I have a few questions for anyone who's had a Cedar Fair pass recently. My girlfriend and I are planning on going to Cedar Point this summer (we've never been there) for three days, staying two nights in Breakers. We've already reserved the hotel for those nights. What we're wondering is whether it would be more economical for us to buy a platinum pass on our spring trip to Dorney, or whether Cedar Point has some sort of deal for hotel guests that would be cheaper for three days. In addition to going in the spring, we're probably also going to visit Dorney in the summer and during the Halloween season. But since we're staying in Breakers, we won't have to pay parking at Cedar Point and we'll get early admission to the park, just the same as if we had a platinum pass. Also, until they closed Geauga Lake we were going to stop there on the way back from CP. We don't do waterparks, so that's another perk that wouldn't be doing us any good now. But here's the two things that are really puzzling me. First, Dorney's website says that platinum pass holders may have to go to Guest Relations to get into other parks. Will staying at Breakers automatically do away with that requirement? We don't want to waste our hour's ERT walking around trying to figure out how to get in, we're going to want as many rides as possible on the good stuff! Second, the platinum pass brochure, as well as Dorney's website, say that passes aren't good for fall events that require an additional admission fee. Since Dorney is supposed to be upgrading from Halloweekends to a Haunt this year, how does that work? We've never been to any other CF park, so we don't know whether the price of a Haunt counts as normal admission -- and Halloweekends were always reduced-rate admission, not even normal rate.