Cedar Point next week

Hey, I'm heading up to Cedar Point next Tuesday. I was wandering if anyone has heard if MF of TTD would be down due the accident on S:ROS. If they are down, I will probably just wait until later on in the season to go.
First of all, I wouldn't worry about riding them, I'd be more concerned for safety.

On another note, I too am going and hope for them to be up. Earlier I was watching the web cams at cedarpoint.com, and saw a whole bunch of people riding TTD! So TTD will be up, and I'm sure now that MF will be up as well, but I can't say for sure. *** Edited 5/5/2004 1:52:53 AM UTC by Rich_Johnson***

Dragster was running all day (5/4) loaded with employees. *** Edited 5/5/2004 1:54:09 AM UTC by MagnumForce***
It has been confirmed by Cedar Point that the accident on S:ROS will not effect the operation of MF and TTD.

http://guidetothepoint.com/cpplace.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=14233 *** Edited 5/5/2004 1:54:30 AM UTC by afifan***

Thank you! You have made my day, now for the weather to turn out good. :D

Hope to see everyone there!

Thank you guys very much
I'll see ya there Tues. and Wed.

Dragster Laps: 20 Yes, the Lions are in First Place!!!!!
Hey when you guys return please please some one write a trip report! Im going the end of this monnth and i cant freakin' wait!

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