Cedar Point 8-6/8-9 Novel.

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BullGuy's avatar

I had been looking forward to my annual trip to Ohio the entire season. This year we would stay for 6 days, and would visit Cedar Point and Six Flags Worlds of Adventure two apiece.

Cedar Point, Day 1

We got to the Point at 10:30. The site of Raptor, Demon Drop, and a long midway greeted us. The park looked packed. We decided to hit Raptor. The line was long, but thanks to the wonderful Raptor crew, we got on in less than 45 minutes. The same line was well over an hour for Mantis. One thing I love about CP is the lack of air gates on some rides. Raptor was great as usual, the lift is noisier than any B&M invert I've been on. What's up with that? Other than that, a great, smooth ride. 8/10

Next up was Mantis. It wasn't smart to hit this one so early in the day, but as we learned later, the park was exceptionally crowded on this day. We waited close to 90 minutes on this painfully hot day. Once we got to the station, we set ourselves up for the last row. The first drop on this ride, is one of the best of any standup. Airtime all the way down, and off the MCBR. The elements are nice and forceful, certainly more than the B&M down the road at SF, but I'll get to that eventually. Great ride, nice and smooth 9/10.

Next up was Iron Dragon. This was one line I wouldn't mind waiting. Nice and shaded, but we walked right up to the station for a 2 train wait. We rode fourth row, and had a nice, smooth ride. I don't know why people don't like this one. Sure it's slow, but the airtime on the first drop is nice, and it's a relaxing ride. The path through the trees is very nice. 6.5/10

We ran across the path to Wildcat next. The line looked small, but took 25 minutes. Wasn't expecting much, but got a fun "giggles" ride with some choice airtime on the drops. 6.5/10.

We were going to do Millennium Force next, but the line looked deadly in the heat of the day, so we did Gemini next. The line for this moved fast, but it was only 3 switchbacks to begin with. Took the Blue side in the second row. The enthusiastic crew, and a racing coaster that *gasp* races, added to the experiance. Great coaster. 7/10

Next up was Maggie. Last year was my first time on this one, and I didn't understand what the big deal was. IT was fun and all, but the airtime was only intense in the end, the first drop was mediocre at best, and the airtime that did exist was painful. I rode this one a total of three times the first day , and found that it didn't change a bit. 40 minute wait the first two times, and 20 minute wait the third time. I hit row 1, 1-3 and last row. The airtime was weak in the last row, but was there in 1-3. One nice thing about this ride, it is fast, adn offers a nice view of Lake Erie. The trim was there as usual, but I suppose it only helped the airtime in the end be more enjoyable. 7.5/10.

After we got off Magnum, I noticed Wicked Twister was going, so we headed towards that. Got in line for a 45 minute wait. It was already getting dark, and with the lake being right there, it was chilly. The wind only made it worse. Earlier in the day I saw work being done on the front spike, it looked like someone was welding... When we got to the station, half of my aprty went to the front, and the rest of us went to the back. Other than not being launched backwards the first time, this is a great ride. The spike in the back is truely somthing different, and got better every time I rode it. The launching area definately feels longer, but it's a great ride. 9/10

it was 9:40 when we got off Wicked Twister, we decided to hit some flats, and Demon Drop, and called it a night.

The next day we went to Niagara Falls, my second time there in less than two weeks. We didn't go for any parks, but I wanted to ride the WWE Pile Driver again. To my displeasure, it was closed. On Thursday we went to SFWoA, I'll have another TR coming up for that...

Cedar Point, Day 2

I got dropped off at 10, and headed straight for Millennium Force. I was disappointed about not getting a night ride, or any ride at all on Millie the first day. The line looked pretty long, but I got on in under 45 minutes. I grabbed a first row seat, and we were off. Many people complain about the lack of airtime on this monster, and while I wouldn't mind an extra hill or two either, this ride was meant for speed, and in the first row, you can feel it. The drop didn't produce much airtime in the front, but in later ride in the last row, it was reminiscent of my favorite coasters first drop (RB). The only complaint I have is the fast lift. It doesn't really let you appreciate the height, other than that, a great ride. 9/10

I jumped back into Millie's line twice more, and then headed to Mean Streak. A very short 15 minute wait. The location is rather remote, but that just means shorter lines. The structure for this ride awes me every time, the ride on the other hand, does not. While it wasn't squeaking as bad as I remember, it was certainly as rough and rattly as I remember. every time my butt was lifted out of the seat, I instinctivley braced myself for the shock. Oh well, like they say, a Bad day on a coaster is better than a good day without one. 5.5/10.

