Big New Silver Dollar City Attraction

True 'nuff.

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Jeff's avatar

I disagree. When you stay on-property at Disney or Universal, the cheese goes unseen. In fact, I think that's why the Magical Express busses take a rural route from the airport, so you don't have to see any of it.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Hey, I like Clifton Hill. It's like a Canadian Coney Island.

Clifton Hill is bizarrely awesome.

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rollergator's avatar

Re-tracking this thread because of today's deliciousness....

The picture SDC just put up on their FB page...pure insanity. Gonna have to get some "baldknobber" action next year!

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

The announcement video has Thunderhead footage spliced in with some NoLimits footage. This means that the ride is going to automatically suck.

It looks awesome though!

Sawblade5's avatar

Here's a picture of the barrel rolls on the ride so you guys can drool on it off of twitter:

Last edited by Sawblade5,

Chris Knight

LostKause's avatar

My mind has been blown.. kaPOW!

Lord Gonchar's avatar

So the layout that leaked back at the end of July was 100% legit. Cool!

eightdotthree's avatar

Parks are finally starting to get that gimmicks and being the fastest, steepest, etc, doesn't make a good ride. Oh wait...

Steeper generally indicates more (or more extreme) airtime. I'm OK with parks chasing that one.

Inversions on a new-age woodie are an inevitable progression that happens to be easily marketable. Plus, lap-bar only barrel rolls are a wonderfully dynamic, airtime-filled maneuver (see also: blue fire).

The oppositely-banked air hill looks to have all the floater of a regular air hill, but with gobs of rotation for the purpose of disorientation and fluidity of transitions to the preceding/following elements. No complaints there either.

Sandwiched in between all that is a brutally high speed, ground hugging turn, a double-dip ravine dive, a double-up ravine exit.

I'll poo-poo gimmicks all day long, but I see care and consideration behind just about every inch of this layout. Call them gimmicks if you want, but heavy helpings of "-est" on promotional material is not a defacto indication of a lazy design or a bad ride.

Last edited by BBSpeed26,


Jason Hammond's avatar

The heartline roll on Blue Fire was my least favorite part of that ride. The same with Dare Devil Dive.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

To each their own - I thought it was the best part. MACK must like it too, since they've included it on an otherwise inversion-free mega-lite style hypercoaster.


Jason Hammond's avatar

I found them awkward and uncomfortable. Kinda like me. :-)

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Vater's avatar

Well, at least like your avatar. What is that, anyway?

Jason Hammond's avatar

I took it from Cedar Point's halloweekend brochure this year. It is advertising their new haunt, The Eden Muse Wax Museum.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Vater's avatar

It's staring into my soul.

sws's avatar

Jason, your avatar looks like it could really use a bran muffin.

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