Breaking News From SFGAdv

Just reported on 9 News in Cincinnati!

Riders at Six Flags Great Adventure were stranded for 45 minutes upside down on Superman Ultimate Flight (while showing a video from a chopper of Batman and Robin The Chiller and very briefly cuts to a shot of a train on Supermans lift) until rescue crews could get them down.

Now how lame is this? Why in Cincinnati when they don't even know what they're showing or talking about?

I already reported this to the news section and its in my trip report. :>) *** Edited 8/19/2004 3:42:32 AM UTC by Crashmando***


Wow, so my news got it completely wrong then. Seems pretty lame. I was just pointing how big of a breaking news story it is to be here in news in Cincinnati.
Confused here...the link says B&R:TC. How would a power outage get S:UF stuck?
There are no places to get stuck upside down on SUF. You're either on your stomach or on your back. It sounds like the link Crashmando has is what really happened.


Superman was down when I got there and was opening back up. Chiller was down the rest of the night. Nitro opened back up at about 7:30pm. Great American Scream Machine opened back up with S:UF. Ferris Wheel and Parachutes never opened back up. There was about 4 or 5 News Choppers there.


I'm sure this will end up in the news section (or not), but I feel bad for my friend who was supposed to have gone there yesterday. I know I was there in 99', and there was a mass power outage in the park. It seemed like most of the new rides for that year were affected. Medusa finally came back on line later in the day, but most of the other rides weren't so lucky. Needless to say, people were upset as they couldn't get information on what was going on. The only way I could think of S:UF riders getting stuck is in the station. I would think it would take power to lower the train into the unload position.
Rides at Six Flags Great Adventure breaking down is news? I was there on the 17th and I thought break downs were simply standard operating procedures at SFGrAdv.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
ugh, whatever!
So was it partly upside down? LOL

*** Edited 8/19/2004 2:57:29 PM UTC by Raptor Pilot***

Most reporters (and riders for that matter) seem to think that being tilted on your side at a 15-degree angle is upside-down, so I have to question the accuracy of that part of the article. The train being stuck while entering the inline twist is NOT upside-down!
I talked to my friend who visited the park, and he said it wasn't really that big of a deal. He said the funny part was listening to all of the rumors, which were spreading fast.
I was there and I think it was a big deal. When you have to remove riders from every single ride weather they are mid air or in the station its always a big deal. Now times it by all the rides they have at the park. It turns into something huge. Anyone see the pics of the guy in on the Parachute ride. They had a sky scraper thing come down and get him. Now why can't that stuff happen to me?


How did the Chiller get stuck upside down? Are there brakes on the train? Are there brakes in the middle of an inversion? I don't really get how it could be stuck upside down.

I Krave Koasters
If you look at the photo the train is stuck a the top of the brakes runs at the end of the track not in an inversion.


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