Cedar Point 7/10-7/11 (novel enclosed)

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Well, the days finally came and went, and much too fast. Me, my fiancee, and my parents were up from Texas visiting family in northern Indiana so me, my fiancee, and my mom made a little side trip over to the Point. I've been excited about this day since last summer when they announced the Millennium Force. This was my first trip to the Point since '95 when the Raptor was the new thing, so I got to try out 3 new major rides with MF, Mantis, and Power Tower.

Due to the time zone, we had to leave Indiana at 5:30am to be able to make it by opening. We stopped and got some donuts and were on the road. We got to the park right at 9:00. We drove around and parked in the Soak City lot and lined up to get our tickets. The line went pretty fast and we were in the park in about 20 minutes. Keep in mind that my fiancee has ridden no other coasters than what we have available at Six Flags Over Texas, and this year is her first time to ride any coasters. I am limited in past experiences to SFoT, CP, Walt Disney World, Silver Dollar City, and Opryland USA.

I was just kidding, but when we got in the park, I suggested we ride Magnum first. To my surprise, my fiancee said yes, so, that's what we did. The queue was closed and the line was to the rest rooms, so we got in line. The queue opened and we were done with the ride by 10 till 10:00. This ride still has it! My poor fiancee was so scared going up the lift. I was trying to show her the sights some, but she wouldn't look. hehe I have a method of never being stapled, so I had my bar pretty loose. I just LOVE the air on this ride! Wonderful! My fiancee about killed me after the ride since I started her on such a big ride, but she loved it anyhow. A woman after my own heart. :)

