Cedar Fair letter to Santa Clara threatens legal action for unanswered questions in 49ers deal

Posted | Contributed by Alexatucla

In a Sept. 3 letter to Santa Clara from Cedar Fair Entertainment's lawyer, the park owners say they have not been properly insulated against the potential loss of business at California's Great America if the 49ers stadium is built, even if the team follows through with its assurance it will compensate the park for lost profits if it closes on game days.

Read more from The Mercury News.

rollergator's avatar

Cedar Fair hopes to come out of this without a park in the area, and with a sizeable chunk of change for their efforts. But I like the posturing, it's likely to drive up whatever offers the city comes up with. The 49ers also play this game well - "it's the city's problem, we have no comment". The city needs the 49ers worse than it needs the park, so CF is bargaining from a position of real strength in the matter...and they will milk it for all its worth.

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

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