Can Mean Streak be saved?

Chalk me in as another June '91 rider.

Like many (most?) Summers/Dinn contraptions, it was never the end-all of wooden coasters--trims or not.

But at least the effort was there. Kinda.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

this ride is just like Wicked Twister. Some people like it while others think it's "just an impulse" (in this case, another pile of junk wood). MF is the same way, as is Magnum. Some will like it, some won't.

Mean Streak is not the only rough ride in the park and a rough ride does not mean a bad one either. If your looking for comfort, stay at home and sit on a lazy boy. Coasters are designed to thrill, not to keep your poor back from aching.

If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several
times,does he become disoriented?

Sorry, Ride Of Steel, I just re-read my post, and I really wasn't trying to sound like an a**. My bad. Well, I feel sorry for you, but, hey a lot of peopel probably feel sorry for me about not finding Raging Bull all that thrilling. I guess we'll have to just disagree. Although, if your trimless ride wasn't in the rain, I might suggest giving it another try if you ever happen to be there in a rainstorm... Of course, if it was, I apologize for making assumptions again...

(Of course, if a rides that tempermental, who really cares, anyway? Nope, for most people, Mildy Agitated Streak is here to stay).

While at the park this past weekend, I postponed and put off as much as possible, my ride on MS because I just knew it was gonna rattle me up real good. Despite the procrastinating, I got on with my sister and assumed the "crash position" for riding. (back off of the seat back and holding on to the bar) Much to my delight, MS delivered a great ride. I was actually very impressed at how fun that ride seemed. It was kinda boring I ain't gonna lie, but I vowed not to write it off anymore. I definitely ate my own words of about 6 months ago that had me stating , "I'll never ride MS again!". :)

9/12/02 Pearl Jam releases Riot Act. 9/12/02 I go into Pearl Jam overload.

I rode it in 91....I remember waiting 4 hrs in the rain to get on that thing. It was worth the wait 100%. My best experience on MS was in late May of 1994. It was around 8:00pm the air was cool and nothing was holding that train back. There wasn't much air time, but the speed was intense. My best friend and I rode it 10+ times back to back without an ache in our body.

I rode MS again in early May of this year. I couldn't believe how the ride had changed. Isn't the Texas Giant similiar in design? Has it lost it's speed and excitment?

They should remove every inch of track and replace it with laser-cut Intamin wooden track.

You'll get a smooth-as-butter wooden coaster !

I wouldn't be surprised if they actually did that someday, they have some nice projects of Intamin already...

I don't mind roughness on woodies as long as the ride is exciting.

Amen...though I originally cursed the roughness, I think that it's boring (too) is truly MS's greatest weakness.

*** This post was edited by dawnmarie313 on 10/29/2002. ***

MS was a fantastic ride back in '91, definitely better than the Beast IMO at the time. I took a long break from coastering in the Nineties...when I rode it again in 2000, I was shocked at how terrible it was. Slow, boring, painful. I'd rather ride Woodstock Express any day. It's much more fun.


Superstew's avatar
I've ridden MS every year since it was built. It was much faster in its first couple of years (obviously - no trims), but it's smoother now than it has ever been, no doubt due to all the reprofiling and retracking.

I'd love to ride it just one time, with no first hill trims and NO mid-course braking, just to see what it could do. I'll bet it would be awesome!

Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the questions

Even if Cedar Point did "fix" Mean Streak, it has given itself such a bad reputation over the years, it probably wouldn't help much anyways.

The top 3 all time cobrarolls.

2)Deja Vu's (times 3)
3)Batman Knight Flight's

Oh, with that much I definitely agree, CobraRoller - its reputation is far beyond soured. I avoid the ride on all trips to CP (well, I tell a lie - I rode it once this year), and I know most other people avoid it as well, much like they avoid bright green frogs, washed ashore jellyfish, and any movie starring Adam Sandler.

Yeah, I probably was trying to add to the list when I said "you have to cross the tracks to get to it". Fact of the matter is, its location really is picturesque - but it's located far from Cedar Point's really great rides. That area of the park really needed a strong "anchor" to draw people back there. And, further more, if you are in a hurry, it just takes too long to hike it back there. Hey, I'm lazy.