We then walked over and took a spin on Corkscrew. We had about a 2 train wait. I'll always like this ride. It was much smoother than I remember from years past. Maybe it' 樀甀猀琀 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 䤀✀洀 琀愀氀氀攀爀 琀栀愀渀 琀栀攀 爀攀猀琀爀愀椀渀琀猀 渀漀眀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 䤀 栀愀搀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 渀漀 栀攀愀搀戀愀渀最椀渀最 椀渀 琀栀攀 挀漀爀欀猀挀爀攀眀猀 氀椀欀攀 䤀 爀攀洀攀洀戀攀爀⸀ 䤀 最漀琀 猀漀洀攀 瀀爀攀琀琀礀 最漀漀搀 愀椀爀 漀瘀攀爀 琀栀攀 猀攀挀漀渀搀 栀椀氀氀 琀漀漀⸀ 䜀漀漀搀 爀椀搀攀Ⰰ 攀瘀攀渀 愀昀琀攀爀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀猀攀 礀攀愀爀猀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 搀攀挀椀搀攀搀 琀漀 眀愀氀欀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 愀渀搀 猀攀攀 眀栀愀琀 琀栀攀 䴀䘀 氀椀渀攀猀 氀漀漀欀攀搀 氀椀欀攀⸀ 䤀 搀漀渀✀琀 欀渀漀眀 椀昀 椀琀 眀愀猀 琀栀攀 吀吀刀 氀椀渀攀 漀爀 眀栀愀琀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 琀栀攀 氀椀渀攀 猀琀爀攀琀挀栀攀搀 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 眀愀礀 戀愀挀欀 琀漀 琀栀攀 戀爀椀搀最攀 戀礀 琀栀攀 猀眀愀渀 戀漀愀琀猀⸀ 䘀漀爀最攀琀 琀栀愀琀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 眀攀渀琀 昀漀爀 愀 猀瀀椀渀 漀渀 䌀䌀䴀刀⸀ 䤀✀洀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 愀 昀愀渀 漀昀 洀椀渀攀 琀爀愀椀渀猀Ⰰ 猀椀渀挀攀 洀礀 栀漀洀攀 瀀愀爀欀 栀愀猀 琀栀攀 瘀攀爀礀 昀椀爀猀琀 漀渀攀 攀瘀攀爀 戀甀椀氀琀⸀ 圀攀 栀愀搀 愀 ㄀ 琀爀愀椀渀 眀愀椀琀⸀ 䤀 氀椀欀攀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 愀 氀漀琀⸀ 一椀挀攀 愀渀搀 猀洀漀漀琀栀⸀ 䘀漀爀 猀漀洀攀 爀攀愀猀漀渀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀猀 愀爀攀 洀漀爀攀 挀漀洀昀漀爀琀愀戀氀攀 琀栀愀渀 琀栀攀 漀渀攀猀 愀琀 匀䘀漀吀⸀ 䴀愀礀戀攀 椀琀✀猀 琀栀攀 瀀愀搀搀攀搀 戀愀爀猀 琀栀愀琀 栀攀氀瀀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 戀攀椀渀最 㘀✀ 琀愀氀氀Ⰰ 椀琀✀猀 栀愀爀搀 琀漀 最攀琀 琀漀琀愀氀氀礀 挀漀洀昀漀爀琀愀戀氀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀猀攀 琀爀愀椀渀猀⸀ 䔀瘀攀渀 琀栀漀甀最栀Ⰰ 䤀 猀琀椀氀氀 攀渀樀漀礀 椀琀⸀ 䜀漀漀搀 愀猀 攀瘀攀爀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀一攀砀琀 甀瀀 眀愀猀 䴀攀愀渀 匀琀爀攀愀欀 ⠀匀焀甀攀愀欀℀⤀⸀ 䴀愀渀Ⰰ 眀栀礀 栀愀猀 猀甀挀栀 愀 最漀爀最攀漀甀猀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀 戀攀攀渀 搀漀渀攀 猀漀 眀爀漀渀最㼀 圀栀攀琀栀攀爀 椀琀✀猀 昀愀椀爀 漀爀 渀漀琀Ⰰ 䤀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 挀漀洀瀀愀爀攀 琀栀攀 䴀匀 琀漀 琀栀攀 吀攀砀愀猀 䜀椀愀渀琀 猀椀渀挀攀 琀栀攀礀 愀爀攀 昀爀漀洀 琀栀攀 猀愀洀攀 戀甀椀氀搀攀爀猀 愀渀搀 猀椀洀椀氀愀爀 栀攀椀最栀琀 愀渀搀 愀最攀猀⸀ 吀栀漀猀攀 戀爀愀欀攀猀 漀渀 琀栀攀 昀椀爀猀琀 搀爀漀瀀 樀甀猀琀 琀漀琀愀氀氀礀 搀攀猀琀爀漀礀 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀℀ 䴀愀渀Ⰰ 䤀 琀栀漀甀最栀琀 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 最漀椀渀最 琀漀 猀琀漀瀀⸀ 匀椀渀挀攀 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀 椀猀 猀漀 猀氀漀眀Ⰰ 椀琀✀猀 渀漀琀 愀猀 爀漀甀最栀 愀猀 琀栀攀 䜀椀愀渀琀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 琀栀愀琀✀猀 琀栀攀 漀渀氀礀 琀栀椀渀最 椀琀 栀愀猀 最漀椀渀最 昀漀爀 椀琀⸀ 䤀琀 椀猀 樀甀猀琀 猀漀 猀氀漀眀⸀ 䤀 眀愀猀 琀漀漀 戀漀爀攀搀 琀漀 欀攀攀瀀 洀礀 栀愀渀搀猀 甀瀀⸀ 䴀礀 洀漀洀 愀渀搀 昀椀愀渀挀攀攀 攀渀樀漀礀攀搀 椀琀Ⰰ 琀栀漀甀最栀⸀ 匀漀Ⰰ 䤀 最甀攀猀猀 愀 氀漀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 最攀渀攀爀愀氀 瀀甀戀氀椀挀 眀椀氀氀 琀漀漀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 眀攀渀琀 琀漀 最漀 爀椀搀攀 䜀攀洀椀渀椀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 椀琀 眀愀猀 挀氀漀猀攀搀Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 愀渀搀 最漀琀 椀渀 氀椀渀攀 昀漀爀 䴀愀渀琀椀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 氀椀渀攀 眀愀猀 愀戀漀甀琀 㐀㔀 洀椀渀甀琀攀猀⸀ 䤀 搀椀搀渀✀琀 琀栀椀渀欀 琀栀愀琀 眀愀猀 琀漀漀 戀愀搀⸀ 吀栀攀 漀瀀猀 猀攀攀洀攀搀 琀漀 戀攀 搀漀椀渀最 愀 最漀漀搀 樀漀戀 愀渀搀 眀攀爀攀渀✀琀 猀琀愀挀欀椀渀最 琀漀漀 戀愀搀⸀ 吀栀攀礀 眀攀爀攀 瀀爀攀琀琀礀 攀渀攀爀最攀琀椀挀 琀漀漀⸀ 䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 琀栀攀礀 眀攀爀攀 漀渀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 挀爀攀眀猀 愀琀 琀栀攀 瀀愀爀欀 漀渀 琀栀椀猀 琀爀椀瀀 愀猀 昀愀爀 愀猀 最攀琀琀椀渀最 琀栀攀 挀爀漀眀搀猀 栀礀瀀攀搀 甀瀀⸀ 吀栀椀猀 眀愀猀 洀礀 昀椀爀猀琀 攀瘀攀爀 猀琀愀渀搀 甀瀀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 愀渀搀 漀渀氀礀 洀礀 ㌀爀搀 䈀☀䴀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀⸀ 䤀 欀椀渀搀 漀昀 昀攀氀琀 猀漀爀爀礀 昀漀爀 愀 最甀礀 琀栀愀琀 眀愀猀 氀漀愀搀椀渀最 椀渀 琀栀攀 琀爀愀椀渀 愀栀攀愀搀 漀昀 甀猀⸀ 䠀攀 眀愀猀 愀 氀椀琀琀氀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 氀愀爀最攀 猀椀搀攀 ⠀氀漀漀欀攀搀 氀椀欀攀 吀漀渀礀 Soprano from the HBO show Sopranos). The poor girl ride op was trying to get the harness down over him so she could buckle the belt, but could only come within about 2". He had to skip the ride. He didn't throw a fit or anything and got off with a smile, but you could see the disappointment in his eyes. I think the ride op felt bad too. Oh well. Anyways...We got on and I used Jeff's suggestion of putting my feet all the way back. I liked the ride, but I didn't love it. I'll ride it at least once every visit, but that's about it. I prefer to sit down. Very fun, nonetheless.

Our next stop was Iron Dragon. I don't care how bad people put this ride down, I really, really enjoy it. It's the only Arrow suspended I've ever ridden and I really like the swinging sensation. Does the 1st lift always go that slow? It came to a near stop on the way up every time we rode it on our trip. I think this is one of my mom's favorite rides at the park and my fiancee really enjoys it too.

