BUSCH GARDENS in Greensboro?

in the late 60's Greensboro, North Carolina was considered for the site of Busch Gardens but the property deal went bad and Williamsburg, Virgina became home to Busch Gardens.
Do you have proof to back this up?

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Sweet! I used to live 10min from Greensboro!

©Bruce's Posting Co.
Well than what is it!? Thats spiffy, I wish they would have built it.

©Bruce's Posting Co.
What proof is there? I would really like to know, and could you please respond by saying something other than yea?

©Bruce's Posting Co.
i have no proof to show you but its a FACT. The fact that Busch Gardens had planned to build a themepark in Greensboro proves that the area is a viable market for amusement park. Back then Greensboro had no Major Airport and the population was much smaller than today!
#1-It isn't a fact unless you have proof
#2-Williamsburg has no major airport and they have BGW, so how is that a factor?

©Bruce's Posting Co.
just because you have no proof doesn't mean that its not true and i was just making a point about the airport Bruce.
what is unknown can be fact
Ok, give me an example!

©Bruce's Posting Co.
well we once thought the sun revolved around the earth if you said the earth revolved around the sun back then, it would not have been a fact to known man but indeed it was a fact even though mankind didn't believe it! *** This post was edited by tljo on 5/26/2001. ***
Put there was proof for that. I want an example of a fact with no proof.

©Bruce's Posting Co.
it may not be fact to you but its its fact to Busch Gardens!
Call Busch Gardens Headquarters and find out for yourself
I wish Busch expanded and made a park in St. Louis. Then you would have two good parks and sfstl wouldn't be so crowded.
And you know this how? Kinda hard to say that without having any evidence to support it. I have a feeling you don't just know these things.
i received my information from Greensboro's city records and the local news

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