Cedar Point 7/7 and 7/8, 2003. (long)

Associated parks:

My family and I left Central Illinois on Sunday the 6th at around 9:30 and began the 7-8 hour drive to Sandusky. We arrived at the Ramada Inn Sandusky at around 7:30 Eastern Time, could’ve gotten there an hour sooner had it not been for delays on the interstate(I hate toll roads) I saw Dragster for the first time not long after exiting the interstate, looming in the distance along with Millennium Force. It was quite a sight, and it was great to finally see the Cedar Point Skyline for the first time in 3 years. We went to eat at the thirsty Pony, located right before the big Cedar Point entrance sign. The food was decent, nothing too amazing though. On the way back, we played some mini-golf at one of the places around there, and finished right before a storm blew through. Woke up the morning of Monday, July 7th and had breakfast at the local Sandusky Bob Evans. Saw Christina Aguilera there, and saw here again later that day in the park :0. Got to Cedar point at about 9:50, I wasn’t yet sure if Dragster would be operating(I didn’t even see the little pink slip they gave you when parking stating that Dragster would operate today, but that was alright, it just made me feel that much better when I did see it running). We already had our 2 day passes.

We got in, walked over to Millennium Force and got in line at 10AM exactly. The line was 45 minutes, but I figured it would only get longer, and that’s not bad considering this was my favorite coaster after I rode in 3 years ago. As I got on the ramp, the Adrenaline was already pumping through me better than I remember in a long time. I knew how good this thing was, and it didn’t disappoint. Just as good as I remember it. I love the Millennium Force theme, and how it plays in the station. It’s a great theme, fits so perfectly. Makes me wish more coasters had theme songs as good as this. But I was shocked, the glorious floater air! I don’t remember much air on this ride, but I couldn’t have been happier. The floater air was long and great on all 3 hills. Not much on the first drop, but lots of air on the others. Still my favorite rollercoaster. Got a Night ride in later on (it was just barley dark, I cant believe how late it gets dark there compared to home) This was my first night ride on MF, and it was amazing. Loved the bugs hitting my hands (and sometimes face) 10/10

Iron Dragon: From the station, I noticed Ride ops in the Dragster station, and a Train sitting on the break run. I turned away for a second, and the train was no longer on the break run. The next thing I know, I see a train come down the end of Dragster, and come to a stop. I knew this was a great sign. Iron Dragon didn’t lose as much from all the trees being cut down as I thought it would. Still a fun little ride. 6/10

Top Thrill Dragster: After I saw it was testing, I knew I had to get in line. The line hadn’t been open yet, and was snaking past the Loading platform, where I entered the line at around 11AM. 10 minutes later, they opened the line. Got almost up to the entrance, and then they closed the line off. There were maybe 10 people in front of me. Stood around through an 8 minute breakdown, and to Cheers of everybody, they let more people in. It was running smoothly for a good little while, then when my mom and I were the next to get on, some lady and a girl asked us if they could go ahead of us to ride with their group. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with this, but I knew how unreliable this thing was, and how it could break down at any moment. Before I could object, my mom had already let them cut. They got on ahead of us, we me in the station slightly annoyed. The next thing that happened made me want to kill somebody(my mom). The train we should’ve been one went right on by us, then another went by, and they told us there would be a delay. I was MAD. Our niceness may have just cost us my first ever ride on Dragster. The lady who cut said before they boarded that if the ride broke down she would buy each of us a Soda. When they got off the ride and we were still in the station, they didn’t even glance this way. I doubt they didn’t notice it had broken down. Never saw either of them again. As it turned out the delay was only about 20 minutes, and I got on, not knowing if I was still angry or just happy to be on the ride. In total, we waited only 1 ½ hours. I was surprised how much the trains were like Millennium Force. Slightly tighter. Waiting for the launch countdown was a surreal feeling…those little white things (cottonwood?) were floating by, and everything seemed in slow motion. But the ride sure didn’t. The entire ride was so sickeningly fast, I hardly knew what I had just done, and a week later I have almost no memories of the ride itself. I remember looking right and seeing Mean Streak way down there…I was in a sort of dreamlike state during the ride. Overall, I was slightly un-impressed. A great ride no doubt, a ride that I may have liked better if I had gotten another ride, but sadly I never did. It was too short, and I think I may have still been in a slightly poor mood from the whole line incident (even though it only cost me 20 minutes) 9/10