We strolled over to the sky ride to hitch a ride up to the front of the park. This was a new experience for my fiancee too. It was funny to watch her get scared when the car went over the wheels on the towers. It freaked her out a bit. ;) hehe

We were hungry, so we got some fries before we headed to Raptor. We got in line and had about a 45 minute wait. We had some light sprinkles off and on while waiting. I now remember why I liked this ride so much 5 years ago! My other B&M inverted experience is Batman at SFoT, and that just does not compare to Raptor! Raptor's elements are spaced out better and not as intense as Batman, which is a good thing. Excellent ride! I think it's my mom's favorite. My fiancee got a kick out of it too!

Next up was Blue Streak. This ride is always a nice surprise. It's always nice to have a walk-on also. For a little 36 year old woodie, this ride can pack a pretty good punch. Nice air and so攀 瀀爀攀琀琀礀 最漀漀搀 猀瀀攀攀搀 昀漀爀 猀甀挀栀 愀 猀洀愀氀氀 爀椀搀攀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䌀攀搀愀爀 䐀漀眀渀猀 椀猀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 愀 最漀漀搀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 愀渀搀 椀猀 琀栀攀 挀漀漀氀攀猀琀 挀愀爀漀甀猀攀氀 爀椀搀攀 攀瘀攀爀 戀甀椀氀琀Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 搀椀搀 椀琀 渀攀砀琀⸀ 䤀 眀漀渀℀ 㰀椀洀最 猀爀挀㴀∀⼀昀漀爀甀洀猀⼀椀洀愀最攀猀⼀猀洀椀氀攀㈀⸀最椀昀∀ 戀漀爀搀攀爀㴀∀ ∀㸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 漀瘀攀爀 琀漀 䐀椀猀愀猀琀攀爀 吀爀愀渀猀瀀漀爀琀 渀攀砀琀⸀ 吀栀攀 䄀⼀䌀 昀攀氀琀 猀漀漀漀 眀漀渀搀攀爀昀甀氀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 椀琀 眀愀猀 漀渀氀礀 愀戀漀甀琀 愀 ㄀㔀 洀椀渀甀琀攀 眀愀椀琀⸀ 䠀愀猀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 栀愀搀 琀栀攀 ㈀ⴀ愀戀爀攀愀猀琀 挀愀爀猀㼀 䤀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 爀攀洀攀洀戀攀爀 琀栀攀 氀漀最 爀椀搀攀ⴀ猀琀礀氀攀 猀攀愀琀猀 氀椀欀攀 琀栀攀礀 栀愀瘀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 戀漀戀猀氀攀搀 挀愀爀猀 漀昀 䰀愀 嘀椀戀漀爀愀 愀琀 匀䘀漀吀⸀ 伀栀 眀攀氀氀Ⰰ 䤀 氀椀欀攀 琀栀攀猀攀 戀攀琀琀攀爀⸀ 䤀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 搀漀渀✀琀 挀愀爀攀 眀栀愀琀 瀀攀漀瀀氀攀 猀愀礀 愀戀漀甀琀 椀琀Ⰰ 䤀 攀渀樀漀礀 椀琀⸀ 吀栀攀 漀渀氀礀 渀攀最愀琀椀瘀攀 琀栀椀渀最猀 䤀 挀愀渀 猀愀礀 愀爀攀Ⰰ 礀攀愀栀Ⰰ 椀琀✀猀 甀最氀礀 昀爀漀洀 琀栀攀 漀甀琀猀椀搀攀Ⰰ 攀猀瀀攀挀椀愀氀氀礀 椀昀 琀栀攀礀✀爀攀 搀漀椀渀最 琀栀攀 戀漀愀爀搀眀愀氀欀 瀀爀漀樀攀挀琀 椀渀 琀栀愀琀 愀爀攀愀 愀渀搀 礀攀愀栀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 挀愀瀀愀挀椀琀礀 椀猀渀✀琀 愀氀氀 琀栀愀琀 最爀攀愀琀⸀ 伀琀栀攀爀 琀栀愀渀 琀栀愀琀Ⰰ 䤀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 攀渀樀漀礀 椀琀⸀ 䤀琀✀猀 愀 洀甀挀栀 戀攀琀琀攀爀 爀椀搀攀 琀栀愀渀 䰀愀 嘀椀戀漀爀愀 愀琀 匀䘀漀吀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 氀攀昀琀 䐀吀 愀渀搀 洀愀搀攀 琀栀攀 氀漀渀最 眀愀氀欀 漀瘀攀爀 琀漀 琀栀攀 匀瀀愀挀攀 匀瀀椀爀愀氀⸀ 圀栀礀 搀漀渀✀琀 琀栀攀礀 瀀甀琀 䄀⼀䌀 椀渀 琀栀椀猀 琀栀椀渀最㼀 䴀愀渀℀ 䤀 戀攀琀 琀栀愀琀 琀栀椀渀最 挀愀渀 最攀琀 栀漀琀℀ 䤀昀 椀琀 眀攀爀攀渀✀琀 昀漀爀 琀栀愀琀Ⰰ 䤀 挀漀甀氀搀 猀琀愀礀 甀瀀 琀栀攀爀攀 愀渀搀 氀漀漀欀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 愀氀氀 搀愀礀 氀漀渀最⸀ 伀渀攀 琀栀椀渀最 爀攀愀氀氀礀 挀漀漀氀 䤀 渀漀琀椀挀攀搀 眀愀猀 愀 昀氀漀爀愀氀 愀爀爀愀渀最攀洀攀渀琀 椀渀 琀栀攀 洀椀搀搀氀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 洀愀椀渀 洀椀搀眀愀礀⸀⸀⸀椀琀 眀愀猀 琀栀攀 䴀椀氀氀攀渀渀椀甀洀 䘀漀爀挀攀 氀漀最漀 愀氀氀 搀漀渀攀 甀瀀 椀渀 昀氀漀眀攀爀猀 愀渀搀 眀愀猀 愀渀最氀攀搀 愀猀 椀昀 椀琀 眀攀爀攀 搀漀渀攀 攀猀瀀攀挀椀愀氀氀礀 昀漀爀 匀瀀愀挀攀 匀瀀椀爀愀氀 爀椀搀攀爀猀⸀ 一攀愀琀Ⰰ 栀甀栀㼀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀一攀砀琀 眀攀 栀攀愀搀攀搀 琀漀 伀挀攀愀渀 䴀漀琀椀漀渀⸀ 䄀猀 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 爀椀搀椀渀最Ⰰ 椀琀 戀攀最愀渀 琀漀 爀愀椀渀⸀ 㰀椀洀最 猀爀挀㴀∀⼀昀漀爀甀洀猀⼀椀洀愀最攀猀⼀猀洀椀氀攀㌀⸀最椀昀∀ 戀漀爀搀攀爀㴀∀ ∀㸀 一漀 最漀漀搀⸀ 䤀琀 眀愀猀 爀愀椀渀椀渀最 瀀爀攀琀琀礀 最漀漀搀 戀礀 琀栀攀 琀椀洀攀 眀攀 最漀琀 漀昀昀⸀ 匀漀Ⰰ 眀攀 栀攀愀搀攀搀 漀瘀攀爀 琀漀 琀栀攀 搀椀瘀攀 猀栀漀眀 愀渀搀 眀愀椀琀攀搀 琀栀攀 爀愀椀渀 漀甀琀 愀渀搀 攀渀樀漀礀攀搀 琀栀攀 猀栀漀眀⸀ 吀栀攀 猀栀漀眀 眀愀猀 瀀爀攀琀琀礀 最漀漀搀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 愀昀琀攀爀 椀琀 眀愀猀 漀瘀攀爀Ⰰ 愀氀氀 琀栀攀 搀椀瘀攀爀猀 樀甀猀琀 猀琀愀爀琀攀搀 瀀氀愀礀椀渀最 愀爀漀甀渀搀 愀渀搀 栀愀瘀椀渀最 昀甀渀⸀ 䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 琀栀愀琀 眀愀猀 戀攀琀琀攀爀 琀栀愀渀 琀栀攀 愀挀琀甀愀氀 猀栀漀眀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀吀栀攀 爀愀椀渀 猀琀漀瀀瀀攀搀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 䤀 栀愀搀 戀攀攀渀 攀礀攀椀渀最 倀漀眀攀爀 吀漀眀攀爀 愀氀氀 搀愀礀 氀漀渀最Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 眀攀渀琀 漀瘀攀爀 琀栀攀爀攀 渀攀砀琀⸀ 圀攀 搀攀挀椀搀攀搀 漀渀 琀栀攀 匀瀀愀挀攀 匀栀漀琀 猀椀搀攀⸀ 䨀甀猀琀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 眀攀 戀漀愀爀搀攀搀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 猀欀椀攀猀 漀瀀攀渀攀搀 甀瀀⸀ 吀栀椀猀 椀猀 洀礀 昀椀爀猀琀 匀☀匀 爀椀搀攀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀⸀ 䤀 氀椀欀攀 栀漀眀 琀栀攀礀✀爀攀 瀀爀漀甀搀 漀昀 琀栀攀洀猀攀氀瘀攀猀 愀渀搀 瀀甀琀 琀栀攀椀爀 渀愀洀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 猀攀愀琀猀 愀渀d restraints. You don't see that much. We strapped in and sat and waited in the rain for the launch. BOOM! We're off!! I LOVE this ride!! We shot up the tower with the rain stinging our legs. That is one heluva view from up there! On the way down, we were falling so fast that the rain was going up! That is COOOL!! I want one of these in my backyard!

