California Screamin

Hey how come I haven't heard much about this coaster? It'll be the longest coaster in North American and it's launched right? Well sounds like it's worth talking about to me even though I live on the east coast.
john peck's avatar
I just think that not very many people know what to talk about. Its going to look like a wood coaster, and it will loop, but I have no idea what else.
Soggy's avatar
I have heard reports from Disney "Cast Members" that have ridden it. They say it is no "top 10 thriller" but it is not anywhere near the bottom either. One thing it has is capacity, designed for a 6 train operation. I also hear they have a solid 5 train operation going during tests. Will it thrill the average Disney guest, yes. Will it thrill the average CoasterBuzzer, I don't think so.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Not longest coaster in North America, longest steel coaster in North America, Papa and Son have it beat...
Does anybody have any pics?
What is life without geniuses?
Having been on it already, I would have to say it is a nice family styled coaster. Nothing to plan ones vacation around, but if you are in the area its a nice ride.

Say no, to lap bar nazis!
how did you get on it already?
I thought it was still testing

visit Jes's Roller Coasters *** This post was edited by Zero-G on 12/22/2000. *** for some pics and for a video of testing.
More pics here...

*** This post was edited by Camel on 12/22/2000. ***
I can't wait to see how much this coaster will suprise people next year!
"FEAR the Four!"
I hear its a super smoothe coaster with lots of air time. What's up with those tubes over the fist few drops? Oh ya, a line if lights on the track is supposed follow the train as it travels along the track. It looks cool! I saw them testing it after leaving Disneyland one night.
I think that its fo theming, you now Disney...

What is life without geniuses?
not theming, those that is a plausible answer being that this is disney. However, I believe they are there to dampen the noise from both the screams and the electromagnets.
Zero-G, when you work for Disney and know people in high places you get to ride things early :) They also just had a load test where 150 cast members volunteerd to ride it. I unfortunately had to pass on that due to the fact I was working.

Say no, to lap bar nazis!

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