Cedar Point raises seasonal pay rate to $20, adjusts operating calendar, in response to labor shortage

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the image shared to Twitter:

We've added more than 300 full-time, year-round positions - with benefits - to our food and beverage team, we've introduced a $500 seasonal sign-on bonus for associates and we're now increasing the 2021 seasonal and part-time wage to $20/hr., a 100% increase over 2020 wage rates.

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Lord Gonchar's avatar

Richard Bannister said:

I'm reposting from somewhere else because I think it's on the money (pun intended):

"After decades, the hardline of the GOP has, accidentally thanks to COVID, gotten to see what a labor market without immigrants and work visas looks like."

Wages go up?

(sort of just playing devil's advocate, but if the net result is a 100% increase in wages at CP, then isn't that a good thing for workers?)

bjames said:

but now I’m considering skipping it and hitting Kennywood for a day instead as a replacement

Be sure to check their calendar as they are on a five day a week calendar as well.

But you also don't want to miss their new in 2021 Concrete Pad: The Experience

hambone said:

one might start asking if some other development were a more profitable use of lakefront property than an amusement park.

Kinzel asked that question once and it took them 13 years to unload the property.

Jeff's avatar

The GOP doesn't want wages to go up either. They've been fighting raises in the minimum wage for decades. Now companies will spend more for labor because the market requires it. And as much as they pretend to want things market driven, they don't.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

hambone's avatar

kpjb said:

If they're working everyone 72 hours a week, that probably has more to do with why they aren't finding people than the pay rate.

I would tend to agree - I was basing my math on a comment in another thread that "6 days is the norm, O-C is likely on a lot of those days."

It we make it 55 hours a week, it's more like a $40MM hit to the bottom line. And I suppose that even if most people are working that kind of schedule, they probably have some part-timers and weekend-only folks mixed in. So maybe that is still a little high. I think the conclusions hold, though.

An observation from being at the park the last couple of days: no accents. Everyone was local.

Are you implying people in northern Ohio don't have accents?

Last edited by hambone,

The GOP doesn't want wages to go up either. They've been fighting raises in the minimum wage for decades. Now companies will spend more for labor because the market requires it. And as much as they pretend to want things market driven, they don't.

What does being against government dictated price fixing have to do with whether someone is for or against market forces driving prices upward or downward?

Jeff's avatar

Oh come on, you of all people can't be that naive. The GOP has given lip service to middle-class labor favor and has done literally everything the opposite since Reagan. They're every bit as interested in that price fixing... to benefit the employers over the employees.

Last edited by Jeff,

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Politicians paying lip services to any given number of issues is a deceased equine not worth further whipping around this site. But not my question. How is a view on the minimum wage relevant to or how does it provide evidence of support (or lack thereof) for the result of market forces? Why bring it up? Could also bring up views on abortion, taxes, prayer in public schools or a host of other postions that aren't relevant.

Jeff's avatar

Because market forces are the GOP god, and now that the force is driving wages up, they're crying foul. This isn't government price fixing. People are over the pandemic and they wanna do stuff, and there aren't people who wanna do it for them. It's fundamental supply and demand, that's why it's relevant.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

If its not price fixing then why bring up the GOPs position on increasing minimum wages? Minimum wage is setting wages above what would otherwise result under supply and demand. If its all a matter of supply and demand, minimum wage isn't relevant. Supporting market forces and being against increasing minimum wages are not inconsistent positions. Though depending on how high anyone wants to set minimum wage, its less likely they actually support market forces (or at least likely do not understand how market forces actually work).

To a certain degree (there is arguments to the degree), government intervention is a driver of current labor conditions. Currently in Ohio (and other states as well I expect), unemployment insurance pays at the equivalent of $15/hr based on 40 hour week. Rational behavior in terms of economics indicate that people given that choice will not look for work. If you could make the same or more (or even a little less) without working and incurring the costs of working, why would you work? Basic economics would say you wouldn't. Not the only factor without question but that it isn't the sole reason doesn't mean its not a reason.

Jeff's avatar

OMG because they're freaking out about it and declaring it some kind of policy failure. That's why I'm bringing it up.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Cleveland Browns won the 2021 Super Bowl.

Cleveland Browns won the 2021 Super Bowl.

Cleveland Browns won the 2021 Super Bowl.

Probably better to pay $15/hr at Kings Island than have to close early because of fights resulting in the Ohio State Highway Patrol being called in for backup.


Bakeman31092's avatar

I saw that story on my news feed. I’m used to hearing about those types of incidents at Six Flags parks; not sure if I’ve ever heard of something like that at KI or CP. It’s definitely disconcerting, and I hope it’s more of a one-off incident and not part of a new trend.

They’re open til 10? And they had to close a half hour early?
That ain’t Kennywood Early...

eightdotthree's avatar

Kennywood has an after 4 chaperone policy and a lot of security in the park.

hambone's avatar

Article on the labor situation for teens, focused on Kennywood.

I know it's common practice, but forcing employees to buy their uniforms always strikes me as particularly petty.


An important but lightly touched on point in that piece is the increasing competitiveness for college admissions and jobs worthy of that degree after graduation. Internships, co-ops etc. are increasingly critical unless one is fine with a barista job after that $100k+ diploma. Parks have few positions that can provide that relevant experience especially in STEM fields.

The competitive nature of college admissions and the trend to turn it into a giant marketing campaign is a separate issue of its own that I take issue with. Too often the focus is on "what do I need to do to get into a good school that will allow me to succeed in life" rather than if traditional college is even the right choice.

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