California Screamin'

This week I begin coaster trip number 5 of the year, trying to get my goal of 200 coasters in the year 2000. I'll be hitting the California Parks and was wondering if any members might be at these locations on these days... As I'm traveling alone, I'd love the company.

Fri Aug 25th - Paramount's Great America
Sat Aug 26th - Six Flags Marine World/ Santa Cruz
Sun Aug 27th - Disneyland
Mon Aug 28th - Knott's Berry Farm/Belmont Park
Tue Aug 29th - Six Flags Magic Mountain

Also, any insider tips, clues or info would be greatly appreciated. I know Disneyland rather well, but ALL the others will be a first time for me!

"You have to scale a lot of lift hills to coast easily..."

Soggy's avatar
I have a KBF pass and live in the area. I will be at work during the day, but maybe we could meet for some evening/night rides on the Ghostrider?

Gotta ride 'em all!
I see you are going to Santa Cruz and SFMW in the same day. The drive is around 2 hours so get an early start.
Parks for 2000: SFEG,IOA,MGM,WDW,PGA,SFMW,SCBB,Lakeside.
This is a pretty tight schedule FF. Like PT300 said, SFMW and SCBB are a good 2hrs away. Not to change your plans, but I would seriously consider doing SFMW on Fri, then do PGA and SCBB on Saturday. PGA is only about 35-45 minutes from SCBB, and once your done with the coasters, there's really not much else to do at PGA. A half day is more than enough, then definitely hit SCBB at nightime, which can also be done in a few hours. Then you can also avoid all the backtracking(traffic is really horrible in the bay area!).

Also, are you aware how far the bay area is from LA? A good 6-7hr drive, doesn't look like your allowing a whole lot of time for DL. Just wondering:) I can probaly join you on Saturday, the 26th if you need riding bud, if your interested, just shoot me an email. *** This post was edited by Draco on 8/21/2000. ***
No Giant Dipper at Belmont in San Diego? If you add it to your list, let us know & we'll meet you there!
Wish I could say I could meet you there, but thats a good 2 day drive for me..... Oh wait! I can't drive. :~( Have fun !!!


Ride 'Till you drop
You could do marine world in a half day, just no repeate rides and no whale show! Then you could go to Santa Cruz and ride ride ride the Giant dipper till dawn!

Also at SFMM, you have to do RR, Golitah and Superman. Skip Pysclone and Ninja, it isn't worth the hike! Do colosus in the morning, its the same direction as Golitah and people all go to Goliath first. get colosus out of the way a get a good run north to Riddler's Revenge, which might not have a wait still. If you have carry on bags don't use the lockers they have free ones up on the station that don't get stolen! On other rides, watch out its LA and they don't have metal detectors for no reason. HAVE FUN!


P.S Do the Demon at PGA !
Remeber too that Belmont park is about a 1hr25 min drive from Knott's. And the Giant Dipper is not all that, so you might consider just staying at Knott's all day. Also remember to drink LOT's of water before going to MM, 'cause walking up and down those hills all day can work wonders on your thirst. And most people don't enjoy paying 2.75 for a bottle of water. Disneyland is always crowded so make good use of the FastPass.

Goliath: The most intense Hyper in the world.
I appreciate all the insider info. Here's my new schedule (based on your advice)...

Since everybody says each place can be done in half day, I'm gonna do PGA and SFMW on Fri. I'm going to START at PGA before 10am, so the wait for STEALTH might be shorter than on Saturday. (I know I'll be backtracking, but I'd prefer to avoid the looong SAT lines) After so many parks nationwide, my ONLY interest is the coasters and park theming, I don't do many flat rides (especially alone). After I've done them all to a sufficient extent, I'll head Northeast to SFMW where I can ride till the 9pm close. (Living near Sea World my whole life, I have no interest in Whale Shows, so JUST seeing the coasters is fine with me.)
[If I missed too much at either park - due to weather, etc, I can go back on Saturday am with my passes My schedule is highly flexible. I'll pick a motel near the park I want to revisit, should it be necessary.]

Saturday I will take my time and meander down to SCBB and eventually get to LA.(Driving the PCH, one of my goals as well.) Hopefully Draco will be able to meet me there at SCBB.

On Sunday, I'll spend a nice day at Disneyland. I was there last year but would love to see it again PLUS see how the California Adventure construction has come along. At night I'll stay and see Fantasmic, having only seen the Florida version.

Monday I'll be at Knott's for opening... Have a great day there and leave around 5:30. I'll head to Belmont Park to meet MerriSedai and ride from 7pm till 10pm.

Tuesday is ALL Magic Mountain time!

(I know the Friday may seem rushed, but bear in mind I did Lakemont Park, Knoebel's AND HersheyPark all in ONE day last summer. I'm used to commando theme parking!)

So, I'm still riding solo on Friday at PGA & SFMW, plus Sunday at Disneyland and Monday day at Knott's... Nobody else out there to guide a wayfaring stranger???

"You have to scale a lot漀昀 氀椀昀琀 栀椀氀氀猀 琀漀 挀漀愀猀琀 攀愀猀椀氀礀⸀⸀⸀∀ 㰀戀爀㸀 㰀戀爀㸀䨀愀猀漀渀ഀ਀ഀ਀ഀ਀ ⨀⨀⨀ 吀栀椀猀 瀀漀猀琀 眀愀猀 攀搀椀琀攀搀 戀礀 䘀氀漀爀椀搀愀䘀氀礀攀爀 漀渀 㠀⼀㈀㌀⼀㈀   ⸀ ⨀⨀⨀
Soggy's avatar
I can try to get off early, for Knott's. Maybe even go to Belmont with you guys. I have the evening off, after all, and I have never been there.

Gotta ride 'em all!
I'd Love to go to PGA and SFMW with ya but i am only 14!


Riddler's Revenge: The most underrated ride in the universe! NUF SAID!
Thanks for everyone's input and offers so far. I know this is going to be a great visit.

"You have to scale a lot of lift hills to coast easily..."

FF, check your email, I can meet you tomorrow(Friday)after all, but I need to know today. Get back to me via email or the phone# I left you. See ya!

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