Cedar Point! 7/8-10/2003

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Another annual trip to Cedar Point has yet again come and gone. Why does it have to pass SO quickly?!! My family and I left Sunday at midnight and we arrived about 8:30 Monday morning (my dad likes to drive at night so there's no traffic). Of course we had to stay at Hotel Breakers because it's only the best! The rest of Monday would be spent resting and taking lots of pictures! All 3 days at The Point had the same wait times which made for an AWESOME annual trip!!
Tuesday came really fast and I couldn't wait to get in the park! The trip was focused around Top Thrill Dragster and I wasn't so sure that I would get a ride on this enormous and impressive structure. It looked even bigger than I could imagine. We arrived at the park around 9:00 to get ready for out half hour early entry, sadly enough TTD would not be running today! But, I didn't let that get my hopes down. The longest waits of the day would turn out to be for the water rides! RAPTOR- less than a 15 minute wait throughout the day, multiple rides in various places including the front...this ride just keeps getting better every year. Oh yeah, the whole 3 days I was there the mid-course breaks were NOT on which made for more intense helix at the end! WILDCAT- the wait was less than 15 minutes, my brother and mom love this ride so we had to go on it, i always seems to "take my belly away", but it's a great ride. IRON DRAGON- the wait was less than 15 minutes, people under-rate this ride a little too much because even though it's short, it's not that bad of a ride. MILLENNIUM FORCE- we waited 30 minutes for an AWESOME back seat ride, Intamin really built a winner when designing this ride because I can't get enough of it!! The first drop is incredible! We caught some of the water rides seeing as how it was very hot and humid but, worth the waits. MEAN STREAK- this is another ride that I read about being dissed a lot and most of the time. To an extent I can understand why but, from the times I rode and multiple rides I recieved this mega-woodie was smoother than normal and the speed was great! The trims off the first drop KILL the ride, that's my only complaint...GEMINI- Smooth as glass, one of the best racing coasters and my favorite. MAGNUM XL-200- Seat 1-3 is NOT the best and has equal airtime as most of the others. This is my number 1 favorite coaster of ALL time! All elements combined on this ride make it world-class and unique. CORKSCREW- thought we would get in a ride since it was a walk-on...i love that pop of air you get on the small bunny hill! POWER TOWER- the side that shoots up is a lot better than the side that drops!! WICKED TWISTER- most definately worth that wait and the BEST impluse I have been on, the airtime is awesome and the twists are intense! DISASTOR TRANSPORT- ????? Why did they built this ride??? It sucks and it takes you longer to actually get on the ride then it does to ride it....pointless and a waist of space, oh well.
We had re-rides on all of the flats, i think that CHAOS is my favorite and on The MONSTER we spun out of control! It was great! Too complete the trip the coaster waits were really short and it got even better on Wednesday!
TTD was running on Wednesday with each breakdown being about 30 minutes. We saw that the line was a steady 2 hours thoughout the day so we thought that we would give it a try. We had been on everything else and wanted to ride this badly. THIS RIDE IS AMAZING...There are no words to describe the feelings or thoughts while on the ride or when you get off. After 3.5 HOURS, 3 BREAKDOWNS, and 1 ROLLBACK...we was on the 2nd and 3rd rows...my trip was complete and it was well worth the wait!!!!!!!!
This is my first time writing a trip report and I hope that paragraphs turn out okay. Cedar Point continues to impress my family and I, it's my favorite amusement park and I can't wait until I get back up there!!
Dragster was open Wensday the 9th? Are you sure? Because I know somebody who was there the 9th and it wasnt open for them...I know it wasnt open tuesday, and that it WAS open on Monday...thats when I got my ride...strange.

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.
Track Record: 60 coasters at 17 parks.

Yeah, it was open on Wednesday the 9th...We finally got on the ride at 4:30. Later on into the eveing it was closed...too bad, cause I wanted another ride!!

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