Cedar Point

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Hey everyone, I just got back from Cedar Point today (May 4th) for Longeberger Day. I won't say what order I rode the coasters in(I really don't remember the order) but I will say what I rode!

Wicked Twister-WOW, this was simply incredible, no words can describe the very back seat! I got two laps, one in very back and one in very front and they were both amazing, go Intamin!

Millennium Force-Seemed faster going up the lift for some reason.......I got a great ride (only rode it once) and rode in the very back seat which had great airtime over the first hill!

Magnum-We (my friend and I) rode Magnum twice with walk-ons both times! We got a very front seat ride and a seat towards the back. I still love this coaster, but it was slightly rough, I had no problem with the roughness though.

Mean Streak-I was very surprised to find out that the front seat ride on this woodie has halfway decent! I enjoyed most of this coaster because it was not very rough as I had experienced in the past......I rode Mean Streak once with a walk on.

Raptor-Walk on! I got in two laps only because we were a little short on time, both were in the very back seat on the right side! This seat is awesome, it really feels like your flying! Raptor was smooth except going into the cobra roll and into the final brakes.

Mantis-One lap on Mantis was enough for me to tell myself that I will never be riding this coaster again for awhile........my legs killed after that, and the bad thing is that we waited 30mins for it! One positive comment about Mantis though, I do like the first drop more because the trims were off.

Cedar Creek Mine Ride-Rode once because my friend hasn't ridden this before and it was a walk on. Nothing too special about the Mine Ride, I do like the drop over the lake though!

Wildcat-Broken down most of the day.

Disaster Transport-I knew what to expect about the ride but WOW the queue is really neat now! They added more props to it! They took some of the glow in the dark neon paint with black lights around the whole building(that might have been in the queue last year) and in the main queue room with the cages that slowly move over your head........they put in some sort of energy ray laser with a power tower that has rings going up the side of it into that room. I really enjoyed the queue line for this coaster, I wish the coaster itself could be that good!

Gemini-Running a little on the tame side imo, probably because it hasn't been broken in really for the season ahead. I still enjoyed my two laps though!

Iron Dragon-Commonly named "Draggin' Iron" for a very good reason. This Arrow creation just doesn't have the umph that it use to have. Even after the second drop, Iron Dragon is just not what I remembered it to be, what a shame. I got one lap on this coaster.

Corkscrew-Was planning on riding every coaster in the park, so this was for the count. Still very rough and I always have to ride the same way I always do while going through the corkscrews (head forward and to the right).

I didn't get to ride Blue Streak, we didn't have enough time, I still had to get my season pass processed! I was bummed because some friends of mine said they rode it and said that it gave great airtime!

During our day, we also rode Chaos, Power Tower(both sides) and Ocean Motion..........lol long story! I had a great day at the Point with some great Cedar Point food! thank you for taking the time to read my TR! Happy Coastering! Ohh and one more thing, I was on tv! Anyone see me? I had on a red athletics t-shirt! This probably isn't a big thing to you guys, but I never get on tv! He basicly interviewed me and my friend!

Good Times!! Good Times!!

*** This post was edited by cdrpointcrazy4 on 5/6/2002. ***

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