CCVI Trip Report!

Associated parks:

OK...this is gonna be one long bear with me, lol.

I got to the park at about 7:05, and they had just opened up the gates.  Got in, walked over to Guest Relations to sign up for my tour.  Unfortunately, the group right before me took the last Nitro/Chiller tour, so I decided to go for the plain Nitro combo for me.  So, after I signed up, I headed over to morning ERT!  I decided not to go to breakfast right away, and instead get some riding in.

I went over to Twister (Top Spin) and got 2 rides on.  There was a good ride op...he ran it on the Fairground in he controlled what the ride did, he he he.  After Twister, I went over to 3 rides on in a row without getting off in the front row.  SOLO RIDES!!!!  YEEE-HAAAA!  Amazingly, I didn't get jerked around at all...but then again, I had the blue train, not red.  After my FRIGID rides on GASM (my hands were numb after each ride), I headed over to the breakfast.  Now, the flyer said that it would be located near La Cantina....I guess they changed it.  They had it over at Medusa again!

Well, I went over, and I got in line for Breakfast...while others were just being mean and walking right up to the table, I abided by the rules, as did many other people.  Anyways...while standing in line, Eric (Wild One, you remeber him, right?) and I started chatting.  Then, Rickyswn saw me, and saw my black MF T-Shirt, and said, "Coasterbuzz?"  Yup, that's me.  She couldn't remember my Screen Name.  Makes me feel insignificant, lol.  While in line, we were all chatting, and Eric and I ended up just hanging out together all day...except of course, for the tours...he was lucky enough to get 2, and I had a 6:00 Nitro tour, so we just picked meeting times at the Character Cafe (Yum Yum Palace).

After breakfast (probably the best bagle I've had in a long time) we (Eric and I) headed over to Medusa.  We jumped into the back row, and we rode about 5 times just changing rows.  After Medusa, we went and did the Runaway Train 2 in the back car, once in the second car.  TIP:  To make this ride a little more fun, have a contest with the person next to you to see who can grap the most leaves throughout the ride!

After Runaway Train, we headed to Rolling Thunder....left side, of course.  Went to 1.2, non-axle seat.  Excellent ride, good pops of airtime, and we won!  YES!  We rode the left side 2 more times, got off, and circled around to give the right side a go.  Not nearly as good of a ride as the left side...and we lost both times.  TIP:  On the right track, right before you enter the far turnaround, brace yourself.  The train LURCHES to one side, and you are thrown into the side of the car with an amazing amount of force.  It is very painful if you don't brace for it.  By now, it was about 9:50, and we headed over to the roped area to get to Chiller.

Well, they drop the ropes, we go to Chiller, wait about 5 minutes outside the gate, they let us in, we get in line for the front row.  We have about 6 rides until it is our turn.  The first train loads up, launches, returns.  The second train loads up, does nothing.  They tell everyone to get out of the train.  Guess who's standing about 5 groups behind us?  CHILLFORCE!!!!!!!  Everyone started yelling at him..."Ed, you broke it again!", etc.  Well, after about 5 minutes, they booted us out of the station.  We decided to head over to Nitro.

We got in line, waited about 5-10 minutes until we got into the station.  We didn't feel like waiting the extra hour for the front row, so we opted for the back instead.  While waiting, the train decides it wants to get stuck in the station and not budge.  Well, they were only running 2 trains at this point.  So, the next train moves on up into the final brakes...guess who is sitting in the back row, left side?  CHILLFORCE!!!!  Ed broke it!!! Nooooo!  After about a 1/2 hour, they got it running again, and we were finally able to load.  Fun ride.  Good airtime.

