Boomers 12/27

Associated parks:

I got an all-day pass to ride the Hurricane, rode it ten times in a row, ate lunch, rode it another ten times in a row, went home tired.

"I never apologize. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am." -Homer Simpson

This is the type of detailed TR that I would expect Homer Simpson to write.

Jonathan Hawkins
"There is a cluster of bees at the top of the lift. Sorry for the inconvenience."

The important thing is I didn't imagine it! -Homer

"I never apologize. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am." -Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Homer Simpson on 1/1/2003. ***

Ride the blender?

A sailor went to sea,sea,sea to see what hee could see,see,see. But all that he could see,see,see was the bottom of the deep blue sea,sea,sea!

Nope, just the Hurricane.

"I never apologize. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am." -Homer Simpson

Wow, CPNut, a two sentence trip report. Looks like you succeded in drawing attention to yourself one again. What happened to Chris Sawyer, who at the very least acted like a semi-normal member and wrote halfway thoughtful posts?

Hey, a trip report is a trip report. That's really the whole thing. I spent the day at an amusement park. It specifically says in the forum menu under Trip Report, "Write about your day at the park." Or something like that. Anyway, that was my day at the park. You don't like it you don't have to respond.

"I never apologize. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am." -Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Homer Simpson on 1/3/2003. ***

I went on the 26 and rode it 14times. Gotcha beat ;). Plus the gocarts, a round of putt putt and a lot of quarters on DDR. I haven't had much time to write a TR but maybe I'll get to it sometime.
Wow, have you lost weight? I think I can make a more descriptive TR on my last trip to the bathroom. Take a look at all the other TRs and you'll see how interesting one can get (Note STChick's TR where she didn't even ride a thing). Good luck on your next TR as Marge Simpson or Homer's Nuts or whatever your name may be. It's ok though. I'm still a fan.

Go Boomers!

-Danny, who had waffles... with maple syrup... this morning!

Captain Obvious has "issues". I'm Number 2. :)

Personally I like it. Short, sweet, to the point. It's a lot better than some of these people, who, instead of getting a life, write reports longer than Websters Dictionary.

'...we met up with my friends in the parking lot, and ate bananas, cause that's our favorite breakfast food. When we were done eating, we sat and talked. Then, a bird flew overhead...' Get on with it. Tell me what the rides were like, not what color underwear you had on that day.

Thumbs up, Homer. Thumbs up!

I like reading the long reports. In fact I find that the descriptions of the coasters (which I've read over and over) are the most boring part of trip reports. The most interesting parts are who was there and what happened between the rides.

You don't believe me, read Sean F.'s epic European Odyssey TR or one by Coasterville Dave.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I think the reason for a trip report is to be able to give details on what a park was like at a certain time. It helps us all to visuialize how well the park is doing.

Was it crowded? Did they run more than 1 train on their coasters? Was their any ride closures? Were the prices right? Were the rides fun or not? Did coaster x seem rougher than usuial? How long did you stay? Do you recomend that we visit the park or not?

There are so many questions to be answered when one writes a TR, and I only scrapped the surface. This TR exibits lazyness on the grandest of scales. That or maybe the kid is in need of a more interesting life.

Poor kid...


I went on the 27 thats pretty werid cause I think I rode next to you. Were you were wearing a blue RNR shirt?

22 diffrent coasters ridden this year

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