After riding Power Soaker, we decided to leave and wait the rain out. It was about 4:00, so we drove out to Breakers Express and got checked in and threw our clothes and shoes in the dryers. Then we drove in for dinner at Steak N Shake. We headed back to the park around 6:00 and were seeing blue skies breaking over the park! :)

We went over and rode Gemini first. This has always been one of my favs since my first visit in '84 when me and my dad did marathon runs until they found out I was too short. The ride is still as wonderful as ever and I love the smoothness! We rode the red train. We lost.

Next up was the Force! There's no time like the present! The queue was filled back to the vending machines and they were running 2 trains. Blue was on the transfer track. After about 45 minutes, we were about 2 rows from the ramp when the trains both started dragging over the top of the lift. Then they started dragging the bottom too. Before long, they pulled 1 train (yellow) and then the red started draggin all the way up the lift. They shut the ride down. :( An op came out and said it could be 5 minutes or it could be all night. They didn't know. A lot of people bailed. At about 8:45, after inhaling a ton of cigarette smoke and watching a very civilized young man relieve himself off the ramp, we bailed also. We would be back tomorrow, so it was no big deal, even though I would have liked to have gotten a night ride.

We did some shopping, went to go ride the Giant Wheel, but it was closed. Then we 漀琀 椀渀 氀椀渀攀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 吀甀爀戀漀 䐀爀漀瀀 猀椀搀攀 漀昀 倀漀眀攀爀 吀漀眀攀爀⸀ 䄀昀琀攀爀 愀戀漀甀琀 愀 ㌀  洀椀渀甀琀攀 眀愀椀琀Ⰰ 眀攀 氀漀愀搀攀搀 甀瀀⸀ 圀攀 猀琀愀爀琀攀搀 挀氀椀洀戀椀渀最 愀渀搀 挀氀椀洀戀椀渀最 愀渀搀 挀氀椀洀戀椀渀最 愀渀搀 挀氀椀洀戀椀渀最⸀⸀⸀愀渀搀 挀氀椀洀戀椀渀最⸀ 䘀椀渀愀氀氀礀Ⰰ 眀攀 眀攀爀攀 愀琀 琀栀攀 琀漀瀀⸀ 伀䠀   䴀夀   䜀伀䐀℀℀ 匀椀琀琀椀渀最 甀瀀 琀栀攀爀攀Ⰰ 栀愀渀最椀渀最 ㈀㘀 ✀ 椀渀 琀栀攀 愀椀爀 眀椀琀栀 礀漀甀爀 昀攀攀琀 搀愀渀最氀椀渀最 戀攀氀漀眀 礀漀甀 愀渀搀 戀攀椀渀最 愀戀氀攀 琀漀 猀攀攀 渀漀琀栀椀渀最 戀甀琀 氀椀最栀琀猀 椀猀 愀 挀爀愀稀礀 昀攀攀氀椀渀最℀ 吀栀攀 愀渀琀椀挀椀瀀愀琀椀漀渀 椀猀 椀渀猀愀渀攀℀ 吀栀椀猀 椀猀 琀栀攀 挀氀漀猀攀猀琀 䤀✀瘀攀 攀瘀攀爀 戀攀攀渀 琀漀 戀攀椀渀最 猀挀愀爀攀搀 漀渀 愀 爀椀搀攀℀ 䄀䴀䄀娀䤀一䜀℀ 䴀礀 昀椀愀渀挀攀攀 眀愀猀 琀愀氀欀椀渀最 琀漀 洀攀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 愀氀氀 漀昀 愀 猀甀搀搀攀渀 眀攀✀爀攀 戀攀椀渀最 猀栀漀琀 搀漀眀渀℀ 匀栀攀 愀渀搀 䤀 戀漀琀栀Ⰰ ∀䠀伀伀伀䰀夀夀夀夀 匀匀匀⨀⨀⨀⨀⨀⨀⨀⨀⨀℀℀℀℀℀∀ 吀䠀䄀吀 椀猀 眀栀愀琀 䤀 挀愀氀氀 愀渀 攀砀挀椀琀椀渀最 爀椀搀攀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䄀昀琀攀爀 琀栀愀琀 攀砀栀椀氀椀爀愀琀椀渀最 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀Ⰰ 眀攀 眀攀渀琀 琀漀 最漀 挀栀攀挀欀 漀甀琀 䜀椀愀渀琀 圀栀攀攀氀Ⰰ 眀栀椀挀栀 栀愀瀀瀀攀渀攀搀 琀漀 戀攀 挀氀漀猀攀搀 愀渀礀琀椀洀攀 眀攀 眀愀渀琀攀搀 琀漀 爀椀搀攀 愀氀氀 搀愀礀⸀ 䄀最愀椀渀Ⰰ 椀琀 眀愀猀 挀氀漀猀攀搀⸀ 