
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
The Twister is actually my favorite ride at Williams Grove, and I was SO pissed that I wasn't feeling up to it yesterday. Even the fun house was making me nauseous. :-)

Glad you were able to get to the park before it suddenly (maybe) disappears!


Glad to hear you got an op who knew what he was doing Gator - it's hit or miss at WG with the Twister ops - I've actually never seen the WG Twister run like it should (not for a lack of trying be the op), but I've heard that it can deliver with the right op.

The OC (MD) Chance Twister shocked the hell out me when I saw the op juicing it correctly - holy s**t! - Twisters are definitely not for me.

Can't wait for your full TRs.

Long Live the Saturn 6 and B&B Carousell!

Jim 'jimvid' McDonnell

rollergator's avatar
Upon returning an hour or so later (when I could finally CONSIDER riding again LOL), there was a different op at the controls...took about five seconds' observation to recognize the difference in skill level.

The first guy COULD have punished any or all of us, but he gave you "relief" and moved on to another car in intervals...I'm sure if someone had "taunted" him, one cars' riders coulda been sick or something... ;)

I'll probably be starting a few threads around the experiences of the trip (hopefully in ADDITION to a full TR) ;) Coasters, flat rides, ops, management/operations, maintenance, capacity, waterparks...who knows, maybe someone "up there" is listening...;)

Finally, back to Caterpillars...hard to believe KG has one and that it's not operating. But I guess if Knoebels' reinstalled every classic ride they have in storage, there'd be no place to WALK... ;)

*** Edited 8/7/2005 5:29:43 PM UTC by rollergator***

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