Cedar Point Ride patches

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar

I'm searching for a few Cedar Point Ride patches and was wondering if the CoasterBuzz Public could offer any assistance..

I am looking for MagnumXL200, Disaster Transport, and the 125 Summers Anniversary patch. I know for a fact that these are made and I need them.

I also am looking for Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Power Tower, Iron Dragon, and CorkScrew but am unsure if these were ever made or not as I have never seen them...

Can anyone Help out? If so please email me with my address in the info section about me..

Regards and Thanks in advance...
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Not a one eh?
Jeff's avatar
I have Demon Drop, The Amazement Park, Blue Streak 25th Anniversary and some others. No, you can't have them. :)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
You can search ebay, they might have it. I have a Blue Streak one.
eBay doesn't have patches too frequently, at least not under a search for "cedar point". I'm interested in a Disaster Transport one, or any related Disaster Transport merchandise, if someone has any they're willing to part with for worthwhile prices. ;)

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Please keep posting to this thread to keep it on the first couple pages -- or we'll lose it, methinks.

I, too, watch eBay, but the patches are few and far between (although you sometimes get good contacts for resale, heh, heh). I managed to get a Worlds of Fun Timberwolf patch recently -- and no, you can't have it, Jeffrey!

As a former mine ride girl, I'd LOVE a mine ride patch if one were ever made, and am interested in a lot of the others.

Maybe we can keep this thread sort of active?
I'm posting again to keep the thread active -- anyone had any new ideas about this?
I'm still interested in any Disaster Transport merchandise -- all I have is the postcard!

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.

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