Cedar Point 5/19 Finally got on TTD! (long)

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Got kind of a late start. Just couldn't get it in gear. Left home here near Pittsburgh a little after 7 AM. I got to the park about 9:45 and drove around back to Soak City and entered the park by Magnum.

When I first pulled into the park, I could see the Dragster running and was all excited. As I parked my truck, I realized that the only ones riding the Dragster were the water dummies, so I decided to take a few laps on Magnum. No wait, jumped in the front for my first trip. Ran around and got in line for the last seat, one train wait and something breaks. The ride ops said that it would be a while and cleared the station.

I headed over to TTD to see what was going on. They said that the ride was down and that it may open later in the afternoon.

After that I headed over to MF. 1 Hour wait? Where are all of these people coming from? Midways are packed, lines are long, what's going on? Turns out some schools were having their Physics day early and it was senior skip day and some other schools were having picnics. So much for the walk on rides I was hoping for. I got on Millennium in about 45 minutes and then got my freeway pass for 6-7.

After that, I headed to the back of the park for a trip on MS. I am one of the few that doesn't hate this ride. One trip in the front seat and one in the back. There was actually a line for this ride today. While in line, I heard rumors of TTD opening at 2 PM.

A quick ride on Gemini, both trains running and back to Magnum. I heard the same rumor there. A few rides here and it was about 1:50.

I headed to TTD and people were starting to enter the queue. They said the line was about 4 hours. I found the end and followed everyone in. We then had to wait and wait. Then they launched some test trains and then a ride op rode one, and then some more test trains. Then about 2:35, the first train load of riders pulled out of the station and everyone cheered. Trains continued to launch, but it was real erratic. Some would launch one right after he other and then there would be several minutes between launches. It is funny to watch the expressions on peoples faces, both during the launch and then in the break run. Also watching people pulling their arms in during the downward spiral as they think that they are going to hit the body chopper.

Finally it was my turn. A little after 4 PM. Not too bad. I get row seven in the second train. As Jeff has stated, they really staple you in. The ops gave the all clear and the first train rolled into the launch position. Our train then rolled up behind it. The sound effects started for the first train. People on my train started to have second thoughts. Too late. The lights lit up on the Christmas tree and away the first train went. Then we rolled up, the engine reved, the lights came on and away we went. WOW! What excelleration. It's incredable. We just kept going faster and faster. Then we cleared the launch and went up the tower, turned and then crested the top. You really do not realize just how high you are until you go over the other side and you are able to look down on everything. Even though I was really stapled in, I think my but left the seat as we went over the top. Then the drop through the spiral and into the brakes. WOW! What a rush. It was well worth the 2+hour wait.

Then it broke. Our train was left in the brake run. The next train had pulled up into the launch position, but they were having some sort of trouble. The train would roll back and then forward and back and forward. It took them about 10 to 15 minutes to get the ride going again and to let us out of our train. I was grateful that I was able to ride, thinking that my train may have been the last ride of the day but they got it up and running again.

There were still only 5 trains running. No sign of the sixth train. They have removed the slicks(tires) off of the back of all of the trains. The engine and airfoil were removed from the red train. Why? I do not know.

After something to eat, a flight on Raptor and a few other rides, I used my freeway pass for MF and headed back to TTD for a second ride. I got in line a little after 7. About 7:30, it went down. The ops got on the PA and said that it was down and that they did not know when it would be up. About 7:45, I decided to run over to MF for my final ride of the day and headed home.

I love TTD. It is an incredible ride and gives you an incredible rush, but I would have to rate MF and Magnum above it. It is just over too quick. Don't get me wrong, I will ride it again, but I think that the other coasters are better.
Lets go Drag racing.

glad you got a chance to ride ttd......im headed down to cp in june hope they have all the bugs worked out on dragster by then

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