Jim Wolgamuth
Jim Wolgamuth
ZNitroMan said:
If no one knows, I'll have to just stick a volt meter onto two wires, or wire hangers and stick 'em on the floor and ceiling during the ride :)
I can picture some one using a Simpson Meter(VOM), or a DMM on a bumper car ride. Plus I dont know how well that would work, because to measure current you have to break the circuit.
So you believe that you are studying us, then kindly explain why you are the ones trapped in your seats.
Six Flags: "Catapulting shameless apostasy to a new stratum of excitement and entertainment!"
--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"Friendship -- more lasting than love, more legal than stalking."
Kings Island's cars on the other hand are pathetic as are a lot of cars from the larger parks. Why is that?
I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.
If my hunch is correct, nothing happens unless you touch two strips at the same time while the power is on. This is the way to complete the circuit... and as you know, without a complete circuit, there's no electricity.
I know that there are now battery operated models available, so I suspect that there are some 24v units out there now. So I don't think we have a definitive answer (anybody know anybody at Majestic we could ask?). But it seems that 90v DC is or at least was an industry standard.
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Hmmm, so I wonder if it'd be possible to leave a car stranded by positioning it so that it's straddling only hot strips (or only ground strips) :)
--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"Friendship -- more lasting than love, more legal than stalking."
Actually, we used to play a basketball-like game called Rue-Le-Ball. Very fun!!!
"Know thyself!"
--Dave Althoff, Jr.
That's proof positive that Darwin's Theory of Evolution isn't always true ;) ;)
--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...
Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)
Jim Wolgamuth
"Lord help me I love pudding"
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