
I am going to visit my older brother in Cali on June 8th. I was wondering which park should I go to? He lives in Aneheim. I love all steel coasters, and my fav. woody is the Grizzly @ PKD. Could someone give me some prices, and/or advice?
Thanks a bunch!

If FoF got that great of a makeover than why can't I?
SFMM. Go on a Tuesday or a Wednesday if you can...

SFMM definatly. You will be able to Ride Deja Vu too. you have to ride Goliath its amazing!
Soggy's avatar
While Knott's Berry Farm may not have a huge coaster count, I can GUARANTEE that you will have a new found respect and love for wood coasters after riding the Ghostrider.

Besides, KBF is A LOT less of a drive than SFMM. L.A. traffic sucks, big time, and to get to Valencia from Anaheim, you are forced to drive right through the worst of it.

It's a tough call, because SFMM has some of the best steel coasters on the planet.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
KBF is fun, yes, especially if you're into atmosphere and so on. But if you want thrills, there's no competition. SFMM has a much better arsenal. They're outdone by KBF only by wood. Why do Boomerang when you can ride Deja Vu? Why do Montezooma's Revenge when you can have Superman? Why do Jaguar when you can do Goliath? Granted, I'd take Ghostrider over Colossus or Psyclone any day, but as for the rest, MM is definately better... *** This post was edited by biggs on 5/9/2001. ***

biggs said:
" Why do Montezooma's Revenge when you can have Superman?

Because Montezooma's Revenge is about 10 times better.
In my opinion, it's overrated. It's just a loop folks...
boblogone's avatar
And Superman just goes straight. Best time on Superman was when it wasn't working right. First time only got a third of the way up and stopped out back in the emergency braking area. They kept us on two more times while they fixed things.

Knott's is almost within walking distance to Anaheim.
Go to Burger King for SFMM discounts if no season pass. Carl's JR. Has/had Knott's Discounts.
Reaching for my 100th in 2001 *** This post was edited by boblogone on 5/9/2001. ***

boblogone said:
"And Superman just goes straight."

... straight up 400 feet at 100 mph! Not a lot of places you can do that...
I have to agree that MOntezumas revenge is better than superman. Yes the acceleration and speed are great. But thats all the ride has. Its short, and though it is tall, you can appreciate its height anywhere in the park but on the ride. I like them both, but I can ride montez all day. Plus Knotts has Supreme Screme (a ride MM could afford to invest in) and Ghostrider. If youre a fan on Beast you'll love this ride. The "woodies" at magic mountain couldnt hold a candle. Heres a simple solution since while youre
here you should get on all of these rides. Go to MM on a day during the week. Then one weekend evening see if you cant get to Knotts. They have a deal where after 4pm admission is only like 20 bucks or so. That way you experience summer evening at knotts which IMO is the best theme park experience I've been afforded the opportunity so far. But I would say MM if you can only do one.
Ghostrider = good

Willthethrill said:
"Plus Knotts has Supreme Screme (a ride MM could afford to invest in)

If you think the $10 million price tag (Yes that is an official given investment statistic) that is stamped on Supreme Scream is cheap, tell that to the board of directors @ SFMM and you'll know why they wouldn't pay for just another 'cheap' S&S tower. Why is it that people have misconceptions about the S&S rides that they are 'cheap' and easy to build? The tallest of the hundreds installed like the two Power Towers and Supreme Scream have price tags surrounding the $10 million mark.
If you like steel, go to SFMM. If you like wood, don't miss Ghostrider. Also keep in mind that I was just at knott's a few days ago and Montezooma was closed. Superman at SFMM was open however. Both are great rides, and you'll never forget your first ride on Superman.
If you "love all steel coasters", then I would recommend going to SFMM...

In response to kRaXLeRidAh, I never said anything about S&S towers being cheap...let me re-read my post...nope. I said they could afford to invest in one. With small space, large capacity, and one of the greatest thrills for the price, how can you go wrong? A park can never have too many towers on its horizon.
Ghostrider = good
One thing I didn't mention is that Knott's has some wonderful flat attractions. SFMM has very few. People need to realize, SFMM is a rollercoaster park, Knott's is a theme park, that's just the way it is. And neither park needs to apologize for what they offer. It's all good...
Though I think (with the exception of maybe batman) Ghostrider is better than every coaster Magic Mountain offers, Six Flags does offer variety.

Ghostrider = good
Well imma say that if you like your brother you should go to knotts. Because it is minutes from anaheim and is a great experience. Supreme Scream and Ghostrider tie it together nicely. But if it doesnt matter that youre gonna have to drive about 2 hours each way and youre die hard for coasters go to the mountain.

P.S. if you have extra time on your hands while at the Farm Mystery lodge is an experience unlike any other and u will be glad u stpped to go on a non-thrill ride
amen saviour machine
monte rules

"When I'm dead & in my grave, No more pot & whiskey will I crave, On my
tombstone it shall be seen. Here lie the bones of a smoking machine."

homepark=knotts berry farm (monte rules)
boblogone's avatar
Don't forget Adventure City just south of Knott's (a couple miles) on Beach Blvd. Great wild mouse, free parking and half price for ACErs, also AAA discount. Admission (POP)is around $12 full price. Sure it's just a kiddieland but a few rides on the mouse (Tree Tops Racer) are worth it. Don't put your hands up or you may loose them.

Reaching for my 100th in 2001
janfrederick's avatar
Do it all!!!
And if you have time, come on down here to lovely San Diego for a ride on the Dipper. Gotta love its location next to the beach!

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