Associated parks:
But as I stated before, I still had a wonderful time and I hope to maybe meet more folks at SRM in two weeks.
Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore
--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)
Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM
Moderator and wife of the infamous webmaster
CBClub member #30 and #364 (renewal)
redman822 said:
Gee, could that be due to the fact your name is Greg LEGowski? ROFL.... ;)
Well, there IS that... ;)
That was my assigned username when I worked at Microsoft (11 years ago -- damn I'm old), and I liked it enough that I've stuck with it ever since.
--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape
I'm the Guy in the White CoasterBuzz Polo (Bob) and
the young man in the Just Bring It T-shirt is my son Dustin.
So please it you see use at BeastBuzz feel free to introduce yourself.
We are from Chicago, but still very nice.
Again THANKS Jeff & Stephanie for another greatt event
19 days til BeastBuzz
Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM
By the way, Prodjbp, I'm glad I intorduced myself to you, because I've been thinking you were Prod-jbp instead of Pro-dj-bp (as it is pronounced), but that's probably because I do production for Clear Channel in Youngstown, and we call all the production rooms "prod" rooms.
SFGAm...When you need a good example of a SF park, this is where you look.
I hear Clear Channel owns the world. Its a graet Co. to work for.
BP stands for Boston Productions Mobile D.J. Show. It's something me, my Wife & Son do on weekends. But its not your average set up, big lights, big sound, you know, Martin ,Jem, JBL, Denon, Numark. So when theres no gig its off to ride coasters.
I'm a X-Ray Service Tech by day.
Hope to see you at BeastBuzz
--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)
I had full intent to get back to the Hospital, where I left my car, and go right to work for 8 hrs., but at 1:30 AM I decided, it wasnt good to work on Defibrilators while asleep.
Any one of the "Big Blue Butt" gang still have a stiff neck from our "experience" ;)
Beware of Kiddie Coasters
I think it's official.
I'm the one "holding up" Deja Vu - Steph made me do it, I swear.
It was a fun day. I think I'm going to attend Beast Buzz. Probably see you guys there, too.
We can't buy more time, cause time won't accept our money. -Bad Religion
Stephanie said:
Seriously, thanks for stepping forward and moving all those tables for me. I definitely appreciate it. And for those of you who watched - shame on you for making Redman do all the work!
Hey! I helped a little bit when it was time to move the tables back to their original position, but Redman seemed to be doing a fine job all by himself for most of it.
You we're very good natured about the whole thing Stephanie... it was quite amusing.
I've posted some of my own photos and a very long trip report, as well. Give it a read if you have the time. I had a great time at Coasterbuzz Con despite the fact I was functioning on only 1/2 hour of sleep.
kneemeister said:
Any one of the "Big Blue Butt" gang still have a stiff neck from our "experience" ;)
Dave, oh man! The drive back to Michigan on Sunday proved difficult without being able to turn my neck. Still had trouble lifting it off the pilow this morning, too...ouch!
Ah well, it was an interesting experience :). People's shoes are pretty fascinating if you look at them for extended periods of time.
Kara (car-uh)
Magnum Crew '03
1024 Laps on Timbers
621 in '02
I suspect the soreness is at least as much due to the 11 rides I had before the shutdown, anyway...
--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape
I have to say, Six Flags did a good job moving out the trains. I noticed not to many people were not in the fastlane line except V2, which helps. This was a time of my life. Thanks again Jeff and Stephanie.
Thank you, Dustin Harter T-19 to BeastBuzz
P.S People going to CoasterMania, if your going to BeastBuzz also I want to hear every thing about TTD. I will be going in October to close out my coaster season.
I was the kid wearing the Just Bring It T-Shirt. THANKS
Now.. when's Chris Sawyer going to add large half loops to the flyer so I can make my RCT guests see spots too?
"My Blow-Pop rolled back"
-Arrow Guy
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