Big wood coasters that have survived time.

American Eagle

I don't know about American Eagle. Lat time I rode it came to an almost complete stop before entering the final helix.

In fact I thought we were back in the station. LOL

I will give you that the ride is twice as good this year as it was last year.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Ode to the offseason:
Offseason Offseason what shall I do? Who cares the sun is still shining the sky is still blue! GET A LIFE!

Tuke said:
well being a PKI employee at the beast it has survived since the opening in 79 and the only modifications have been those dreaded brakes and they had to rebuild some parts.. the beast i great it only experienced one mishap the train slid through the brakes and hit anther train. but other then that I love that ride its great. I hope to ride it myself when I am in my 30's

Is this english?

There's hate for Texas Giant in the air...

Texas Giant is, and will be my #1 coaster until proven otherwise.

There's only one time to ride it- fall and winter at night. That's then it seems to run best.

Believe it or not: God loves you and can save you!
Do you believe?

My vote goes to The Beast. The Blue Streak is smooth considering its age.

*** This post was edited by AirTimeMan on 12/22/2002. ***

Dorney I understood it fine. Anyways, I think The Beast has stood up very well. Sure the brakes slow it down faster, and the drop isn't as good, but it's ok I still love it. Also, I think the ride that hasn't stood up well against time is Mean Streak.

The Beast at night-Two peas in a pod? Next article against Markey!

Hmm...large wood coasters. I guess the large woodies
I've ridden with my comments are:

ST: My #1, just kicks ass and only has roughness at bottom of the first drop.

The Boss: Very good, about #8 on my woodie list but it is rough but the coaster is still very good!

Tx Giant: Was very good last time I rode it in '98. Just outside of my top ten now. It is rough, but still has good steep drops with air, nice design.

The rest...not too good.

Le Monstre is just kinda blah. Not bad, but not good. It isn't too rought but doesn't have too agreesive drops either and the trains suck big time. (Morgans)

Son of Beast- Somewhat rough, some ok drops but no airtime. Just fast and rough without any good spots like The Boss or ST. Boring really, although better then rides below IMHO.

The Beast- Rough in a bad way, no airtime whatsoever but it shuffles. Not overly rough but it is all bad roughness and no good slammin' airtime roughness like the TX Giant.

Mean Strek- slowed down to get ride of roughness. Also re-profiled in a few spots. Just plain boring.

Hercules - Ditto

American Eagle - Ditto

I guess I like big woodies if they are good, regardless if they have some roughness. If the deliver good airtime and a fast ride then roughness is ok. If they do nothing but try to go fast, and are rough, but have no air or interesting elements then they suck. (SoB, Beast, MS, AE, Herc)


Peabody said:

Without considering CCI, I say that White Cyclone is the only big woodie over 5 years old that I thought was in good shape.

Meh, it was pretty rough during my rides. What ever happened to that other guy that went to Spa Land? I want to know his opinion.


If you would like tickets to Hitler call 213-duwerdest eine krankenschwester brauchen!

PT300, do you mean me?

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

PT300, Rob had pretty much the same feelings I did. Sorry your rides weren't as good :(

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

No, I was thinking of Cmisen or whatever his name was. I believe he got to ride Dodonpa.
Vater's avatar

I've wondered about Texas Giant myself. I'd heard nothing but negative comments about it, so I was expecting another Mean Streak when I first rode it (September of this year). TG is now my #4 woodie. Back seat was amazing. What gives? Do people expect every coaster to be Schwarzkopf-smooth anymore? After all the crap I've heard about Hercules lately, I'm going to ignore it and expect a good coaster when I ride it next year.

So anyway, Texas Giant is my #4, and Beast is my #1. So there are my contributions to the 'Big Wood Coasters That Have Survived Time' uhh...thingy. Actually, if we're talking about only the coasters that haven't become rough over time, then I nominate Mean Streak, also. Time didn't make it rough, just slow. Actually, trims made it slow. So nevermind.

Track Record: 117

Texas Giant is very moody... The hot, dry Texas summers haven't been kind, but SFoT always does their best by rehabbing parts of it every year. I'd say the best times to ride is after a rainstorm, everything seems to give a little more and the ride seems better. I've had incredible rides on the Giant, as well as horrific ones to which I replied I'd never ride again...

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

nasai's avatar

Well, yeah Lewis, as you know already, Peabody and I really enjoyed our rides on White Cyclone. I don't really have much to say about it, except that it was very enjoyable with very smooth transitions, and the lowest clearance of any woodie I have ridden. Those headchoppers mean business. I will give you points on it later in the day, though. It was a pretty rough way to end the day for me. Granted, it was over 100 degrees that day, with the rain, but WC was quite violent at the end, at least for me.

Cmiesen is here in Seattle, and super busy with school, so you won't see him around too much, at least for the time being.

Merry Christmas!
----------- - Angels we have heard on high

The Great American Scream Machine is celebrating its 30th anniversary of operation this year and the only real bad rough area is at the bottom of the loop. Sources tell me though that this should be corrected by some retracking in that area along with the turn to the lift. I would consider this pretty good counting the rides age and its relative smoothness to when it opened, that is if you can count any wooden coaster smooth.

Only woodie I've ever rode that was truly smooth-Blue Streak at Coastermania '02

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