Magnum: I remember when I first came to Cedar Point back in 99, the line was completely full to the soda machines, and I waited over an hour for this baby. I was shocked to see a less than 15 minute wait. My brother and dad were going to ride together, and my mom was still recovering from Dragster. This left me either by myself or finding a partner. I had rode something faster at the time (steel Phantom), but this seemed to be higher and faster than anything I had ever been on. Those were the days. Now it looked small in comparison to Millennium Force and Dragster. The wait was not too many rows from the steps, and about a 15 minute wait. I got in line for 1-3(I wanted to see what all this ejector talk was all about), and some guy waiting for the front row spotted me, and I rode with him. We had a little talk about Dragster; we had both just been on it. He was From Massachusetts. Magnum was slower than I remember; we agreed that we’d been spoiled by Dragster. Very little air. But I figured this was probably just the front row. 7/10 Got another ride in later on, this time in 1-3. I heard the ride op say something about Magnum’s 16 millionth ride, but I didn’t make it all out. Couldn’t tell if he was just stating that its given that many rides, or if we were on the 16 millionth train or something…does anybody know anything about this? What a difference seat 1-3 made. Great Air on pretty much all the hills. This is how I remember it. 8/10

Corkscrew: A walk on for the back row. Nice pop of air on the first drop and bunny hill. Not all that rough. 6/10

Cedar Creek Mine Ride: Got in line, and I was surprised to see a line. It started to pour before we could get on, and they shut down the ride. We hanged out during the rain in the face painting booth right across from the entrance. It rained for 45mins-1hour. Did catch a ride later on. I like the lake drop, but that’s about it. Rest of the ride is boring. Give me Adventure Express at PKI any day. 4/10

Mean Streak: A 2 train wait Not as bad as everybody says. No air, but other than that its not so bad. 5/10.

Gemini: A 2 train wait. What a fun racing coaster. I overlooked this ride before. Nice and smooth, with good air. Nobody was hand slapping though, which made me look stupid holding my hand out while nobody else did. 7/10.

Raptor: 45 minute wait. Quite smooth for the most part, and a good ride. The only invert I like better is Fire Dragon at IOA. The mid course breaks were off. 8/10

Disaster Transport: The ride broke down while we were in the area right before the steps…I like the new theming in the line. Decided to get out of line. Did get a ride in the next day. About how I remembered. 4/10

That was about it for day 1, it was quite a day, got on a lot of stuff. Wicked Twister was down almost all day and we never got a ride on that. Good ride ops all day. Lines weren’t bad at all. Day 2 (Tuesday) was mostly re-rides, but a few things worth mentioning:

Wicked Twister: 10 minute wait. Rode it 2 times. Sat through a test run type thing where they pulled you out of the station and back in very slowly, while the ride makes a sick sounding grinding sound. This was just as good if not better than V2 at SFGAM. Great speed. I also love the line for this ride, right next to the lake. 7/10

Blue Streak: 3 train wait. Better than I remember. Nice air. 6/10

Dragster was closed all day, which made me mad because I was really looking forward to a re-ride. I really wonder why it was closed; maybe it had something to do with the nasty storm that blew through the night before. It was running quite well I thought on Monday. Rode Gemine a few more times, with hand slapping one time. Such great fun when people hand slap. Got one last ride on MF before leaving at 4 to Drive to Pittsburgh(look for my Kennywood TR later today) I talked to a nice family (and 2 nice looking girls) about my ride on Dragster the day before. I basically told them I think Millennium Force is the better ride, but not by much. Picked up a Dragster shirt on the way out(the same design that’s on the front of the Park Map) It was a great 3rd trip to Cedar Point. Not many disappointments. Can’t wait until my next trip, even though I have no clue when that will be.

*also please check out my Kennywood Trip report if you would like http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forum.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=32904

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.
Track Record: 60 coasters at 17 parks.
*** This post was edited by stljason1 7/14/2003 12:22:40 PM ***
*** This post was edited by stljason1 7/15/2003 12:43:46 PM ***

Paragraphs would be nice... :)

"If we knew how safe roller coasters were, we'd lose their thrill" - Daniel Keller

did you really see christina? one time when i was standing in line for mf i thought i saw avril lavigne.
I seperated the coasters, which is more than some people do...you people are too picky...

And no I didnt really see Christina...somebody who looked a lot like her though. :)

Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.
Track Record: 60 coasters at 17 parks.

I remember feeling kinda like you did after my first ride on TTD. My second ride, I waited for the front seat. Wow, what a ride. The ride is twice as good in the front. Next time you go, the 30-40 min. extra wait is well worth it.

Were you in the station when the storm hit, or did you get stuck outside? I waited out the storm in the Mantis photo both.

Keep your Head back, arms down and hold on!

CP ismyhome said:
I remember feeling kinda like you did after my first ride on TTD. My second ride, I waited for the front seat. Wow, what a ride. The ride is twice as good in the front. Next time you go, the 30-40 min. extra wait is well worth it.

Were you in the station when the storm hit, or did you get stuck outside? I waited out the storm in the Mantis photo both.

