Bushkill Park Carousel

Bushkill Park has a new blurb on their website-in-progress (www.bushkillpark.com) about a plan to return the orginal Bushkill Park carousel to the park. They need to raise $600,000 and are selling $5.00 carousel tickets to help raise the funds.

Question: what happened to the other carousel? Was it destroyed in the flood or was it owned by somebody else who chose to remove it?

edited to fix link (thanks RGB). *** Edited 3/27/2006 6:45:13 PM UTC by millrace***

It was purchased by the present management after the Long carousel was sold. It's in pretty rough shape after the flood. My understanding that the organ was floating on it's back inside the center untill the water subsided.
Try this link: www.bushkillpark.com

I hope they're able to make a go of it. IMO, it's money better spent than a downpayment on a rectangle of macadam half a mile from the entrance to a corporate park.

Does anyone know names of who the 3 former Dorney Park and Six Flags employees are that are managing the park?

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