圀攀 最爀愀戀戀攀搀 愀 挀漀甀瀀氀攀 漀昀 猀漀甀瘀攀渀椀攀爀猀 愀渀搀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 戀愀挀欀 琀漀 圀椀氀搀挀愀琀⸀ 吀栀椀猀 椀猀 愀 挀漀漀氀 氀椀琀琀氀攀 匀挀栀眀愀爀稀欀漀瀀昀 爀椀搀攀⸀ 䄀渀琀漀渀 椀猀 愀 洀愀猀琀攀爀 漀昀 戀甀椀氀搀椀渀最 挀漀洀瀀愀挀琀 猀琀攀攀氀 挀漀愀猀琀攀爀猀⸀ 圀攀 渀攀瘀攀爀 爀漀搀攀 琀栀椀猀 戀愀挀欀 椀渀 ✀㤀㔀 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 琀栀攀 氀椀渀攀猀 眀攀爀攀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 琀漀漀 氀漀渀最Ⰰ 愀渀搀 眀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 氀漀眀 挀愀瀀愀挀椀琀礀 漀昀 琀栀椀猀 漀渀攀Ⰰ 䤀✀洀 渀漀琀 甀瀀 昀漀爀 眀愀椀琀椀渀最 椀渀 琀漀漀 氀漀渀最 漀昀 愀 氀椀渀攀⸀ 圀攀 漀渀氀礀 眀愀椀琀攀搀 愀戀漀甀琀 ㄀  洀椀渀甀琀攀猀 琀栀椀猀 渀椀最栀琀⸀ 吀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀 猀甀爀瀀爀椀猀攀搀 洀礀 昀椀愀渀挀攀攀⸀ 匀栀攀 眀愀猀 琀栀椀渀欀椀渀最 椀琀 眀漀甀氀搀 戀攀 愀 戀甀洀 爀椀搀攀⸀ 栀攀栀攀 䤀 氀漀瘀攀 椀琀℀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 搀攀挀椀搀攀搀 琀漀 琀愀欀攀 ㄀ 氀愀猀琀 爀椀搀攀 漀渀 䜀攀洀椀渀椀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 眀攀 氀攀昀琀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 渀椀最栀琀⸀ 䄀氀眀愀礀猀 愀 最爀攀愀琀 爀椀搀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀 搀愀爀欀℀ 䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 眀攀 氀漀猀琀 愀最愀椀渀 琀栀椀猀 琀椀洀攀⸀ 䤀琀 眀愀猀 渀漀眀 ㄀㄀㨀  Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 氀攀昀琀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 栀漀琀攀氀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀㜀⼀㄀㄀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 挀栀攀挀欀攀搀 漀甀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 栀漀琀攀氀 愀渀搀 眀攀渀琀 昀漀爀 戀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀⸀ 䤀琀✀猀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 搀椀猀愀瀀瀀漀椀渀琀椀渀最 琀栀愀琀 䈀爀攀愀欀攀爀猀 䔀砀瀀爀攀猀猀 搀漀攀猀渀✀琀 攀瘀攀渀 猀攀爀瘀攀 愀 挀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀愀氀 戀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀⸀ 圀椀琀栀 琀栀攀 爀愀琀攀猀 琀栀攀礀 挀栀愀爀最攀Ⰰ 琀栀攀礀 猀栀漀甀氀搀⸀ 䄀渀礀栀漀眀Ⰰ 䤀 栀愀琀攀 䴀挀䐀漀渀愀氀搀✀猀 戀爀攀愀欀昀愀猀琀Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 眀攀渀琀 琀漀 䌀漀愀猀琀攀爀猀 愀挀爀漀猀猀 琀栀攀 猀琀爀攀攀琀⸀ ∀一漀戀漀搀礀✀猀 栀攀爀攀⸀ 䌀漀漀氀⸀ 圀攀✀氀氀 最攀琀 最漀漀搀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀⸀∀ 圀栀愀琀攀瘀攀爀℀ 䤀 漀爀搀攀爀攀搀 昀爀攀渀挀栀 琀漀愀猀琀 愀渀搀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀 昀爀椀攀猀⸀ 䴀礀 洀漀洀 愀渀搀 昀椀愀渀挀攀攀 戀漀琀栀 漀爀搀攀爀攀搀 瀀愀渀挀愀欀攀猀⸀ 䤀 最漀琀 洀礀 昀爀攀渀挀栀 琀漀愀猀琀 愀戀漀甀琀 㔀 洀椀渀甀琀攀猀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 洀礀 洀漀洀 最漀琀 栀攀爀 瀀愀渀挀愀欀攀猀⸀ 䄀昀琀攀爀 猀漀洀攀 琀愀氀欀椀渀最 愀渀搀 栀攀愀搀 猀挀爀愀琀挀栀椀渀最 戀礀 琀栀攀 攀洀瀀氀漀礀攀攀猀Ⰰ 洀礀 昀椀愀渀挀攀攀 昀椀渀愀氀氀礀 最漀琀 栀攀爀 瀀愀渀挀愀欀攀猀 and I got my country fries. My fiancee took 2 bites of her pancakes and bit into raw batter! Gross! What is that crap all about!? We got a refund for them and left. So, now we know, NEVER eat at Coasters!

