

Here is the page at Chance rides on the Zipper:

If you havn't heard of it or seen it before, make sure to watch the video. It's an insane ride!

Because they certainly seem like more of a carnival ride than say, a huge Mondial or Huss ride would be. Could also be with capacity...

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Mamoosh's avatar

CP Nut - lately I've been quoting Homer Simspson in my signature. That is just one of the many funny things he's said. I just changed it today, so if you look for my posts from this morning you can view my last sig [the infamous "I am so smart!"]

Why do you ask?

"Three simple words: I am gay." - Homer Simpson, giving advice on how to dump a girl.

john peck's avatar
Many parks decide to not deal with rides you have to "turn" several times to ge loaded. The Zipper needs to be turned at least six times for a full load. Yes, some don't really want a "carnival" ride in their parks, but it's still a good ride anyway.

Mamoosh, I must say you inspire me as well.

"To alchohol, the cause....and solution to most of lifes problems" Homer Simpson

Next time, I'm gonna contribute my Sanford and Son remarks....

"You Big Dummy!"

Yeah, I get your reasoning on the "turning" the ride alot to load, but I think you are forgetting something. A ferris wheel has to turn alot to load people in. And the Zipper has more capacity than a ferris wheel since the seats are facing each way every other car! And a ferris wheel seats 2 people to a car, just like a Zipper.

And, you said that parks don't want a more carnival type ride, but couldn't they make it look more "professinal". Like better paint, a que house, station, paint, etc....

I know that it is probably unlikly, but I think a Zipper would work well in a park. I also think it would be a huge hit with the GP!

I know if a major park put one in, I'd feel safer riding it. It is an awesome ride

You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet

Very true Dennis. I to enjoy the Zipper, but it seems all the carnivals I visit have a model from the 1970's that is barely maintained. The caged cars are really beat up.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

john peck's avatar
A lot of the reasoning about installing "carnival" rides in theme parks is you really can't advertise them singlely (you would need to have a new section of smaller rides to get a definate increase at the gate). The themers always want something bigger and more incredible as well. I mean why pay $40 at a park, when you can find one at a fair for $2 a ride?

Plus, the turnover is the biggest factor.

Make a Zipper that can load flat, run at least 850 PPR and look like it doesn't belong on a trailer, and a large themer will buy one.

Id love to see one nicely themed, in a smaller park, but many parks just don't want one right now. Even LeSourdesvilles' isn't permenant.

Ohh, well! John, you made some good points! I still would LOVE for one to be installed at an amusement park. Preferablly close to where I live! :-)

Loading time is the worst thing about the Zipper. I'm sure Chance would be able to figure out a way to make a park model. Maybe like someone earlier said, have it load on it's side instead of up and down like they do now. Have the centerpoint lower, like the way a Italian trapeeze does.

I could see smaller parks getting one but not a bigger park chain. Just keep them away form the food stands and near the bathrooms!

Visits to Knoebels in 2002: 6

john peck's avatar
One of the reasons thje Double Ferris Wheel was discontinued was the turn-over, and the fact that it took two trailers to haul and wasn't profitable enough.

Notice this: Parks are even remvong the smaller one-load-at-a-time Ferris wheels and replacing them with giant wheels (loading 5 tubs at a time)

The days of the low capacity flat ride is over in the big parks, even though some places don't know how to run their rides at full capacity.

Interesting trivia:

Not all Chance Zippers are created equal. While Jerry and I were able to take several rides on the one at LeSourdsville, we could not fit in the one at the MN State Fair (not even close to having the cage door lock)

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

Mamoosh's avatar

Coasterville Dave - same for the Chance Skydiver and Toboggan [which, coicidentally, run the same vehicals!].

As for the Zipper...IMHO there is no better carnival ride out there. Strangely, it was a ride I refused to get on until I was in early 30's, and then I was cursing myself for not having ridden it sooner. I love it when you "catch the edge" going forward. As the saying goes: "there's nothing better then going face first on a zipper!"

Moosh - TGIF!

"Three simple words: I am gay." - Homer Simpson, giving advice on how to dump a girl.

......or losing all your DDR quarters! Right Rob? :) I HATE that ride with a passion, yet I still give it another "chance". Toothpicks like me don't enjoy being tossed about a steel cage! But show me a Rock O Plane and stand back!
Brad Sherman
"Well sir, there's nothin' on earth like a genuine bona fide electrified 6-car Monorail!" - Lyle Lanley
Model coasters and rides

After riding my first (and most likely last) Chance Toboggan last week, I have to wonder why Chance enjoyed putting people in cages. As others have mentioned, their Turbo, SkyDiver, Toboggan, and Zipper all featured cars that confined riders in cage-like contraptions. The Zipper may be the worst of the bunch for me as I hate having a steel cage just inches away from my face. I know that's "part of the thrill", but it really bothers me to be that enclosed.

I believe Chance updated their Zipper rides back in 1999 or so by adding a new latch to the doors. Perhaps they modified the seating as well.... although an open air car would have been nice.

ray p. (another Homer quote from the Monorail episode: (to Bart) "Do you want to change your name to Homer Jr.? The kids can call you Ho-Ju." Ahh... what a great show!)

This site has some goodies about the Zipper:

I love to watch this ride. There is just something mesmerizing about it and I like how "mechanical" it looks. It's a no-nonsense ride without any flash to conceal it's parts.

Riding the thing is another matter altogether. :)

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.

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