Cedar Point (VertiGo and others) 8/27/01

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Jeff's avatar
Last park on a five-park trip through four states, this one closer to home. Steph had her grad school orientation, so I was going solo. On the agenda was VertiGo, the new up-charge S&S Absolutely Insane, and a few rides with Ultimate Rollercoaster's Eric Gieszl who was in from SoCal (a Cedar Point virgin).

We arrived at CLE from BWI at 8 a.m., so you can bet I wasn't in any hurry to spend an entire day at Cedar Point. Fortunately, it looked crowded, but it wasn't.

I arrived at the park around 12:30, and jumped on Magnum for a quickie before heading to my VertiGo appointment. With the sore thighs from Hypersonic the day before, I was a little apprehensive, but a strong wind was keeping the ride in check. It felt nice to be home.

From there I headed over to VertiGo. I'll post photos and a review and such at some point. I did the standard "hot rocket" since I didn't know what to expect. A harness that looks like a big jock strap goes on your chest with four pins at the end of straps. The pins attach to points around the seat where they can't be released without applying air pressure to the vehicle from an external hose.

Once strapped in, the vehicle rises about five feet off of the ground as you prepare for launch. A relatively quiet noise and the vehicle is launched straight up. The acceleration is fairly light but the speed is constant. I think the point of the ride is really the open feeling, not the launch. It really is a pretty amazing, free feeling. Is it worth $10? I don't know... I'll have to ride it again.

After my ride, I hooked up with Eric from URC. Eric had never been to Cedar Point, which surprised the heck out of me because the dude has been running his site for years. In any case, I rode Magnum (again) with him, as well as Corkscrew, Power Tower (turbo drop), Disaster Transport and Raptor. Of course, I got him in the Raptor money seat, back right. After that, I had to split because I was fried and wanted to get stuff ready for Steph before she got home.

Overall, it was a nice ending to a long trip. We walked on everything at The Point, which made life easier considering the fatigue. It was also nice to meet a guy I had been talking to via e-mail for years.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

Raven-Phile's avatar
Nice TR, Jeff. It's nice to hear someone post a TR of VertiGo.

CP is my home park, and I haven't been there since VertiGo opened. :-(....I spent my days at SFWoA's SDCC. it's all good, though. I'll be there for a LOT of the halloweekends.

Speaking of HWeekends, any word on Undertaker U.?




Jeff, I will be going to Cedar Point one last time in 2001 second to the last weekend in October. Do you know what the crowds, weather, lines will be like? Will the new vertigo and Millennium Force be open on the second to the last weekend also is it worth to go to Cedar Point in October this will be my first time will they have two trains of operations on each coaster running? Nice trip report I hope to make this last trip a big one! Maybe if I have time Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure one last time!
Im not sure if you just didn't mention it but,Did you go on Mantis, Millennium Force, Mean Streak, and Iron Dragon?


Jeff's avatar
No, I didn't. I was only there for about three hours.

Crowds in the final weekends vary based on weather, but I think overall are trending up because Halloweekends are really that cool.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

How long does it take to walk from one end of the park to the other? Pictures make it seems it take days to walk from like Raptor to Magnum? At Great Adventures it take about 10 Minutes to walk from ~Nitro~ to ~Medusa~ !


Jeff, next time try out the Big Bang or Cosmic Flip on VertiGO.  Pretty cool staring at the ground from way up there.

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Jeff's avatar
Magnum to Raptor is about the same walk, probably less, than Nitro to Medusa.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

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