Cedar Point Aug 5th and 6th

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My brother and I left central Illinois at 7:30 to begin the drive. We arrived at our hotel at around 4:30, which was the Howard Johnson directly across from the main entrance. Stayed here 2 years ago, not the greatest, not by a long shot, but decent enough for 2 guys who are only going to sleep there. Also cheap. Anywho, I had a cupoun for 2 for 1 starlight tickets so we entered the park at 5. It was very overcast and you could tell it had rained a lot, but raptor was running so we got on that. It wouldve been a very short wait, but they transferred the 3rd train on while we were waiting in the queue, and then they had to run each train through 5 times empty, which seems a little excessive to me but whatever must be done. Great ride, very intense.

We then rode Blue Streak and Wicked Twister. Blue streak had a short wait with one train and Wicked Twister was near a walk on. After this we got on over to Millennium Force, which had probably a 40 minute wait with 2 train operation. One thing I noticed over the 2 days was that the ops on MF seemed to have a hard time hitting interval, unlike last year...then I remember 2 years ago they were slow...seems like its either a good year of a bad year for hitting interval, not sure why this is? Anyways, still the best ride in the park IMO. It rained off and on throughout the rest of the night. I cant remember if we got on anything else before we headed to Maverick, which wasnt running. There was a pretty good line of people waiting outside the queue, so we decided to wait and see if anything happens. Didnt wait too long, maybe 15 minutes, and I heard some people say Maverick didnt run all day which worried me a little but maybe it was really rainy most of the day. Anywho, after waiting until around 9:40 I finally came to my senses and realised no way Maverick was anywhere near opening, so we went over to Magnum and got 2 quick night rides, which were amazing. Some idiot decided to take out his cell phone and start snapping pictures while on the lift, and an op had to come up and tell him to put it away. The kid was only a few rows in front of me, but I had no Idea they would stop the ride like that, I mean I know its a rule and all and a stupid thing to do but im not normally one to interject so to speak. If I wouldve known they stop the ride like that I wouldve told the kid to put it away as soon as I saw it. At least I know for next time.

Got up on Monday and parked in the Soak City lot. I had never done this before, it definatley is more convinent if hitting up Maverick or Dragster first thing in the morning. I was a little worried after the previous night that maybe something was wrong with Maverick if it really didnt run all day on Sunday, so I was very relieved to see it running. Got in line at 10 and it wound up being an hour and a half, but that included a probably 20 minute breakdown. Definatley an amazing ride. I heard a lot of buzz about it being the best ride in the park, even the ride ops said it was. Personlly, I feel in a few years the novelty will wear off and you will be seeing longer lines for Dragster and MF. Dont get me wrong an awsome ride and a great addition to the park, but not better than MF or even maggie. We ended up getting on every ride we wanted to, despite the opressive heat and large crowds. My brother was really wanting to ride Mean Streak for some reason, I cant believe I waited nearly 45 minutes to ride it, but sadly its true. Maybe its a little smoother this year. But its boring anyways. I always really enjoy Gemini. The ops should be commended for really emphasizing the racing aspect, they do a good job of making it more fun. Only got on Dragster once this time due to the large crowds. Waited an hour and a half, worth the wait but not more than once. Last year we came to CP in mid June and the difference in crowds is amazing...I mean I knew it was better to go early in the season, but I didnt realize just how much of a difference it makes.

While waiting in line for Magnum early in the day, there was some sort of breakdown and they ended up having to manually evac people from both the top of the lift and the break run. Some people coming down the stairs said they were told it could be an hour or more, so we left. I'll bet it was 3 hours before I notieced Magnum had finally started running again. No sooner had it started running again then I saw it yet again stuck on the lift. It didnt reopen. This was dissapointing, since Magnum is probably my second favorite ride in the park. Does anyone know what the problem was? Anyhow as the day was winding down we ended up getting a night ride on Raptor, which was well over and hour wait. Those stupid lights presumably for the stupid cameras were blinding us. It looked like to me our row just happened to be one of the only rows that had them on. It kinda ruined the ride for me, very annoying. That whole video thing is just a dumb idea and should be removed as soon as possible.

After getting off Raptor we high tailed to all the way to Maverick. I for some reason got a little worried walking through frontiertown, that Maverick would be closed. I mean I know CP keeps their rides open right up until close and even a little past, but just walking through a dark frontiertown with the only other people walking the other direction, I just got this strange feeling it might be closed. Luckily it wasnt, and we got an awsome night ride on Maverick.

Overall a good trip despite the rain on Sunday, large crowds on Monday, and excessive heat.

The Millenium Force ride Ops: Squishing you where it counts since 2000. Track Record: 89 coasters
Sounds like a good trip! I hope to get to the Point at least one more time sometime this month.

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