We got to the Soak City lot about 8:45 and got in the ticket holder line which stretched back nearly to the tunnel under Magnum. Once they opened the gates, we were in the park in about 5 minutes. We headed toward Millennium Force. By the time we got near it, we noticed they were already running full trains. The line was back a little past the tunnel. The line was moving pretty good, and in no time at all we were in the queues. They were running 2 trains still this morning. Even though, the line moved along pretty well. After about an hour, we were at the top of the ramp watching the trains fly by 5' away from us! WOW! That is cool! We got in the 4th car 2nd row. My fiancee was in the left seat and I was in the right. I kept my lapbar loose, but the ride op stapled her. :( She about freaked going up the lift because she saw nothing but water and Sandusky off to her left. That is sooo cool! That 45* lift is amazing! Over the top we go, "OH MY! WHERE DID THE TRACK GO!?" WOW!! This ride is so amazing! I got a good 4-5 seconds of air over the Magnum hill and the return hill! I could almost swear that when criscrossing the track on the island that you could touch some of those supports. I got another good 2 seconds of air over the bunny hop too! We got off and I was nearly without a voice. I want one of these rides! We bought the pic. My mom was in the TTR line and got me a ticket for 2-3. Whatever. I'm not riding solo without my fiancee. She wanted to go again very badly.

Next we took another spin on Iron Dragon. We rode in the front car this time because I like the swing you get on the final brake run. :) So did my fiancee.

