I realize what they did to get the supports on Goliath and the extra supports around the central elevator shaft of the tower... stacked the one type of support structure available in the scenery section.
My problem is this...
When I try to duplicate this support structure stacking, I place the base support, hold the shift key, and then move my mouse to move the cursor up the screen to extend the structure. Problem is this... I run out of screen... my cursor goes off the top of the screen and I can't drag the support structure any higher after that.
How can I continue stacking the support structure past this point to create the type of customized structure seen in the Magic Mountain scenario?
All you can do is just zoom out to the max & try from there....it would help if you place your view point of the attraction you're trying to add supports to as close to the bottom of the screen as possible.
As for the elevator/observation tower I still can't build my own using stacked scenery so I just use one of the two towers from either the SFMM or SFOT scenario's instead,although I much prefer using the SFMM one because the peeps become hopelessly lost when on the SFOT one.
Exactly how high are you trying to go?
Well frankly my dear I don't give a damn.
I've not tried the change of resolution. I had thought about that, but I just didn't try it yet. I will next time I load RCT2 (and am more awake).
How big is this coaster you're trying to make supports for?
Even changing the screen resolution and zooming out didn't help much when stacking scenery at that height. That's really the only time I've had trouble with it. Altough I hope that the height issue is more manageablein RCT3 since we know that we will be able to build as high as rocket coasters go.
Lord Gonchar said: How big is this coaster you're trying to make supports for?
Hyper coaster... Ground level is 0 feet, highest track is 200ft.
The other "situation" I ran into was with an observation tower using the "elevator" type of supports (I really believe it was the "mine shaft", because Magic Mountain's Sky Tower was not a pre packed ride). Luckly it wasn't long until R&D gave me the traditional "double decker revolving observation tower", so adding the details to the top of the "Mine Elevator" type of tower was a moot point.
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