After this, we headed to the lunch in the Garden of Eatin.  Anything you could possible want was there.  Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Ziti, chicken breasts, salads, cookies, soda, etc.  Well, we sat down and had our lunch and ended up staying until 1:05.  We were wondering if my ticket would get called for the raffle (Eric won a Medusa hat) and we also got into talking with fellow enthusiasts.  After this, Eric had to go wait for his group for his first tour.  So, we decided to meet at 3:00 at the Character Cafe.  Hmmm, 3:00 at the Character Cafe...isn't that the scheduled meeting time for all Coasterbuzzers who were there?  Did you guys forget?  Eric returned, and we sat there for about 10 minutes wondering if anyone else was gonna come.  Anyways, while Eric was gone, I wasted $5 in the arcade, and did a few flat rides.  After we met up again, he only had about an hour until his Medusa tour.  I had my Nitro tour at 6, so we decided to meet again at 7:30 at the Character Cafe.  We pretty much wandered over towards Medusa, checked in the Super Tee-Pee for souvenirs, and just hung around.  Once we parted ways again, I went up for a ride on Medusa, and then I headed over to Rolling Thunder again.

I had about 1.5 hours to kill, so I had no idea what to do.  I noticed that my friend, Pete, was working on Rodeo Stampede (Huss BreakDance) and he was about to go home for the day.  So, I just hung around there for 5 minutes.  He realized that they had no Sign Out sheets at Rodeo Stampede, so he called the offices to see where he could get one.  They told him to go over to Medusa.  So, I went with him, and he got the sheets.  We went back to Rodeo Stampede, he signed out, and I went with him to the main gates of the park.  He told me to do him a favor...write up a Guest Comment card, to compliment on him.  So, being a good friend, I did, lol.  Well, guess what.  You get an exit pass to the ride fo your choice, except Nitro!  COOL!  Anyways, he called his mom to come pick him up, and he had to go to the Employee parking area.  We parted ways across from Chiller, and I decided to use my exit pass on Chiller.

Instead of waiting a 1/2 hour, I could get right on.  Well, here's what happens.  I get up there, a train launches, and it comes back in.  All of the restraints unlock, they all get out...except for the front row.  Some very LARGE man, and a tiny kid sitting next to him were stuck!  The restraints didn't want to unlock!  It took about 15-30 minutes for them to unlock it.  Then, they let all of the people waiting for the front row to ride in the fast lane seats.  Hey, I could care less.  At SFGAdv, you don't need to py for Fast Lane, so they are allowed to do this.  Now, if they did make you fork ver the 10 bucks, I can understand people getting a little bit angry, but these people were acting like they were gonn rip the ride ops heads off!  Geez!  You didn't pay anything, so quitcher*****en!  How would they feel if the were waiting for the front and then they shut down the entire front car?  Anyways, I got on, had a blast, and I greyed out going through the Cobra Roll!  DANG!  It wasn't as good as last Saturday, because I was situated in the siddle f the train instead of the front row, but it was still an excellent ride, nonetheless.  I still say it is better than Nitro, but that's just my opinion.

After Chiller, I went over and did Batman.  About 5 times.  There was absolutely no line and I walked directly into the back row and didn't get off.  I would've stayed on longer, but I had to get down to the Cool Zone for my Nitro tour.

The Nitro tour was excellent!  first, he brought us out to the bottom of the first drop.  I got about 10 pictures in that one area.  Let me tell you...when a B&M train comes roaring by at 80 mph literally 2 feet from your face, it's pretty friggin loud!  We were able to stand directly underneath the track!  The pictures that I got ar probably some of the best ever!  And yes, the track spin does change in size.  It's pretty strange when you take a look at the last two bunny hops and see just shrinks.  Aftr the first drop area, we headed out around the warehouses and maintenance sheds in order to get to the other half of the ride.  We walked all the way down around the Hammerhead and back, into the spiral, we basically did everything.  I wasted all but 2 of my pictures during the tour.  Out of all of the trains I waved to as the flew by, only about 3 trains waved back!  It was pretty cool standing at the base of the oull out from the Hammerhead and having these guys waving at you no more than 5 feet.  Really cool stuff!  Anyways, after the whole track area, we headed intot he maintenance shed and the control centers.  I got a GREAT sunset shot on Nitro from the 3rd level of the maintenance shed.  Beautiful picture.  I hope it came out.  I got some infor for next year during the tour.  The higher-ups are very interested in a new drop tower and are trying to figure out what type to get.  S&S, or Intamin...and if it's Intamin, what type?  I pray that it isn't an S&S....those things just get boring.  Intamin Giant Drops are excellent.  You cannot beat pure free fall.  Also, guarenteed for 2003 is a B&M Flying coaster.

