Canobie Lake Park 6/23 - + New Ride update

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Well today was quite good despite a good amount of crowds.

I left early and got to the park 10 minutes before opening @ 10, but i got stuck in traffic several times, but the way home was a record breaking 1 hour and 1/2 and thats WITH some traffic near home so great drive home. We left the park @ 730.
Anyway Again im going to try a diffrent format w/ my trip report.

The park today was filled with church and school and what ever kind of, groups but still a good day. The weather could not be more perfect. The staff was so great and I had so many great expiriences. My favorite was me and my friend were asked if we wanted our pictures taken and my friends like im all set and there were 2 girls with cameras and shes like if your friend doesnt want to take it with you i will, so i put my arm around her and the other girl took the picture. Every ride was almost overstaffed, there were so many workers, ALL were friendly, it was great.

Food - Well i ate at a new place that i never ate before, the bears cantina or something like that, good food and decently priced, all i ate all day, im on a diet so didnt buy any snacks.

Now onto the rides. This will start chronologically then trail off because i forget what i did after a while. Anyway...

Yankee Cannonball - Total 4 or 5 rides, First TRAIN OF THE DAY!! and the ride of course ran great. Some wood replaced but not painted, (OMG SHADES OF SFNE) anyway, great staff and the blue train was on the side and i asked why arent they using it and the female op, said they only use it sometimes and swap them but they dont run 2 trains. Anyway 9.5/10, Second favorite, right after S:RoS @ SFNE.

The whole half of the park was empty and we walked onto starblaster for our only ride of the day, 9/10, lots of airtime on the 80 footer.

My goal again today was to ride rides i've never been on, and last time i went DaVincis Dream was closed but it was operating today and its a great ride, 8/10, the PERFECT location to. Also went on the skyride, walk on, fun and great view, and we went on the classic paratrooper.

Then a ride ive never been on, the Vertigo Theatre, Nice ride w/ AC and features 2 coasters, a woodie that i think was the Coney island cyclone, and then Python @ BGT. Old clips to. Decent ride though, 6/10.

Some rides were closed today, but opened later on, only ride that never opened was one of my favorites, the Swinging Ship Pirata, has all of its seats removed and i took a picture of them while on the train. What the hell is going on with the ride? The Rowdy Roosters (Flyers) reopened later in the day and Corkscrew was closed half the day, had a problem with the lift i assume as there was a crane near it, and its making an odd squeeking noise between the corkscrews. Everythin else was open, and i saw Kosmo Jets in pieces in the parking lot. Besides that everything was open that i know of.

Anyway more rides, Caterpillar was operating but the canopy wasnt working, a little disappointing, the train ride was nice and fun and I asked an employee about the large brown building to the left of the Boston Tea Party and behind the Turkish Twist. There was new wood on the front and i asked what it was and he said years ago it was a skating rink and dance hall but now its used for storage. They cant use it for guests or anything because 2 years ago the roof collapsed. I found that quite interesting and i took a peak inside through a large crack and theres a whole bunch of ride pieces in there, couldnt make out which kinds though.

Boston Tea Party - Went on once and got soaked, love that ride, 9/10, probably second best, with Cannonball being first, and i love the theming in that area, Beatuful.
They were painting the stage across from Cannonball a nice color, seems to be for a show later on in the season. A big whole is all thats left of the Kosmo Jet, with a sign reading Wipe Out, Summer of 2004. Why wouldnt they add it in the beggining of the year is beyond me...

Dragon coaster, fun i guess, once ride, 6/10.
Rockin' Rider, 1 ride, 25 min wait, 2 heavy breaks towards the end, the ride isn't that good, 4/10. And for some reason i absolutly hate the color.

Carousel - one ride, love the classic thing, 8/10

Turkish Twist (rotor) - 7/10, got kinda dizzy, damn that spins fast.

Round Up - Another classic, was operating very fast, 8/10

Bumper Cars - 4 times, 9/10...Love the lack of restraints, as they arent needed, just a simple bar. But the last operater towards the end was checking them? Very odd and a complete waste of time. Me any my friend would pick out one "lucky" person that we would gang up on and hit, very fun.

MATTERHORN - 3 Rides, i swore i was going upside down a couple of times!, well almost, that ride has gotten better, spins wicked fast and gives a great ride, best flat @ canobie, I loved it, kicks Kontiki into a pile of shame.

Crystal Orbiter - Another classic ride, i found out it used to spin before, very confusing but fun ride.

Canobie Corkscrew - Was closed but reopened, i want to say around 3 perhaps? Rode total of 4 times, once in the back seat, other three near the middle/front. Rough as hell, and again making an odd noise between inversions. Looks like an awsome coaster but ride itself isnt. When it opened the line was HUGE, IVE never seen anythin like it, probably 45 min wait, i said screw that we'll come back later, and it was a walk on later. Great move by me. I also noticed the other train that was on the transfer tracks last year was gone, Wonder were it went. 6/10

Log Flume, once, 8.5/10, Best flume i've been on, very fun and got me quite wet today, more on the first drop then the second if you can belive it.

Timber Splash Water Coaster - 8/10, love that ride, got more wet and i was only on the "wet" side. Fun ride nonetheless.

Mine Of Lost Souls - Fun ride, 8/10, awsome dark ride with great theming and a/c. Very fun.

The park has added a new water fountain near Boston Tea Party, Fountains everywere, but there could be more, cant get enough of NH water, the one near the pool though has no pressure and the one near the train was 75% hot water, odd.

Ocean Trip - one ride - family ride but i wanted to give it a whirl, fairly decent, 5/10.

Over the Rainbow, one ride, this was @ the start of the day and a very nice friendly elderly person was operating the ride and she was like GREAT! now i have something to do, and he was very happy and i spun my "balloon" like crazy. I love the staff at this park!!

Antique Cars - no line in morning, goes near cannonball, i found it difficult to drive though.

I think I covered it all, A couple of other new things, the first aid station is now behind the Carousel, which i feel is some what inconvienient, but large place. Some work was being done to the Dance Hall theatre, and the park was just great with the gardens and the peacocks roaming and the awsome fountains, I LOVE this park, Thanks for reading!!! M/M

#1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!! M/M's top 10 coasters: 1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Boulder Dash 3. Montu 4. Yankee Cannonball 5. Kumba 6. Gwazi 7. Mind Eraser 8. Thunderbolt (SFNE) 9. Cyclone (SFNE) 10. B:DK
Nice detailed trip report. It really sounds like you had a pretty full day at the park. It looks like you pretty much got everything. We are going to be going to Canobie for the first time this coming Labor Day weekend and can't wait. I'm especially anxious to check out the job that Sally did on The Mine of Lost Souls.

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