Buzz, and not the coaster type...

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janfrederick's avatar
I met my little sister at Disneyland this past Saturday to watch her marching band. We're 20 years apart and so I felt REALLY old when references to bands like Pink Floyd and New Order were met with blank stares.

But my years just melted away when, after meeting in front of city hall and heading straight for Tomorrowland to see if it was open for a sneak preview, we walked right on in and had ourselves a seat in those lovely Wedway cars (they look great by the way). We turned that first corner and it was all sound and color. The robots were squawking and making noise and lights were flashing. I immediately started racking up points and yelling at my sister and friends to, "get that one get that one!!!"

The scenes became more intense as we wound through the show building with giant electronic toy robots threatening us and batteries falling down and strange things popping up from hiding places. The finale had us helping Buzz fight off a huge robot. Wow! All the colors and light had me thinking I was inside a giant pinball machine shooting gallery toy store.

Needless to say we ran back and did it again. We saw folks crowded around screens at the end and didn't realize 'till later that you could find your on ride picture and send it to your email address. Cool. We'll definetely wait to do that next time. The only problem (and not a bad problem to have mind you), was that the ride was such a people-eater that the lines to get to the screens were 3-4 deep. They need more!

We saw employees surveying guests as they exited, all the guests had huge grins. I don't blame them, I'm STILL smiling. Good job Disney and a collective PHWEW! from all of us who have been just slightly worried about the recent direction of attraction quality. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to go back!

PS...It was fun watching my sister march in the parade. It was proabably more fun for her to watch me ducking and weaving all the way up Main Street trying to snap pictures because when I tried to take the first shot, I accidentally shut off the camera. I don't know why they'd put a lit power button right next to the picture-taking button...but the incident still couldn't wipe the grin off my face. ;)

*** Edited 3/17/2005 10:34:40 PM UTC by janfrederick***

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
I heard a commercial for it on the radio yesterday... up till then I had heard absolutely nothing about it! Am I the only one suprised by the opening of this ride?

Good to see someone already got in a TR on it. Sounds like a blast (no pun intended)!

thats all nice but could you tell someone the name of the ride you rode?
Hmmm. Sam, it must have been Buzz Beer Vomit Tubs. ;)

Disneyland, Buzz, what do you think it could be?

And if you didn't know the ride was opening, it takes about 3 seconds to find what's new at Disneyland.

If it's Monday, leave me alone.

janfrederick's avatar
Perhaps they want to make sure everything is in working order before they start advertising "Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters". ;)

The online portion of the site isn't quite ready yet. Can't wait for that to be working either: can hear some of the noises in the above site too.

PPS...this is the only ride I've been on where it is really cool to have the ride stop in the middle of the just keep blasting away and racking up more points. I hope the don't "fix" that.

*** Edited 3/14/2005 5:40:54 PM UTC by janfrederick***

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Excellent! I've been on the Florida version. It was great, and everything I've heard suggests the California version is even better.

rollergator's avatar
The CA version of Buzz was *light years* better than FL's. ;)

Seriously, even WITH a three-minute stoppage mid-ride, I vastly preferrred DL's Buzz...then again, it gave me a chance to REALLY rack up some points...;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Blaster_1578 said:
Hmmm. Sam, it must have been Buzz Beer Vomit Tubs.

Disneyland, Buzz, what do you think it could be?

And if you didn't know the ride was opening, it takes about 3 seconds to find what's new at Disneyland.

Excuse the _ _ _ _ outta me!

I guess I have to read EVERYTHING rather than simply ask that someone doing a ride report actually use the NAME of the ride in their report. I'll remember this on my next TR and not use any of the ride names....


janfrederick said:
Perhaps they want to make sure everything is in working order before they start advertising "Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters".

thanks you for telling me the full name of the ride.

janfrederick's avatar

Excuse the _ _ _ _ outta me! too. ;)

I didn't intentionally leave the name out to irk you. I was still excited over the experience and wanted to share and simply forgot. Besides, we're coaster enthusiasts here are we not? I'd wager that most folks here know what ride is opening at Disneyland. Didn't mean to make you angry.

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Sorry, it just irks me when people can't take the 30 seconds it takes to find information for themselves.

It figures though, we live in a spoon-fed society.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
The oversight may have been a tad confusing, but when you read about a Disney ride where you "help Buzz fight off a huge robot" - it seems pretty easy to piece together.

Maybe it's just me?

janfrederick, my excuse the _ _ _ _ comments weren't directed to you, I realize you didn't intentionally leave out the name of the ride.

I could easily figure out that the ride was from toy story, and it revolves around Buzz Lightyear, however I didn't know if it was the same name as the WDW ride, which apparently it isn't. WDW is "Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger Spin" DLs is apparently different.

If we follow Blaster 1578's comments, we should leave all ride names, and well, leave all park names out of our reports! If people want to know what we're talking about, they can "take the 30 seconds it takes to find information for themselves"


janfrederick's avatar
Sam, I think your comment was perfectly legit. It just might have come off a tad flippant with "thats all nice but..."

Sorry for getting all bent out of shape...the ride must have wore off or something. ;)

"I go out at 3 o' clock for a quart of milk and come home to my son treating his body like an amusement park!" - Estelle Costanza
Hey Sam, ARN&R is making fun of ya yet again. Congrats!

TeknoScorpion said:
Hey Sam, ARN&R is making fun of ya yet again. Congrats!

Thanks, I'm surprised how little bait they needed this time, their creative flair for truly funny & interesting stories must be on the wane, Readership must be down.

But it's fun using a couple extra words to get them going lol

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