After the tour, I met up with Eric again and we went to get dinner at the Blues, Brews, and BBQ's Festival.  I got a sampler, which was 2 ribs.  It was $3, but it was GOOD!  There was a lot of meat on those things!  Along with the hot sauce, makes it a great meal.  I wasn't real hungry in the first place.  Eric decided to do DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).  H noticed that the DDR machine in  SFGAdv was an illegal copy.  It had a sticker that said This Unit to only be purchased, sold, and operated in Korea.  Hmmmm...makes you wonder.  It even had the Korean writing on the back.  Well, Eric tried it, and failed miserably.  I wasted a dollar on Police 911 and got pretty far.  I love this moves the way you move.  There are motion sensors and everything....very cool.

We went over and did Skull Mountain in he back.  Fun little ride.  We did Jolly little ride.  We decided to take the Sky Way back to Frontier Adventure while the park was still open to get more riding over there.  We did Medusa 2 more times.  Fun ride.  We then just sort of wandered around.

We ended up back over by Chiller.  Coaster Celebrators had already started to line up at 9:30, a full hour before ERT started!  Eric wanted to get some new hat pins, so we went to all of the souvenir shops by the entrance.  He got one.

We headed bak to Chiller at about 10 pm...1/2 hour until ERT starts.  Well, the front car was still in-operable.  NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!  No front seat Chiller rides!  We went to the back row.  A TON of G's here...excellent ride, smooth, fast, fun.  We re-rode many times. I think about 10 rides...maybe more.  We then headed over to do a ride on NIGHTro.  We got in line for the second row, but wait!  2 open seats in front!  Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough, and some other kid got my seat.  Eric had fun. 

After that, we went over to Skull Mountain.  Some people in the back wanted to ride with the lights out.  Party Poopers.  Anyway, we went around, and the next time we got to ride with the lights on!  Yipee!  Fun ride.  Anyway, my mom came to pick me up at 11:30, so I missed the next ERT filled hour.  DARN!  I called trying to be able to stay the extra hour, but no.  So, Eric and I said buh-bye.  He went off to Batman or Nitro, while I walked throught the pitch-black park all alone going towards the exit.  When I got home 15 minutes later, I fell asleep in about 5 seconds from laying down.  Looong day, but VERY fun!  I'm looking forward to it all again next year!  It was nice to meet many people form the boards.  Hope everyone else had as good of a time that I did!

Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

DDR rocks!
"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"

baddboy said:
DDR rocks!
"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"

OK...let me get this wasted an entire 5 seconds of your life just to type in how Dance Dance Revolution rocks?  This is what is called SPAM!

Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

Do I have to look everywhere to keep my good name? People do not sit on or stand near a coaster and have them break down. No such creature.



Well, except for you ED.  You broke what was it, 5 rides.  ROBIN, FREEFALL, NITRO (2 times), and JUMPIN JACK (while u were on it).  At least i got the morning ride on ROBIN, while u were waiting, hehehe.
Take a Virtual Ride:

Mike "Viper"

Mike, your just hateful LOL. What a day it was though, great time.



Coaster131 said:

OK...let me get this wasted an entire 5 seconds of your life just to type in how Dance Dance Revolution rocks?  This is what is called SPAM!

Um.. yeah... let me get this straight.. you.. wasted an entire 10 seconds of you life just to type about how some said how Dance... etc..

Lay off, pal.  This isn't the place to be obnoxious and rude towards others.  Don't make prejorative remarks unless others make them first.

Rollercoaster -PA

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