Associated parks:
Well, This whole trip started on the busy day after easter. My family and I flew from NYC to Tampa, and drove thirty miles south to our condo in Bradenton. On friday, I nagged my mom and sister to drive up, and we did after getting lost for an hour.
Finally, we arrive at the park at around 10. $7 for parking isn't as mad as the $10 dollars I'm used to at sf. Well, I'm watching Montu the whole time and the trains are ALL full. Besides that, the parking lot was pretty busy. I was expecting big crowds. I entered, and proceeded straight to Montu. I was amazed and delighted by the theming, as well as the... WALK ON! I couldn't believe it. I rode four times, including one front and one back, two middle. On my last lap, We asscend the lift, and about 30 feet up, I hear a "CLONK". Five minutes later, a ride op comes up to tell us that it would be 5 or 10 minutes. With the Sun blaring in my eyes, I just sat and stared at the cool wheel coverings.
What I noticed about this park is that A LOT of the visitors or gp or whatever, are senior citizens. I have nothing wrong with this, but I think it's nice that old people can get good use out of this park for the zoo, even if it does cause a little congestion.
So, after Montu, my mom and sister wanted to take the skyride. I protested, saying I wanted to ride Gwazi. However, I was watching it for 4 minutes and nothing cycled. So, I gave in and waited 10 minutes for the sky ride. The skyride gives some great aerial views of the zoo, the coasters, and rhino rally. From above, Rhino Rally looked like a VERY LONG wait. We arrive in the congo, or stanleyville, and I decided to hit python first with my mom (she never rides anything). Well, the line for Python was long, simply because of the one train operation. Towards the end of my wait, they started cycling empty trains. I was getting ticked after the 5th or 6th cycle, but then we got on.
Finally, I could get to what I really wanted, Kumba. There was about a 4 train wait, so I decided to ride only twice. Well, I'm riding for my second time, and BOOM! Stuck on the midcourse. It was actually fun, because you can see a lot from up there and people below were shouting to us. After about 3 minutes we were off. The theming was relitively good, but not impressive. I got out my video cam and taped a lot at the close bridges.
After a Drink/Bathroom stop, we wanted to hit the Congo Rapids. Unfortunatly, it had an hour wait. So, we walked a little over to the Tankanyka Tidal Wave. Good ride, we were in the front and got DRENCHED! It was fun though. Next, we treaded into Timbuktu while being stalked by that loud marching band. My mom and I walked over to Scorpion.We waited about 10 minutes for this contraption. What do you know? STUCK AGAIN! we were suck on the lift for about a minute. Then, it started up slow. A good little looper, I like its sister (Laser) better. It's got an intense loop and helix, but thats it. Afterwards, Me and My sister took a spin on this inverting pirate ship, I believe called Sandstorm. Nothing much, but it was fun.
Thats about all the Rides we did. We walked a bit through Nairobi, and looked at the animals. I also checked Rhino Rally out. This looked like nothing special, and was supprisingly small and compact from the vision I had in my head.
I walked over towards Gwazi, and saw that It had an hour wait. This was because of the one side, one train operation! Nevermind that, but it had about a 5 minuter dispatch interval. I refused to wait, and browsed some stores for Souvineers. We left around 3, and went directly to the beach in Bradenton. Overall, the park was very good, fun, and clean. My only Cons are that it gets a little congested, and that they need one or two more thrilling flat rides.
Montu (9/10): This is a VERY tough decision: which is better? Alpe or Montu... It's hard but I think Montu wins. This ride was simply incredible, especially in the front. The excavation and tunnels are just awesome. I liked the back as well, The batwaing was more intense here. The Trim before the batwing was slightly on, but not much. The midcourse did kinda slow it down too much, but I still loved it. Definetly in my top 10.
Kumba (8/10): I dont know why people Trash Kumba for being rough. I thought it was great! The transitions, the elements, especially the drop were all fastttt and powerful. The Zero-G roll is the best I've ever been on. The helix and tunnel were good as well. Definetly hasn't lost anything imho. Rode twice, second row and 8th row 9intense as hell!)
Python (4/10): Whats to explain? Long wait, Boring Corkscrew, One train. Good ride, but still it's short. One ride, 6th car.
Scorpion (6/10): I have to give this ride more credit. It had a short line, was pretty intense, and just didn't upset me. These Antons sure last long and pack a punch, One ride, first car second row.
Tanganyka (5/10): I normaly don't review other rides, but I needed to make comments on this one. I think Busch could have done a much better job. The theming was very plain and boring, with such things as exposed speakers and deteriorating structures. The Drop was good, though.
As for foreshadowing for next weekend (Kyle) I flew over sfgadv coming home! It was cool seeing my park from a good aerial view.
How much more floorless can they get?
-Kyle Brylczyk
KoRn - Untouchables, June 11th, 2002
-Kyle Brylczyk
KoRn - Untouchables, June 11th, 2002
I went on both Pheonix and Sandstorm when I was there (but not the Trambant ride.) Sandstorm was by far the strangest 'scrambler' ride I have ever been on. Too bad you didn't go on it. You start out slow, and it doesn't pick up speed fast. The thing is it won't stop picking up speed! By the time they slow it down, you've though 'it's not going to go any faster' ten times!
Webmaster of Travis's Websites of Infinite Boredom!
Less than 2 months until SFGAm opens!
Very Scary, Kyle.
I did pass sandstorm, and it looked like a basic scrambler.
I was hoping to get another ride or two on Kumba, but it was getting late and the area was getting crowded.
How much more floorless can they get?
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