Cedar Point 10/1/04

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Jeff's avatar
Met up with a couple of friends (Brandon and Amber) and Stephanie for our ritual Friday night visit. Weather was a little cooler and therefore more comfortable, making for a good night.

Hit Magnum right away. Running two trains made for a four train wait, but that's not so bad. Took a spin in the back seat for the first time in ages. Even with heavy trims on the ride was running remarkably well, better than the last time I rode it. Despite its age, it still delivers. Crew ran pretty well, though it's not exactly a pressure situation with two trains.

Up front we got fries, and, shockingly, good service! I've been complaining about poor food service since last year, and I was really surprised this time to get a guy that was friendly and food that was hot (and quick). I didn't even think much of it until afterward, which is how it should be. Having food at the park should be a nice, quick, seamless transaction that has no impact except to make you less hungry.

By this time it was nearly 8, so Raptor was a walk-on. Back row, loved it as usual. I swear I need to start bringing hearing protection because the high-frequency component of the anti-rollback noise kills my left ear (have a little damage to that one). Ride was much smoother than last week, perhaps due to newer wheels or something.

We went around to the gypsy thing to tell our futures. The attract speakers are way too long, and also not good for the hearing. Ouch! Not fun to stand in line there.

Blue Streak was fun, and it's still running great, hauling ass in the turn around. It was shuffling a bit in the turn though. Maybe it's time to lube it up again.

Later we met with Old Timer Tim, who had the night off, and went throught the fright zone. Some weirdo stalker kept asking the monsters if they were Magnum Dan under the makeup. The fog machine boy wasn't keeping up with his job, as a couple of machines were crapping out here and there. Voice of the skull gate, DJ Tobe, was pretty funny. Nice job.

We made it back to Red Garter and actually got a table for the show. Bartenders were really friendly and really fast. Reviewed the show here.

Did Power Tower drop for the first time in awhile. They were running one tower each, which was adequate. We were lucky enough to be in 3-6, which faces Dragster, MF, Mean Streak, etc. What a beautiful thing at 240 feet, especially with the fog creeping out. I wish I could get up there in maintenance mode and shoot photos.

We took one extra spin on Magnum before leaving, and again it was a great ride. Amber was grateful to learn that pulling the belt tight is what results in the most comfortable ride. Brandon and I had a laugh about stupid enthusiasses that think the exact opposite is what makes the ride great.

Overall it was a nice evening that was generally just fun. Granted, none of us were in any hurry to try Dragster (breakdowns) or MF (all that seatbelt slack hostility), but it was a good time. *** Edited 10/3/2004 11:25:58 PM UTC by Jeff***

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Jeff, is Wicked Twister back up yet? Did you notice anything?

Wish I lived closer or had friends with more money so I could just jump over for a random Friday night - I love that view you're talking about towards the back of the park with the fog from Fright Zone coming up through all the trees. I'm surprised no one's managed to snap a picture of that yet (legal or not ... )

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Rctycoon2k's avatar
Ooooooooh, CoasterBuzz has a CPPlace too? Never knew that! ;) (points out misstyped review link)

Sounds like a fun time! I wish I could go sometime in the fall, or for Halloweekends.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

Did anyone see the skeleton singing in the window above the fry stand in front of Raptor? Very funny, I sat there and laughed at it for about five minutes.
Jeff's avatar
That was there last year. It has a couple of different scenes, I believe.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Brett, I've had two people (Dawn Marie and JasonPSU20) call me from CP yesterday and today that say Wicked Twister was not running either day.

On a side note, everyone wish Dawn a safe trip back home. Her car had problems on the way to the park Friday and it had to be towed, she sat in something sticky at CP and ruined a pair of pants, a waitress spilled ice water all over her yesterday, she spilled coffee all over another pair of pants, she was rear-ended in her rental car today, and now the windows won't roll up. Ouch! Get home safe.

Good report, Jeff. I liked your comment about the food and I'm glad everything went well.

+Danny *** Edited 10/3/2004 11:57:57 PM UTC by +Danny***

Gosh, Dawn needs loads of prayer! Tell her I'm thinkin bout her, Danny, and that I hope she gets back to NC safely.

Jeff said:
Amber was grateful to learn that pulling the belt tight is what results in the most comfortable ride. Brandon and I had a laugh about stupid enthusiasses that think the exact opposite is what makes the ride great.

Its so funny that you mention that. As I said in my TR for my first ever CP visit, the ops on Maggie came by and put the bar down and tightened the belt. After they left, I put the bar down atleast another 2 clicks (and still had the thigh pain...) and tightened up the seatbelt another 2 inches so that I was pretty stapled (though not uncomfortably stapled, thats just how I usually ride).

I still was out of my seat on every hill, and I didn't think it would be possible. I've never understood the "let me keep it loose so I'll have better airtime" mentality before.

Jeff's avatar
Generally I let the bar stay loose and let the belt be the primary restraint. I pull it really tight. It's very comfortable, even in the ejector seat.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

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