Cedar Point Season Pass Processing

I have a platinum pass for Cedar Point. Can I process this pass at a different Cedar Fair Park? If so, has anyone had any problems doing this? Thanks!
I am pretty sure it has to be done at CP.

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Raven-Phile's avatar
I went to Google, typed in the subject of your thread, and the 2nd result brings up CP's Platinum Pass FAQ.

Google results:


Answer from CP page (since I have to do your homework for you):

Where can I redeem my 2008 Pass vouchers?

Your Cedar Point Only vouchers must be redeemed in person at Cedar Point beginning Wednesday, April 16, 2008. Everyone will have his or her picture taken for 2008, so there will be no renewals by mail.

Your Platinum Pass vouchers may be redeemed in person at Cedar Point beginning Wednesday, April 16, 2008, OR they may be redeemed at any other CFEC amusement park or outdoor waterpark when they begin processing their 2008 Passes. Everyone will have his or her picture taken for 2008, so there will be no renewals by mail.

*** Edited 5/24/2008 11:36:40 PM UTC by Raven-Phile***

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