Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Attention mr. troll designer: The facts are that Arrow / S&S maintains a working relationship with the Thompson family. Who supplied the train repair parts and fiberglass when they collided in 2000? McDonalds? Its past your bedtime little man.

"Every Man Has Got to Know His Limitations"
*** This post was edited by Agent Johnson 2/1/2003 12:01:35 AM ***

Arrow might have provided glass and there are some parts unobtainable anywhere else. The PMBO is a piece of crap that was falling apart from day one, which is typical of Arrow rides. What are you going to sell them Alan? a reliable(sic) 4th dimension? I tell you what, you can call and wake me up when Arrow sells them another anything, Ha Ha I plan on sleeping in.
I am not sure what BPB have against Arrow but they certainly don't have anything against S&S because otherwise they wouldn't have purchased a Double Shot for Southport.

Also who said the Big One was getting retracked, it needs it but no one has said it is actually getting done. In fact the only vaguely solid rumour you will hear about the place is, "Blackpool want the height record back!"

Anyway Blackpool is one excellent park and one I am glad to be a semi-regular visitor to!

JawCoasters - UK Coaster Reviews, Pictures and Cartoons.

Either BPB made the Big One a jumping coaster, or they where re-tracking it when I was there. You could find track-pieces all over the park and parking lots.

Dutch Coastin' :: European coasters, thrills and theming!

The Big One is having work done to improve the ride, make it back to its formerself, nearly 10 years old so I am sure we will see some sorta celebration :)


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