We finally got to ri攀 䜀椀愀渀琀 圀栀攀攀氀⸀ 䤀 氀椀欀攀 戀椀最 昀攀爀爀椀猀 眀栀攀攀氀猀⸀ 吀栀攀 瘀椀攀眀 椀猀 猀漀 挀漀漀氀 昀爀漀洀 甀瀀 琀栀攀爀攀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 樀甀猀琀 欀椀渀搀 漀昀 猀琀爀漀氀氀攀搀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 昀漀爀 愀 眀栀椀氀攀 愀渀搀 最漀琀 愀 挀漀甀瀀氀攀 猀漀甀瘀攀渀椀攀爀猀 椀渀挀氀甀搀椀渀最 愀 挀漀瀀礀 漀昀 ∀䌀攀搀愀爀 倀漀椀渀琀㨀 儀甀攀攀渀 漀昀 䄀洀攀爀椀挀愀渀 圀愀琀攀爀椀渀最 倀氀愀挀攀猀∀ 昀漀爀 洀礀猀攀氀昀⸀ 圀攀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 戀愀挀欀 愀渀搀 挀愀甀最栀琀 愀渀漀琀栀攀爀 爀椀搀攀 漀渀 䜀攀洀椀渀椀⸀ 䈀氀甀攀 琀爀愀椀渀⸀ 圀攀 氀漀猀琀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀吀栀攀渀 眀攀 栀攀愀搀攀搀 昀漀爀 圀栀椀琀攀 圀愀琀攀爀 䰀愀渀搀椀渀最⸀ 䤀✀洀 渀漀琀 愀 眀愀琀攀爀 爀椀搀攀 瀀攀爀猀漀渀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 䤀 挀愀渀 栀愀渀搀氀攀 氀漀最⼀昀氀甀洀攀 爀椀搀攀猀 氀椀欀攀 琀栀椀猀 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 礀漀甀 搀漀渀✀琀 最攀琀 琀漀琀愀氀氀礀 猀漀愀欀攀搀⸀ 吀栀愀琀 搀愀渀最 洀漀瘀椀渀最 昀氀漀漀爀 渀攀愀爀氀礀 最漀琀 琀漀 洀攀 眀栀攀渀 眀攀 最漀琀 漀昀昀 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀 琀栀漀甀最栀⸀ 栀攀栀攀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 最爀愀戀戀攀搀 愀 戀椀琀攀 琀漀 攀愀琀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀渀 爀漀搀攀 琀栀攀 圀愀瘀攀 匀眀椀渀最攀爀⸀ 圀攀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 琀栀攀 䘀爀漀渀琀椀攀爀 吀爀愀椀氀 愀渀搀 挀栀攀挀欀攀搀 漀甀琀 猀漀洀攀 漀昀 琀栀攀 猀栀漀瀀猀 愀渀搀 猀琀愀爀琀攀搀 洀愀欀椀渀最 漀甀爀 昀椀渀愀氀 瀀氀愀渀猀 昀漀爀 琀栀攀 搀愀礀Ⰰ 猀椀渀挀攀 眀攀 挀漀甀氀搀渀✀琀 猀琀愀礀 琀椀氀氀 挀氀漀猀椀渀最 猀椀渀挀攀 眀攀 栀愀搀 琀漀 搀爀椀瘀攀 戀愀挀欀 琀漀 䤀渀搀椀愀渀愀⸀ 㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀䤀琀 眀愀猀 椀渀 洀礀 ㈀ⴀ㌀ 琀椀洀攀 猀氀漀琀Ⰰ 猀漀 眀攀 眀愀氀欀攀搀 戀礀 䴀䘀 樀甀猀琀 琀漀 挀栀攀挀欀 椀琀 漀甀琀⸀ 吀栀攀 焀甀攀甀攀 眀愀猀 昀椀氀氀攀搀 瀀愀猀琀 琀栀攀 瘀攀渀搀椀渀最 洀愀挀栀椀渀攀猀⸀ 夀攀瀀⸀ 䰀漀漀欀猀 氀椀欀攀 吀吀刀 椀猀 爀攀愀氀氀礀 眀漀爀欀椀渀最 琀漀 洀攀℀ 䤀搀椀漀琀猀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀圀攀 栀攀愀搀攀搀 昀漀爀 愀 昀椀渀愀氀 爀椀搀攀 漀渀 䴀愀最渀甀洀⸀ 圀攀 眀愀椀琀攀搀 愀戀漀甀琀 ㌀  洀椀渀甀琀攀猀 琀漀 最攀琀 漀渀⸀ 䤀 氀漀瘀攀 琀栀椀猀 戀愀戀礀℀ 䤀琀✀猀 洀礀 ㈀渀搀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 爀椀搀攀 漀昀 愀氀氀 琀椀洀攀⸀ 圀攀 爀漀搀攀 ㌀爀搀 挀愀爀 ㌀爀搀 猀攀愀琀⸀ 䴀礀 昀椀愀渀挀攀攀 眀愀猀 愀戀氀攀 琀漀 氀漀漀欀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 琀栀椀猀 琀椀洀攀 愀渀搀 攀渀樀漀礀 琀栀攀 爀椀搀攀 愀 戀椀琀 洀漀爀攀 琀漀漀Ⰰ 猀椀渀挀攀 猀栀攀 欀渀攀眀 眀栀愀琀 琀漀 攀砀瀀攀挀琀⸀ 䤀 栀愀搀 洀礀 氀愀瀀 戀愀爀 瘀攀爀礀 氀漀漀猀攀 愀渀搀 最漀琀 猀漀洀攀 洀愀樀漀爀 愀椀爀 漀渀 琀栀椀猀 爀椀搀攀℀ 匀漀洀攀 最攀渀椀甀猀 昀攀洀愀氀攀 椀渀 琀栀攀 ㄀猀琀 挀愀爀 眀愀猀 眀攀愀爀椀渀最 栀攀愀爀 最氀愀猀猀攀猀 漀渀 琀漀瀀 漀昀 栀攀爀 栀攀愀搀 愀渀搀Ⰰ 眀攀氀氀Ⰰ 䴀愀最渀甀洀 挀氀愀椀洀攀搀 琀栀攀洀⸀ 吀栀攀 猀洀漀欀攀 眀愀猀 眀漀爀欀椀渀最 椀渀 琀栀攀 昀椀渀愀氀 琀甀渀渀攀氀 琀漀搀愀礀⸀ 吀栀愀琀 眀愀猀 愀 挀漀漀氀 琀爀攀愀琀⸀ 伀渀 漀甀爀 爀攀琀甀爀渀 琀爀椀瀀 眀攀 最漀琀 猀琀漀瀀瀀攀搀 漀渀 琀栀攀 戀爀愀欀攀猀 樀甀猀琀 愀昀琀攀爀 琀栀攀 戀甀渀渀礀 栀椀氀氀猀 戀攀挀愀甀猀攀 琀栀攀爀攀 眀愀猀 愀 琀爀愀椀渀 椀渀 琀栀攀 猀琀愀琀椀漀渀 猀琀椀氀氀 愀渀搀 漀渀攀 漀渀 琀栀攀 昀椀渀愀氀 戀爀愀欀攀猀⸀ 圀攀 栀攀愀爀搀 挀爀礀椀渀最 戀攀栀椀渀搀 甀猀 眀栀攀渀 眀攀 猀琀漀瀀瀀攀搀⸀ 圀攀 琀甀爀渀攀搀 愀爀漀甀渀搀 愀渀搀 琀栀椀猀 瀀漀漀爀 氀椀琀琀氀攀 最椀爀氀 眀愀猀 挀爀礀椀渀最 栀攀爀 栀攀愀搀 漀昀昀⸀ 匀栀攀 眀愀猀 猀漀 猀挀愀爀攀搀⸀ 䤀 琀栀椀渀欀 猀栀攀 眀愀猀 洀愀搀 愀琀 栀攀爀 洀漀洀 昀漀爀 洀愀欀椀渀最 栀攀爀 最攀琀 漀渀⸀ 䤀 昀攀氀琀 猀漀爀爀礀 昀漀爀 栀攀爀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 椀琀 眀愀猀 欀椀渀搀愀 昀甀渀渀礀 愀琀 琀栀攀 猀愀洀攀 琀椀洀攀⸀ 圀攀 最漀琀 漀昀昀 愀渀搀 䤀 眀愀猀 愀挀琀甀愀氀氀礀 最漀椀渀最 琀漀 戀甀礀 琀栀攀 瀀栀漀琀漀⸀ 䔀瘀攀爀礀漀渀攀 眀愀猀 猀琀愀渀搀椀渀最 愀爀漀甀渀搀 猀愀ying they couldn't find their pic and all this while the girls behind the counter just stood there. Finally, one of the girls pulled her head out and said they were having problems and that what you see is all they got. Dangit! I wanted a Magnum pic! Oh well.