Keep your Head back, arms down and hold on!

I wasn't anywhere near TTD when the storm hit. I was over by Cedar Creak Mine Ride. By the time the storm hit, I had allready rode Dragster.
Kennywood Park, America's finest traditional amusement park.
Track Record: 60 coasters at 17 parks.

LOL, I just realised I forgot to mention Mantis!

Mantis: 1 1/2 hour wait. I dont remember liking this ride very much from a few years back, and I still dont. I've been on 3 stand-ups in my life, and I hate all 3 of them, possibly Mantis the most. My head bangs the shoulder harness just right so it gets my ears nice and hard. One of the most painful rides i've ever been on(besides the Steel Phantom) 3/10

The Millenium Force ride Ops: Squishing you where it counts since 2000.
Track Record: 62 coasters at 17 parks.

I was at Cedarpoint on those days too! The dragster was closed on tuesday but I already rode it twice


I saw Tom Green and Glenn Humplik when I was at CP. I watch his show every weeknight and I was tryin to figure out why he didnt say anything in his show about the trip.
We were on the very same itinerary you were...Monday and Tuesday at CP...Wednesday a travel day...and Thursday at KW. Saw a guy in line at the Racer with a brand-new Raptor T-shirt..could that have been you?

We hail from Baltimore, so it took us all day Sunday to get there...this was our first visit to both parks and we had our 2 neices in tow.

We were very fortunate to get a ride on TTD. Got to the park before opening to be one of the first in line only to discover that it wasn't running til at least 11. Since this was our first visit, we decided to invest our time elsewhere...our goal, especially my older niece's..was to bag all 16 coasters in the 2 days we were there. Wildcat, Corkscrew, Dragon, Gemini, Magnum (awesome...esp. that sensation of flying over the lake) Mean Streak (what's with the braking at the top of the lift hill...I was expecting this to be as good as the Wildcat at HP) all fell in short order. We were in line at MF when the storm hit...took cover at the lockers. We ducked back to the hotel for a few hours rest and returned at 7.

Hit Blue Streak first and then Raptor...very nice...faster and more intense than the Great Bear at HP. Then on to MF..absolutely the best ride I've ever been on. Then worked our way over to TTD to check out the line..still very long...and then got in a couple of nite rides in on Magnum and then Gemini again. By then it was 10:30 and TTD was not running. They were holding a line of about 100 outside the ride and we decided to join it as this looked like our best chance if they got it running again. At about 10:45 a test was run and it didn't make it over the top. The folks manning the gate suggested that we invest our remaining time elsewhere as they didn't think TTD would open again that nite.

Took that advice and my 2 nieces decided to ride the Himalaya-type ride across from the TTD loading area while I waited on a bench. They ran another test..it made it over the top..and they started loading again!! Meantime my nieces were stuck on the HImalaya..the older one was having a cow!!

We rush back to the TTD entrance..it's about 10:58..and the line was gone. As we approached we thought for sure we would be turned away but we just cruised right on in!! Got inside and it looked like there were about 200 riders ahead of us. We thought that any minute the ride would either stop running again or they would just decide to close. Things ran smoothly and we made it to the loading platform at 11:45...getting on the same train were 2 CP employees who couldn't believe their good fortune...they had been trying to ride for a month.

As for the ride...it was pretty awesome but over so quick...the anticipation leading up to riding this thing was almost as good as the ride itself. I thought that MF and Magnum overall were better rides.

I thought it was a great gesture by management keeping the ride running so late...it was fortunate as it did not run Tuesday. BTW..we bagged all 16...then it was on to Kennywood!!

From the horror stories I hear around here, it sounds like Dragster ran very well that day, probably better than it had ran previously in a long time. We should both consider ourselves lucky. Im hitting myself for not checking the Dragster queue before I left that park that night. I was realy counting on it being open tuesday also, something it was not.

The Millenium Force ride Ops: Squishing you where it counts since 2000.
Track Record: 62 coasters at 17 parks.

You might hit yourself harder...they let about 100 people in behind us...I'm sure lots of them were getting rerides well after 11 PM.

We were also at MF at dusk on Monday, and also got in a nite ride on Tuesday. When we went up the lift, lightning was flashing in the distance and the clouds were very surreal...I felt like I was in Gotham City riding the Batmobile...

The only coaster we truly disliked was Mantis...they should lock your neck in with one of those cervical collars...then you might be able to enjoy it...

LOL, I totally agree about Mantis. One of the roughest coasters ive ever been on. I'll admit the layout is neat, and it has some neat elements, but it is simply not any fun to ride.

The Millenium Force ride Ops: Squishing you where it counts since 2000.
Track Record: 62 coasters at 17 parks.

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