Big Chief Part 1 of 4parks July 26th-30th

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Trip: July 26th-30th

Parks: Big Chief, Six Flags Great America, Six Flags St. Louis, Adventureland.

This is my 2nd return to Big Chief Carts & Coasters. I left Minnesota on Friday after 2:30pm got there around 6:30pm. I stayed at the Skyline Hotel which is right near Big Chief. I decided to get a head start on my lap riding on Zeus & Cyclops before the full day on Saturday. I got some warm up laps. 4laps on each.

Saturday. I got there around 10am. I pretty much spend the whole day riding Zeus & Cyclops and did a few laps on Pegasus.

Zeus: 10/10

Zeus: Zeus is insane, fast, nice strong turns and helixs and some major air time. I rode in several different places in the train. By the way they are PTC trains ;). First few times were in the front followed in the middle and a lot in the back. I love the back on Zeus becuase it's an ejector seat ;).

Cyclops: 8/10

Cyclops is a little different shorter. Has a nice first drop and nice strong helix's and some decent amount of air time very smooth ride also.

Pegasus: 6/10

Pegasus was ok. It's not bad for if it's supposed to be considered a junior coaster. I couldnt realy find any air time but still delivers a fun ride.

I also did some go cart rideing for a while. The thing I like about Big Chief is on Zeus & Cyclops you get 2laps for the price of one. So I did 38laps on each not bad for one day. I also saw the famous Tommy show and rode the Wisconsin Ducks which are boat tours which was pretty cool. I will return next season because I love the Dells area. *2 Thumbs Up! :)*

Next up: Great America on Sunday followed by 6Flags St. Louis & Adventureland 1st visit. Stay Tuned for part 2.

Valleyfair Security 2002! 4year Security :). 8Years working at Valleyfair :)! "As everyone says got to get to Cedar Point and ride it"

*** This post was edited by The Beast on 7/27/2002. ***

Nice TR!

In 4 Days My 100th Coaster will be HyperSonic XLC

You didn't get over to Riverview for their Galaxi and kiddie coaster?? It's not much but's it's 2 more for the count if you can find a kid to ride the kiddie with.

Raging Bull= 100

And it's less than a mile away.

Raging Bull= 100

Good TR.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

A mile? Try practically across the street.

I can't see how anyone could rate Cyclops twisting first drop, whupstick #2 and the post-midcouse trench drop below Zeus. You must be a sucker for height and length. I kneel on a prayer rug pointed toward Cyclops' station three times a day. It's the Wisconsin Raven IMHO.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Curious, does Riverside sell individual ride tickets? I see the POP offered for $12, which is probably just as well since they do have a few flat rides that can be ridden as well as the Galaxi.

I've heard Big Chiefs has a fourth coaster, a steel family coaster, is that coaster operated in "Rent-A-Kid" mode?

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

Cville Dave - You can either do POP or Pay-per-Ride at Riverside.

"Look outside, I know that you'll recognize it's summertime." - The Flaming Lips "It's Summertime (throbbing orange pallbearers)"

You can ride Big Chief's fourth coaster (Little Titans, Miler kiddie) by yourself; you don't need a child. That park will take the money however they can get it.


Kick The Sky's avatar

CoastaPlaya said:

I kneel on a prayer rug pointed toward Cyclops' station three times a day.

I had my prayer rug pointed that way for many years but this year I turned it south towards Viper's station at Six Flags Great America. I agree with you though, Cyclops is the best thing going in that park. It is very short but also really insane. Absolutely monster ejector air from the back seat.

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

"So you think your'e really brave, gonna see the DEMONS cave.
You silly dude, your'e only food, for the DEMON"

Coasterville Dave said:

Curious, does Riverside sell individual ride tickets?

Yep....see CPlaya 100 Day 1 Park 2.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

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