We headed over for a final ride on Gemini. Blue train. We won! ;)

I wanted to finish the day in a big way, so we headed to MF. This time they were running all 3 trains! Sweet! When we first got in line, 2 guys behind us were talking to their buds up about 20 people ahead of us in line. They were contemplating getting up there with their friends. After listening to them talking to each other behind me for about 5 minutes and one of them finally saying, "Dude, we gotta get up there!", I finally turned around and spoke my mind. "Why don't you have them come back here to you? I don't think that everyone between here and there would appreciate it if you took it upon yourselves to go up there." I never heard anything about it the rest of the wait. After about 90 minutes, we were there! We were hoping and hoping for the luck of the draw. We got stopped at the turnstiles, yes! No, wait, they need 2 more people. Dang! Wait a minute! Can it be? Yes! 1st car 2nd seat! Close enough for us! This ride is so much better the second time around. It's so much better in the 1st car! Again, I had my bar loose and my fiancee got stapled. The view is amazing! I love it! I definately recommend wearing eye protection on this thing, especially in the front car. I wore my shades on both rides. My fiancee's eyes got pretty dried out. I think the girls in front of me were drooling because I felt some wetness hitting my face. ick! I think I was too. When I got off, I had NO voice left! MF is just so powerful! I can't wait till my next trip.

After our final ride, we met back up with my mom and got a few more souveniers before we left.
Jeff's avatar
Great book, er, I mean, TR! :)

The first lift on Iron Dragon has a variable speed motor to create some delay until the train ahead makes its way to a similar point on the second lift. Iron Dragon is an OK ride (Top Gun at PKI and Big Bad Wolf at BGW are better), but it nails the capacity like few other coasters there can. And you might have noticed the trains got a nice makeover, too.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I did notice the new look on Iron Dragon's trains. Since I'm a car guy and am into customizing trucks and stuff, I liked the flame job. ;)

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