Next up was Cedar Creek Mine Ride. The wait was nonexistant for this one, and I grabbed a last row seat. It has a nice helix finale, but the rest of the ride was uneventful. The crew was funny though. 5/10

The park was visably less crowded than it was the other day, and so I hit Magnum again. Slightly better than before, I think my beating on Mean Streak toughened me up. The airtime was fun this time around. Still don't understand how this one can make the top half of a top ten list, and my Bull can't even crack the top twenty. *Sigh*The mysteries of life...

Next I hit the red side of Gemini, same ride, except I didn't notice any trims on the Blue side, and The Blue side always seemed to win... 7/10

By now it was nearing the evening hours, and I was beginning to feel that mysterious rush I always get towards the end of a day of coaster riding. I always seem to take my time and be casual in morning, but once twilight nears, I rush from ride to ride like a madman.

Corckscrew was next, and it was a walk-on. A nice pop of airtime was the highlight of this ride, and it was pretty smooth for a small, old Arrow. I don't know if I prefer Double Loop or Corckscrew... 6/10

Ran up to Wicked Twister for an Incredible 15 minute wait. I've never encountered a wait this short for an impulse unless I'm one of the first people on it when it opens. Last row, same great ride. 9/10

Did some flats, and the Drop Rides next. Power Tower wasn't all that thrilling, but the Intamin First Gen. Freefall was fun, though a bit rattlely. I prefered the Green Side on Power Tower. The launched red side just has that nice pop of airtime as you peak, other than that, your ass stays in your seat, and your stomach stays put as well. Power Tower, Green 7/10 Red 5/10 Freefall 8/10

We got off Power Tower just before the laser show, and everyone was gathering around Wildcat and Iron Dragon, so I went over to Blue Streak. This was the surprise of the park. The ride was bliss. I got 5 walk-ons, and every single time got the ejector air an enthusiast loves. "This ride has been improved" is a severe understatement. Cedar Point has breathed new life into this one. 9/10

Next I went to check on the wait for Raptor, 15 minutes they said. So I hopped in line, and got treated to a 5 minute wait. God Bless that Raptor Crew. This ride is even better at night. Took a front row ride, and then another last row spin. Better than the first day. 8.5/10

Next I ran over to Mantis to see how long the line was. I asked, and got "3 minutes" as a response. I ran through the empty queue as fast as I could and got 3 rides in 15 minutes. One in the back, and 2 in the front. I've determined that the front row is the only way to ride a standup. Yet another ride thats better at night. 9/10

I began running to Magnum for a final spin, but stopped to ask the time, and found out that I'd never run there and back in time to jump into Millies queue before closing. Just as I got in line I was told to rent a locker for my Wicked Twister Cup. No Big Deal, only the locker jammed and I didn't have enough time to rent another one. So I left my cup behind the trash can by the lockers, hoping it didn't get tossed. It was humid, and I had just ran from Raptor to Mantis, halfway to Magnum, and back to Millie's line, so I decided to get a water. I had wasted all but 2 quarters on the locker (which didn't work) Only problem? The machine took no change. I had put 2 dollars into the machine, but the .50 cents kept getting spat out. By the time I flagged down a kind employee to trade a buck in change for a paper dollar, the end of the line had long since passed. And I was the last person in line. I waited 15 minutes when all of a sudden 3 kids walk up behind me in line. for the remainder of the wait (30 minutes total) they kept laughing about "cheating the system" and hopping in line when no one was looking. I got to the station, and lucked out in getting a last row seat (they had closed the first row off) Last row, last train of the night, and what an amazing ride. My most memorable ride on Millie. The speed was incredible. Pure bliss. 10/10.

By the time I got off, the park was nearly empty, adn so I took my time in walking back to the entrance. Just as I was passing Wildcat, I remembered my Wicked Twister cup, and ran to see if it was still there. It was. I managed to get a re-fill. (I didn't know they were free :)) So, with Millennium Force station music stuck in my head, and a smile on my face, I headed for the exit. Cedar Point is a great park, Definately one of my favorites, and I'll hope to come back on either Labor Day Weekend or Columbus Day Weeked. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Overall Park Rating 10/10. :)

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at SFCB.

*** This post was edited by BullGuy on 8/12/2002. ***

Thanks for the great TR - we're going next week!
Everytime I read Cedar Point TR it makes me want to go back. Finally someone else enjoys Mantis as much as me. Good TR.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

Your not the only one that wants to go back after reading a CP trip report!

Great TR!!

Coaster Count -23-

-Around The World Theme Park/Coaster Trip-
.......Still Planning!

Good TR!

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

BullGuy's avatar
I forgot to mention that CNN was taping right by Millennium Force's queue...

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at SFCB.

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