Cedar Fair

I was reading about Knott's Berry Farm and it was saying how it is owned by a public company called Cedar Fair. They operate 5 other amusment parks, is Cedar Point one of these? What are the other parks they operate?


Cedar Point, Valleyfair, Dorney, WOrlds of Fun, Knotts, Michagain's Adventure + they operate Knott's Camp Snoopy and many water parks.

- Peabody

The other parks are Valleyfair, Michigan's Adventure, Cedar Point, Dorney Park, Soak City, Worlds of Fun, Oceans of Fun, and Knotts Berry Farm.

Not to try to be rude, but if you want information on a company, do a simple search of the web. I simply searched for "cedar fair" and got their website.


If the world was perfect, we would have a rollercoaster at every corner.

*** This post was edited by ALF is cool on 4/7/2002. ***

Yes, World's of fun, Valleyfair, Michigans Adventure, and Dorney Park are the major ones.

So many coasters, so little vacation time....

Yes, Cedar Point is one. The others are Dorney Park (Allentown, PA), Valleyfair (Shakopee, MN), Michigan's Adventure (Muskegon, MI), and Worlds of Fun (Kansas City, MO. Cedar Fair also manages Knott's Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America and several waterparks (most of which are located next to their amusement parks).


Why is it that everytime the question is answered already, another 10 people have to make a point by answering it too? It just wastes bandwith.
look at the time that they replyed krazleridah...all with in 2 minutes of eachother.
This is the "official" list

Cedar Point
Dorney Park
Knotts Berry Farm
Worlds of Fun
Michigan's Adventure
2 Water parks not near theme parks in Southern CA ( Soak City USA)

ApolloAndy's avatar
Wait wait. Let me look like I know what I'm talking about by posting it too!

Cedar Point
Dorney Park
Knott's Berry Farm
Worlds of Fun
Michigan Adventure

Do I look smarter yet?
AC?, RB?, MF?, DD?, PR? Who can keep track of it all?

*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 4/8/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar

No need to be jackasses, folks...

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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