Big Chief's

How are the coasters at Big Chief's? 
they are ok.  I rode the psyclops..and you go through the track twice. 

Ride Op-SFGAm
Certified on: Roaring Rapids, Loggers Run/Ice Mountain Splash, Batman The Ride, V2, and Deja Vu.

"they are ok."

What were you on? Pegasus and Little Titans? The 2 big coasters rock!

Cyclops I'll admit is boring, until the last drop. Even though the rest of the ride is boring, that last drop makes it my favorite coaster I've been on. The ride is so short, you get to the drop really fast, and you also go down it twice, so that makes it twice as good. It's the most intense airtime I've ever had. Some people I have chatted with that have been on both Cyclops and Raven say the airtime on the last hill and Raven's 3rd (?) hill are comparable.

Zeus, it's just plain ecstasy. It's got something for everybody. Postive Gs, negative Gs, and laterals. The only thing it lacks is what all woodies should lack, loops. Right off the lift, you take a almost 180 degree turn and head out to the woods, on the way encountering a double-up. Then you hit the sweetest turnaround, pounding you with continuous positive Gs which are powerful enough to crush a tin of Altoids so you can't open it easily, and then a double-down, a few hills, a turn, a hill, the station, and it all over again. One of the best parts of this is the ride ops don't care if you have your lap bar at once click. (It should have buzzbars like on Cyclops)

Even Pegasus is worthwhile, for a few rides. No airtime on it, but if you love laterals, you'll love Pegasus. Everywhere you get lots of laterals once your off the lift.

I don't know how good the kiddie coaster is, I've never ridden it.

I still have no signature.

The coasters at Big Chief are so far beyond "okay."  Both Zeus and Cyclops are *awesome* rides.  Cyclops has one of (if not the) best airtime moment on any coaster out there and Zeus has a fun layout way back in the woods.  I've never been a big fan of Pegasus, but it has its fan club.  It's a decent ride, certainly wilder than you'd expect from a "family coaster."  Not nearly as good as Cornball but not many wooden coasters are.  :-)
I didnt make it to zeus..but I also went on pegasus and that was was boring. 

Ride Op-SFGAm
Certified on: Roaring Rapids, Loggers Run/Ice Mountain Splash, Batman The Ride, V2, and Deja Vu.

OK has got to be an undertatement.  The Three CCI's are nothign short of Amazing.  Cyclops has teh most insane air I have ever experienced and nothign holding you in but the seatbelt, you are not even allowed to ride in the back seat unless you are over 18, the air is that intense.  Zeus is my favorite out and back short but back in the woods with the best turnaround I have ever had on a woodie and awesome air, be sure to ride it at night its just too awesome.  And I simply love pegasus, its so much fun its not even real.  Ride in the back seat and you will get some great little air and the turnatround is unique to say the least with alternating up and down throen in with intense flat turns that give the awesomest laterals.  You will laugh your but off on this ride.  Goes to show again that Denise tends to make her family coasters very intense.  The Dells are a great haven of wood believe you me.
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?
Mamoosh's avatar
TrBiggar - you think *ALL* woodies should have loops?  Thank god you're not working for CCI or GCI...yikes!
No no no. I said I think it lacks what all SHOULD lack. Loops are smooth, woodies are supposed to be rough (to a point, what I experienced on Gwazi was unaccepably rough, even for a woodie.)

Oh, and the "Cyclops Rule" of being 18 for the last seat... Don't belive it. Yes, there is a "sign" (black permanant marker on a railing of the line going into the station) but it is not enforced.
I still have no signature.

*** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 2/24/2002. ***

Heck, no rules are enforced there for that matter. Its like a free for all in that park.
Cyclops and Zeus are must rides, no question about it and I will hop on with everyone else here by saying that final drop on Cyclops is just insane. It has to be the most powerful ejector airtime on any coaster. It makes you wonder if CCI went a little overboard on that drop but if they did I am glad it was a possible oversight.
If you have to relieve yourself while you are there I recommend going somewhere else(if you can hold it). Those bathrooms at Big Chiefs are just straight up nasty.
Im going to grab a cold one! WHAT? Walk to my computer! WHAT? Turn the thing on! WHAT? Log on to Coasterbuzz! WHAT? I said log on to Coasterbuzz!! WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 2/25/2002. ***

TrBiggar said: Oh, and the "Cyclops Rule" of being 18 for the last seat... Don't belive it. Yes, there is a "sign" (black permanant marker on a railing of the line going into the station) but it is not enforced.

It was enforced until a couple of years ago when the last car was removed.  Now nobody gets to sit in the true back car.  :-)

*** This post was edited by coasterdude318 on 2/25/2002. ***

I think Zeus & Cyclops are one of my favorite CCI's I have been on. They do have some good air time and strong G's. What other park allows you to get to 2 free laps for the price of one :) ? Thats another reason to stop at Big Chief Carts & Coasters. I'm sure glad I made a stop to Big Chief on the way back to Minnesota during my coaster trip last year samething for this year but more laps ;).

Wild Thing: 75Laps! Power Tower: 73 Rides. Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair!

What type of trains are on them?  Not Gerstlauer I hope....

*** This post was edited by JoNoJ27 on 2/25/2002. ***

Zues and Cyclops are both above average coasters during the day.  At night, Zues is an incredible ride.  You are out in the woods and can hardly see anything - not quite Holiday World dark - but pretty close.  As for the trains, I think Zues is a regular PTC train and Cyclops might be as well but it has only one bar like Phoenix and Cornball Express.
Go Pack Go!

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