Canada's Wonderland, SFNE, Dorney, Hershey, and Kennywood---all in 11 Days!

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I can see how some would say that the majority of the coasters at Canada's Wonderland are lackluster. Although! Danny and I are extremely open-minded and positive when we get off rides, and normally try and find the positives rather than the negatives about what we just rode. We ended up liking SkyRider, the Bat, and Dragon Fire; even after hearing some so-so to negative reviews on them. But seriously, did I sign a consent form for boxing before I got on Time Warp? If so, where the hell were my gloves and pads?


ApolloAndy's avatar

Gottarideit said:
While I love force created by great heights and speed (think MF and Dragster)...

Yep, that explains the negative reviews of PR and SR (two of my favorites). I don't consider MF or TTD to have much forcefulness or intensity to them. Granted, they're both extremely fun rides, but not too forceful.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

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