Busch Gardens Africa Rehab Question.

I'm going to BGA in early Dec and was wondering what the coaster rehab schedual was like. I can't find any info on rides that will be down on screamscape or the official website so can any one enlighten me.

Also what are the lines and weather like that time of year and what are the chances that I will be able to ride both sides of Gwazi?

You evidently didn't look hard enough. Rehab information is listed on the individual ride's information page.
Why'd you have to be rude and put the "you didn't look hard enough" part? Couldn't you have just linked him to the page and helped him out? Geesh.
What the hell is it with people lately who take every little thing anyone says as an insult? If someone said that they looked somewhere and couldn't find something even though it was there, does that not mean that they did not look hard enough? I thought "go outside and get some fresh air" time didn't start until the middle of winter...
Sheikrafanatic's avatar
Its very unlikely you will be able to ride both sides every time I've gone there it has been a one side operation. Also I remeber from last time I was there that Sheikra was having some problems with 2 train dispatch so theirs your fair warning.

Webmaster/Podcast host for Coasterfanbase.com

PhantomTails said:
What the hell is it with people lately who take every little thing anyone says as an insult? If someone said that they looked somewhere and couldn't find something even though it was there, does that not mean that they did not look hard enough?

I just went and had a poke around the site as I'm planning to visit later this month.

To be fair, unless you happen to choose the page for a ride that has a scheduled maintenance window there is no information. I just looked at the pages for Sheikra, Scorpion, and Cheetah Chase - and there was nothing.

I'm inclined to agree with Tim in that the tone of your response was a bit on the aggressive side; the site doesn't make the information obvious. The average person searching for the information may well find nothing despite having a reasonable dig around.

Thanks for the defenses guys. Also I did casually look and found nothing so does that mean that I don't have to worry about any rehabs? Also how are the lines and weather?
Sheikrafanatic's avatar
Montu can be up to an hour

Same with Sheikra and Gwazi

Scorpion usually has a half hour

Rhino rally is an hour or less

Cheetah Chase can have a 30 min wait

did I leave any rides out?

Webmaster/Podcast host for Coasterfanbase.com

^Yes you did.


My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

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