Now, the business about the storage shed being built in the center really did bother me - one of the things I liked best about looking at MS was standing in the central queue and looking at the mid-course break run. The best view indeed was had from the central queue - the panorama was unmatched. Now don't you think a storage shed set smack dab in the middle is just bad form? Hmmm? ( I'm venting.........)

Hey, whatever - I say the original concept is piss poor - the coaster is really nothing more than a scenic railway. (and it's a goddam shame). Period.

*** This post was edited by ophthodoc on 10/29/2002. ***

If the location bothers you, take the train! :-)

Seriously, though: Get right off Millie, Mantis, or Iron Dragon, hop on the train, and you're practicaly right there. On the other hand...

While this section of the park needed an anchor, I find the entrance itself to be a challenge to find, on onccasion. I'm sure they could have done something about that.

CobraRoller said:
Even if Cedar Point did "fix" Mean Streak, it has given itself such a bad reputation over the years, it probably wouldn't help much anyways.

Not necessarily. I don't have figures, but VF's Excalibur took a big jump in ridership after some TLC in the '99-'00 offseason.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

ophthodoc said:

its reputation is far beyond soured. . .

I know most other people avoid it as well, much like they avoid bright green frogs, washed ashore jellyfish, and any movie starring Adam Sandler.

- the coaster is really nothing more than a scenic railway. . .

I will agree that the ride is not an award winner, but you need to step outside the enthusiast community to have an objective opinion. These most recent arguments cost you some credibility.

Soured Reputation?
Ask a non-enthusiast, and I don't mean someone you know or have influenced, and more than half will tell you they enjoyed the ride. I don't remember the exact numbers, but they don't lie. The GP rides and will continue to ride this coaster. BTW, Adam Sandler is a bankable star. His movies make money, and people like him. You should have stopped with the jellyfish. (And I have seen Punch-Drunk Love, and enjoyed it. I did, however know it was a PT Anderson movie, not really an Adam Sandler movie.)

A Scenic Railway? Calico Mine at KBF is a scenic railway.

Okay, I guess I post too often to be a lurker now.

CoasterDad64 said:

Ask a non-enthusiast, and I don't mean someone you know or have influenced, and more than half will tell you they enjoyed the ride.

sure it's more fun than standing in line...but no one smiles when the ride is over-and that's kind of sad : (

*** This post was edited by dawnmarie313 on 10/29/2002. ***

I think an overlooked indicator of the ride's popularity is the on-ride photo booth. People don't want to buy a photo of a ride they didn't enjoy. CP wouldn't keep the booth open if they didn't make a profit.

Okay, I guess I post too often to be a lurker now.

Put Gerstlauers on it and turn the brakes off. There, Mean Streak Saved!

Chuck, slightly hinting sarcasm, Nungester

Charles Nungester.
Is it about coasters or friends? I say both!

I rode MS last sat night.. 10/26 it was Chilly out. the track was VERY Slick ( Becuase of on~off drizzling) MS gave the best rides that night... moving very fast. I think I even got some air time on some parts..

You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet

CoasterDad64 said:
These most recent arguments cost you some credibility.

CoasterDad: I usually don't post comments on this site as a means of gaining support from other coasterbuzz participants. Very few people agree with me all the time on this site, heaven knows. That Adam Sandler bit was a joke, too. A bit of creative writing, if you will. I personally think his success-to-talent ratio is waaay to high, but I know he's pretty popular.....

P.S. I don't know ANYONE who likes MS. I don't influence anyone to "not like Mean Streak" - what's the incentive for me????

*** This post was edited by ophthodoc on 10/30/2002. ***

Kick The Sky's avatar
You know, Mean Streak would make one hell of a bonfire...

Bob Hansen

Who is suprised that the environmental wackos havent been pissed about the greatest waste of good wood ever that is called "Mean Streak"

*** This post was edited by Kick The Sky on 10/30/2002. ***

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