California's Great America turns 40, GM says they'll take park to "the next level"

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

After shaking hands with a costumed Snoopy to end the ceremony, California's Great America general manager Raul Rehnborg addressed some lingering questions and fan worries about the park's future. To begin with, he said, corporate parent Cedar Fair Entertainment Company intends to keep and grow the park exactly where it is through 2074, when its extended lease expires. The site is owned by the city of Santa Clara.

Read more from The Mercury News.

"... Cedar Fair Entertainment Company intends to keep and grow the park exactly where it is through 2074,"

Planning 58 years ahead...that's always good.

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

GooDFeLLoW's avatar

This is exciting, because I was hoping to check out their new ride on the 1st Saturday in June in 2031. I heard it's going to be a Larson Looper; can't wait!

janfrederick's avatar

We were there on opening day. It was my son's first time. Although I'm bummed about the loss of the train, trolly, Triple Wheel, and Pictorium, my son had a blast and Rue Le Dodge was super fast! I'll post a short trip report later.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza

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