Boy dies after riding Rock 'n' Rollercoaster at Disney-MGM

Posted | Contributed by jonrev

A 12-year-old boy from Kentucky died Thursday after riding the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster at Disney MGM Studios, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Michael Russell complained about being ill after the ride and fainted, according to a Orange County Sheriff's Office representative.

Read more from WKMG/Orlando.

^Which brings up another point. People get confused over what is considered "healthy" and what is not. It is assumed that people who are overweight are not healthy and those who work out 3+ times a week are generally healthy. This is not true at all. Being healthy and being in good physical condition are two totally different things.
The autopsy report was released today (

Congenital heart defect. Nothing the family could have known about. In fact, this is something that could've happened as he jumped out of a tree or was playing with his friends. Always tragic to hear these things, especially while families are at the "Happiest Place on Earth".

I agree with you most of what you said Coasterbuzzer. There are obviously some people who can't escape their large size due to thier genes, but are fit people who eat right, don't have any family history of heart disease etc. In general though (and this is not just my theory), you still shouldn't be pounding back a box of Krispy Kremes everyday. There are definitely good benefits to not being overweight.

That's sad about the congenital heart defect. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that Disney might not be the only ones getting sued. It's no wonder doctor's are paying such high liability rates. They'll probably sue his primary care and/or obstatrician (sp?) for not catching the problem as well.

SFoGswim's avatar
It's sad for the family, don't get me wrong, but it's sad for Disney, too.
I don't understand why they would have reason to sue Disney at all.
IMO 9deaths in 3 yrs is a lot for any Park. I couldn't imagine losing my son or my daughter at a park and I take them all the time but that thought never enters my mind. They both have just started riding SROS at SFNE which is a very intense coaster.
Is that fact that Disney World has had more deaths since 2003 than any park in the world because the resort is one of the most popular tourist attractions in th world?

It's almost unfair for Disney. They attract so many people, and that unfortunately includes people who shouldn't ride their attractions due to health issues.

That said, I feel very sorry for the family.

Don't have all the facts at this time. Has there been a report yet as to the cause of death? Do we know if there was a pre-existing condition?
They'll probibly sue the Dr. as well as the park. Keep in mind, they did not discover this heart defect until they did the autopsy. Some defects cannot be found until something bad occurs.

I feel sorry for the family. Being a father of two daughters, the thought of out-living my kids freaks me out.

I feel for the attendants on that ride. That has to be a horrible thing to see.

The fact that Disney draws huge numbers every year makes it the prime target for statistical problems. Look at it this way: Which city has more car accidents? A. Houston Texas or B. Aliquippa PA?

(talk about timing though. On the History channel, Modern Marvels ran a two hour special on Disney)

My sympathies to Michael's family, I hope they overcome this tragedy. It really must suck to die so young, especially while having fun at Disney World.

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